The Legend of the Seven Elements | Teen Ink

The Legend of the Seven Elements

September 7, 2023
By JoselyneE0383 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
JoselyneE0383 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

         ” There are many galaxies, all of them connected to one another. Each galaxy is defined by the presence of the elements of the Universe. These elements are all collectively made up of Energy, power derived from the utilization of physical or chemical resources, primarily to provide light and heat. Gravity is the force that attracts an object towards any other physical body having mass. Ether is a place of voids, darkness, black holes, and nothingness. Nature is the phenomena of the physical world collectively, including the elements that make up the Earth. Time is everything that exists, has existed, and everything that will exist. Life is the circumstance that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter. Reality is the state of quality of having existence or substance. The seven elements choose their wielders, but all wielders have been killed. Seven new wielders have been selected and now must take on the responsibility of saving the universe.

The balance of the Milky Way was suddenly going into chaos, with blocks of space just starting to dissolve in front of humanity's eyes. Scientists can’t explain the phenomenon and just write it off as something supernatural and out of their reach. The Earth is slowly being affected with all the chaos around it taking a toll on Earth's agriculture due to the weak energy of the Sun. The Earth is slowly dying. The Sun is cooling, the Moon is drifting away from orbit and the stars seem dim and weak. The Elements cannot survive alone, they survive off one another. Without time, you can’t have space, without light there is no darkness, and so forth. The vast expanse of the universe contains more life than anyone from the Milky Way Galaxy can even begin to imagine. There exist many galaxies, each one tentatively connected to the others, defined by the presence of the elements of the universe. In each significant galaxy, a guardian or wielder contains one of the elements and harnesses its power to balance out the universe. These guardians are gifted with markings of space and time that provide them with their power, but their power can only be used at its full potential when the guardian is in possession of the elemental gems formed from the beginning of time. Without these gems, the universe will fall.``

Ares’s eyes were wide as she read the page of the run-down book she had just found. She runs her fingers through her dark red hair as she starts questioning all that’s happening. The book got everything right. There have been more problems ensuing lately in the world that scientists couldn’t explain. It couldn’t be true though, it’s just a book. It couldn’t possibly be true. She takes a deep breath and takes a while to process what she just read. There are guardians for elements, they pass down when the guardian dies, the universe is dying, and it all depends on a few gems.  It was all hard to take in. Ares finally stood up and put the book back where she found it in the library, she started walking away but suddenly stopped. She turns around and looks at the book. She bites her bottom lip debating whether to take it home or not, but something is pulling her towards the book, she rushes back to the book, grabs it, and rushes to the checkout. As she pulls out her library card, she notices the librarian just staring at her with wide eyes, confused, she looks around wondering why the librarian is just staring at her. “Is there something on my face?’ she asks the librarian as she raises her hand to touch her face. The librarian shakes her head “No, nobody has been able to read this book in years. It’s shocking.” She scans the book and hands it to Ares. She keeps a hard grip on the book as she looks Ares in her eyes ``Be very careful.” Ares just looks at her with a confused face and nods “Yeah, thanks''. Ares takes it and walks away. As she walks back home, she keeps thinking of what the librarian told her, what did she mean by her being the only one able to read the book? She tries to make sense of it but can’t, so she decides to put on her headphones and walk the rest of the path with her thoughts drowning in the melody of her favorite song. Looking up at the dark starless night, Ares started remembering all the books she’d read on astronomy, how the stars and the moon would light up the night sky and naturally illuminate everything around you, and now the stars were dim and emitting a low light, almost non-existent and the moon was nothing but a speck in the distance. This was all due to the failing gravity of the Earth as it drifts aimlessly into the empty void of space. The sky didn’t look as majestic as the older generations would make it out to be, instead providing a haunting tension, a foggy ominous feel. Her shoes echoed against the concrete as she turned a corner to get into her apartment complex. Humming to herself, she pulls out her keys from her bag, slips her keys from her handbag into the doorknob, and enters through her apartment door. Switching out her boots for her slippers takes off her scarf and winter coat and changes into more comfortable clothes, Ares flicks on the light to her kitchen, moves on to grab a cup of tea, and turns on the radio.

  “Scientists are yet to understand the phenomenon stating that the galaxy has no reason to be reacting so strangely. We’ve been seeking answers for the past seven weeks but there’s still no explanation for the sudden loss of gravity and heat in our planet. The question on everyone’s mind remains; What is going to become of us?’

