How a hero can be viewed as a villain | Teen Ink

How a hero can be viewed as a villain

September 8, 2023
By Bigbroalext BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
Bigbroalext BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

   Our antiquated and steadfast headmaster Crane,” Larxene Sparta, your record says that you tend to get into a scuffle with other students but resorting to taboo is atypical and disappointing you are hereby-.” “She didn't do it!” Before you think I’m, a villain starting her ascendancy to evil let us take a few minutes back and then some to explain all the essential information you should know. So that you will not be in derision towards me but the person who put me in the predicament I’m in now. 
           Let us start at the beginning with the clans. The flame wolves who are proficient weapons experts and warriors who can be adventurers or guardians, the snow owls who are the scholars and inventors, the woodland deer who are wanderers for nature magic and to combine it with techno sorcery. The thunder sharks are pure techno sorcerers and are powerful either with money, fame, or magical prowess. You, tracking good, because now is the time to hear the name of our prudent academy. The Techno sorcery and magic academy. 
            All right now that you know about the school's history let us get into my herstory. I am a flame wolf. How we got here is a few minutes in the past, but more like a few hours after all every action needs a reason. 
        Such as breaking a rule that is taboo on school grounds. To force or autonomous unison of techno sorcery and magic. This rule is designed so that no student, high or low, can create a verboten object or spell. Without the approval of the educationist. This rule does not just apply to the students but the teachers as well. They also follow this rule by having a synod with every other teacher in the academy. 
    Now during the time before Headmaster Cane came along. I was doing my practice security rounds around the school, until. CRASH! The transmute room has been broken into. 
“Get to it dirt boy.” unknown female voice. “But this is against the rules and will get all of us expelled.” a younger student in the first year. I do not care just as long as I get more power to take down every single clan and you get your dream job.” At this point I had my eyes on the two suspects like a tiger hunting its prey. I recognized both in an instant: the girl is Hera Vorpal, a thunder shark, and the boy is Samael Theseus, a Woodland Deer. 
“It seems like all the pieces are all in place like sheep to a pen.” said Hera. “Oh really?” I questioned. “Really.” Hera replied with a moxie in her voice. Snap. Boom, boom, boom! An arena appeared all there was a rocky forest mountain terrain with a cliff that has an advantage point. Froom! A fire ball went hurling after me. But unfortunately for my adversary I'm proficient with fire magic where I can redirect mostly any fire spell. I grab the fire ball and chuck it back. 
    “Come on out now, Samael I know your innocent as a lamb. Unlike you Vorpal.” I can at least try to draw on of them out.” The Lamb isn’t here he already escaped unlike you.” Thunder bolt spell made its crescendo entrance much like its castor.” You already have everything you want in the thunder sharks, why need more power?” Control, we’ve been held back in power due to the other clans and I'm going to rewrite the school a school of only the rich and powerful come here.”  “So be it then.” When I replied I moved like a jaguar and pounced on my prey, ending the fight. A second later teachers burst into the room like a raging fire engulfing us in restraining magic and their presence. 
“And that's when you two were escorted here to my office?” “Yes, sir.” “Cane looked at me like he was passing his judgment upon me. And then to his computer” well it says here that, you Larxene Sparta your record says that you tend to get into a scuffle with other students but resorting to taboo is atypical and disappointing you are hereby-.” “She didn't do it!” A loud slam was heard when Samael came into the room. “Shes innocent.” “Explain, young Samael Theseus, yes?” Yes, sir I can tell you what really happened today.”  Everything was explained the bribery, project and confession. “Well, it seems like you came at the right time then. Larxene I expect a full report on what happened. Unfortunately for you and Ms. Vorpal Samael.” Cane said with sadness that weighed down the room. “I'm aware of the consequences sir and I welcome them with humility.” 
When we all left the room, I was given praise while both Samael and Hera were given looks of disappointment and anger. This story isn’t about me, but someone must be there to tell the lesson in life whether to sacrifice yourself for the greater good or see yourself become the very thing you swore to destroy. But not all people become villains, sometimes there just the hero who did the right thing. 

The author's comments:

   That I based this off of harry potter along with Dungeons & Dragons.

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