Frozen to the Beach | Teen Ink

Frozen to the Beach

May 16, 2023
By Anonymous

Once upon a time Anna and Elsa lived in Arrendale. It has been almost 7 years since Elsa ran away and found out the severity of her powers. Anna is now married to Christoph and Elsa is still finding her powers in the right way. Olaf is still fantasizing about summer and the flowers. Elsa is supposed to give a big speech about her powers and new rules or policies of Arrendale. The whole family is nervous but the town is eager to listen to her speak. As Elsa is getting ready and getting her blue dress on to speak, Anna comes into the room,

“We should go on a trip,” she says with excitement, “you are always so nervous and anxious so I booked us a trip to Hawaii to let off some stress”

“As much as that sounds great Anna,” Elsa says stepping closer, “but Arrendele needs me”

“They will be fine for a week,” Anna replies, “Beesides, look how nervous you are right now. You are a wreck”

Elsa steps onto the balcony of Arrendales castle and announces her leave. As the crowd is surprised, Elsa needs a break. She steps off of the balcony, into her room to see that Anna has already packed for her. 

“I knew you were gonna try to say you didnt wanna go because you couldn't pack,” Anna says holding a  blue suit case, “so I packed for you, now get dressed like a normal person”

Elsa has to dress like a normal person since they are going to an airport. She puts on blue shorts and a white shirt that Anna found for her. Elsa takes a deep breath and walks down the stairs of the castle to the main floor to see her friends, Olaf, Anna and Cristoph all waiting for her. They grab all their luggage and walk out the bug wooden doors. 

Elsa starts looking around, “Where is our horse?”

“You seriously didn't think we were gonna take a horse did you,” says Anna pointing to a black car, “I called for a black car to pick us up”

Elsas eyes grow wide, she hops into the vehicle next to her sister and can smell fresh chocolate. Anna tells the driver to go to the Airport he starts driving. After 2 hours of driving, Elsa looks out the window and realizes where she is at. 

“Anna this is not a safe place,” says Elsa in worry, “this is where the snow monster lives and he can smell me from miles away, we need to get out of here”

The car starts to shake and they start to hear big thumps

“What did you do to him to make him so mad?” asks Anna. 

“When I was in my ice castle when I ran away, I stole all of his food and took it,” says Elsa 

The car gets lifted from the air and everyone falls out, Elsa knows what to do. She uses her ice hands to stop him. She shoots at his left foot to stop him from walking, then at his right. They start running as fast as they can but can hear the monsters roar behind them. Elsa shoots ice one more time at his face and he falls. They continue to run and they finally get to the Florida  airport, They make it just in time to their gate. When boarding the plans Elsa is confused on how to put on her seat belt, when asking Anna for help the plane takes off. They both struggled to get the seatbelt on but eventually get it. Anna and Elsa fall asleep during this 12 hour flight, Olaf is the only one awake considering he is so excited for summer. Finally getting to Hawaii, they are all burnt out and fall asleep in cold white sheets, in the hotel.

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