Ares decides to turn the radio off and instead sit on her couch, a small knock sounds from the front door. Confused, Ares walks her way down the hallway and places her hand against the metal handle, slowly and carefully swinging the front door open. She shuddered as the cold air flooded inside her apartment and hit her frame. She quickly composed herself and looked at the guy standing in front of her. He looked around her height, his midnight black hair fell messily over his forehead and popped against his pale skin along with his sharp feline eyes, as dark as the night sky. He was dressed in ripped jeans and a basic white t-shirt. He looks at her and his eyes widen. Confused, she looks out into the hallway before returning her gaze to him. “Can I help you with something?’ She asks. He stays quiet for a moment before walking through her door and turning to her. “You’re her, you’re the one that’s going to make everything right.” Ares stares at him blankly, “I’m sorry you must have me confused with someone else. Now, I would appreciate it if you got out of my apartment.” she says stunned. “No, I’m sure you’re the one. You’re the one who’s going to reunite all the guardians.” he says. “Guardians? Chosen one? What are you talking about?’ she uttered. “The book. It’s all in the book.” he states. “The book? What boo-” Ares then remembers the library book she checked out at the library earlier in the day. She rushes to her bag and pulls out the book. She reads the title out loud, “The Legend of the Seven Elements”. She looks up and looks at the strange guy from earlier looking at her. She sees the sincerity in his eyes and something in her tells her to listen to him. With the shock now lessened, she sits down and looks at the floor, throwing her hands up against her forehead. “Okay. Can you explain to me who you are, why are you here, and what is going on?’ He starts walking towards the small couch she has, her now cold tea sitting still on the coffee table, he sits down, moves his elbows to his knees, and looks at her. “Everything in that book is true. My name is Zenith. They’re guardians for the main elements of the universe which are; energy, gravity, life, ether, time, nature, and reality. Each guardian has a gem that goes with their power to be able to use said power at their fullest potential. When a guardian dies, the element chooses another guardian. I’ve been looking for you ever since Earth started losing its gravity. You’re the only one who can find all of us and help save the Milky Way before the Phairons start looking for us or worse, the gems. If the Phairons find the gems, they’ll destroy them and if they find any other guardian before us, they’ll kill them and it’ll be harder for us to find the next guardian.” Ares just stares at the strange guy whose name she knows is Zenith. “Who are the Phairons? Why do they want to kill you and the other guardians and destroy the gems? What are you the guardian of?” She bombards him with questions. He looks at her and calmly answers every question. “The Phairons are beings from another universe but unlike ours, they don’t have many resources and have always come to attack us but the guardians always held them off, now I’m guessing they managed to kill the guardians and they’re going to take advantage of it so we need to find the others quickly. They want to kill us and destroy the gems because they want our universe. I’m the guardian of gravity” he finishes as he tilts his head up to the side allowing Ares to see a small crescent-shaped moon mark behind his ear. “Wow. So how do we find the rest? Do you know where they are?’ asks Ares.” Yes, I do, I was trying to find all of you since this started, you’re the first one I found.” he continues “They’re all actually close to here. Which is great because the sooner we all get together, the sooner we can help the universe.” “Do you know them?” “No, but I didn’t know you either and I know that you’re our guardian. Us, guardians of the elements, can sense each other and I sensed you and I noticed when you sensed me.” Ares looks at him strangely, Zenith notices “When you sat down and started asking questions. Anyway dear guardian, we’ll head out tomorrow morning to start our quest for the rest of us.” He says as he lays on the couch. Ares stares at him blankly, walks down the hallway to a small closet, and pulls out a blanket with some pillows. Walking back to the living room, she puts it down at the feet of the couch and mutters, “Good night.”, “Good night dear guardian.” says Zenith. As Ares walks back to her room, she can’t believe what happened in just a few minutes. She lays down on her bed and replays the conversation over and over in her head, processing and rethinking every word and sentence said. Slowly her eyes start closing as she drifts off to sleep. 

