Something Happened | Teen Ink

Something Happened

November 16, 2023
By deeanosour BRONZE, Cupertino, California
deeanosour BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I woke up. Something was wrong. I’m not supposed to wake up, I was never meant to wake up. They said I would be asleep forever, peacefully. This wasn’t the plan, I was told that I would be cured. Where is everyone? Where’s all the light? What is happening? Why is it so silent? It’s never silent, something happened. 

I called out, no response. I looked around. Why is there a lock on the door? Why is there shattered glass everywhere? I made my way to the door, avoiding the glass shards. I tried opening the door but it wouldn't budge. I picked up a piece of glass, and pried the lock, it worked. The door slowly crept open, revealing a mess in the hall. I stepped out, watching my every step, making sure I didn't step in anything. Why does this place look abandoned? They were thriving. Hundreds of employees, even more lined up to become employed. Everyone was happy. Everyone enjoyed their job. 

I continued to walk around, looking for someone. At the very end of the hall, I see this bright white light. I pinch myself to make sure I’m not dead. I walked into the light, thinking that this was the end. What’s happening? Am I dying? Nothing happened. I looked down through the window in front of me. Is that me on the operating table? How? I’m not dead yet, and what are they doing? I walked along the patio, trying to figure out what they’re doing to me. I walked enough to see the doctor's face, if only they would look up. I waited and waited, just waiting to see who it was. Who is that? Why is there only one person? Finally, they looked up. Oh my God! Why does he look like that? His face looked like it was slowly melting off, as if he was turning into a puddle. He went back to his work, and I finally saw what he was doing. “He’s draining out my blood!” I said out loud. Suddenly, he looked up, straight at me. He can’t see me, can he? He went back to his work, and I continued walking, then suddenly, something stabbed me in the neck. 

The author's comments:

For my set piece, I attempted to use imagery and internal thoughts throughout the story. My favorite part is the third paragraph where I explain what I see around me. 

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