      The next morning, Ares wakes up the next day to the morning sky being a soothing lavender and not the usual gray sky. She grumbles as she starts waking up, her red hair sticking to her cheek, her cheek wet from her drooling. She wipes off the drool and slowly starts remembering the events from last night. Quickly, she stands up and runs down the hallway to the living room. Getting to the living room she sees the couch empty and the blanket and pillows folded neatly on the coffee table. Confused, Ares starts walking around her apartment looking for Zenith. She sits down on the couch, confused, about to declare herself going insane when the front door opens and Zenith walks in carrying coffee and donuts. Zenith sees Ares sitting down on the couch, still in her pajamas with her hair all over her face and her cheeks red from her running around her apartment. “What happened to you? I doubt the Phairons already found you.” Ares looked at him embarrassed. “I was looking for you, I didn’t know where you were and I was worried.” Zenith looks at her with curiosity and walks towards her, sets down the coffee and donuts, and sits down next to her. “Everything’s going to be alright, even if something did happen, I’m a guardian remember? I can protect myself. Look at you being all protective of all of us already, I know you’re going to be an amazing guardian.” Ares processes his words and turns her head to look at him “You said last night that I’m your guardian. What does that mean? What should I do? I don’t even have powers, I’m banal.” she says, turning her head back and looking at the floor. Zenith wraps his arm around her “Being our guardian means that you protect us, you’re our glue, you’re the one who knows us for us and the one with the answers. Your powers don’t come like us, you’re not just chosen, everything in the universe aligns itself to appoint a guardian of guardians. You’re the most powerful one out of all of us. You just need time to know your powers and to unlock them and all that is going to happen once you start reading that book.” Ares looks up at Zenith “The book?” “Yeah, the book, it has all the answers to your powers.” Ares stands up with newfound confidence walks to where she had last left the book and stares at the cover with determination burning in her eyes. She turns to look at Zenith “Let’s go find the rest of you. We’re going to make everything right.” Zenith stares at her for a second and nods. “Alright, change and we’ll leave.’ 

“Alright, so the way the sensing works is determined by their powers, but right now, it’s weird I can sense all of them close to each other. They must all be sensing each other and are just getting closer to the energy of each other.” Zenith explains. “Wow, that’s cool, I still can’t sense any of y’all like that.” “It’s alright, it’ll take some time, your powers will ascend in no time.” Zenith comforts her, but quickly turns his head and almost starts running across the street. Confused and shocked, Ares just starts running behind him, Zenith’s shoes echoing on the hard ground and Ares falling behind. Ares is about to stop to take a break when Zenith stops at a park, she puts her hands on her knees and starts gasping for air, when she finally composes herself, she looks up and sees six other people standing next to each other, all of them making a circle. They all look at each other but nobody speaks. Ares takes the initiative and starts speaking “I’m sure you’re all wondering who each other is, and frankly I’m barely figuring it out myself, and I know this is going to sound crazy but we all have powers and we’re the defenders of the universe. Our antithesis is the Phairons, who are beings from another universe and they want to come and take our universe.” She looks at all of them and all of them have different reactions. “I’m sorry, what?” asks a tall guy with sharp eyes. He looks so serious. “Sorry, that was rushed. My name is Ares and I’m the guardian of guardians. This is Zenith. He’s the guardian of gravity. I’m sure you all noticed a small mark or tattoo that appeared out of nowhere. Zeniths is behind his ear and I’m sure you all have one either on the same spot or different spots. That means that all of you are a guardian of an element, each element has a different mark. The elements are energy, gravity, ether, life, nature, reality, and time. I’m sorry for bombarding you with this information out of nowhere and I know it’s hard to believe but aren’t you all wondering what was that force pulling you this way? Aren’t any of you curious why the world is ending?”  Ares takes a look at all of them, waiting for an answer or a reaction. She notices a short blonde girl with big doe eyes step closer to her. “I believe you.” Ares lets out a breath of relief and looks at the rest of them, she sees them nodding. She’s about to keep talking when they all hear an explosion. They all look up to the sky and see a meteor heading right at Earth. Next to the meteor they see thousands of little dots, looking closer, they see that they’re spaceships. Spaceships? How in the world do they have spaceships? Aren’t we more advanced? Ares looks around at the group and sees Zenith is gone. She looks up and sees Zenith up in the sky. Worried, Ares screams for him. What is he going to do? She doesn't know his powers or how they work exactly. She isn’t even sure they know how far their powers can go. The group all look at each other and nod. Why are they nodding? They don’t know how each other's powers work. Ares then sees them all using their powers to charge towards the spaceships. She has a little hope as she sees all of them destroying the ships individually, but she sees that they’re getting tired quickly they don’t look coordinated at all. Relieved that there weren’t any people around the park but anxious for all the guardians fighting without knowing how exactly to fight. She sees Zenith flying, clearly being the one with the best connection to his powers but not knowing how to coordinate them with the rest. Ares sees all of them getting more and more hurt. She pulls out the book and starts flipping through the pages, hoping to find something to help them coordinate their powers better. “ARES!!” a scream screeched through the air. Ares looks up only to get knocked to the ground. Ares starts seeing blurry, but she doesn’t notice when Zenith rushes down and lifts the tree off of her; the last thing she sees is a panicked Zenith as her vision goes dark.

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