The Jukebox | Teen Ink

The Jukebox

April 28, 2023
By MollyPowers BRONZE, Evansville, Indiana
MollyPowers BRONZE, Evansville, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A chilling ghost story about a group of friends going on an adventure. It's a fun trip that turns into their nightmare!

“What are we doing this weekend” Sarah yells with curiosity and excitement to get the attention of everyone in the room. Everyone starts muttering about what they could do over the weekend. 

“ I have a great idea” Jonny exclaims.

“What if we go on a road trip? All of us! We might have to take two cars but it would be so fun”

Jonny goes on and on, nonstop. They all loved the idea of going on a road trip. So they started planning, they planned everything up to the last detail. The weekend finally came and everyone was so excited to get on the road, they divided everyone into two cars and headed out. All the friends decided to go to a town called Stars Hallow about 6-7 hours away that had multiple tourist attractions and a couple of notorious bars according to thee website of the town.

 They started the road trip and watched as the city turned into woods and swampy waters, and the interstate turned into two-lane backroads. The two cars got separated at some point between the interstate and the backroads, but none of them cared they were all going to meet at the hotel in Stars Hallow. Two hours into the car that was cruising on backroads decided they were hungry.

 Jonny who was sitting in the passenger seat knew they wouldn’t have any cell reception so he tells everyone to keep an eye out for a billboard with a dinner advertisement on it. After about 20 minutes of driving someone from the backseat 

says, “There is a dinner uphead about half a mile.” Everyone starts cheering in anticipation of food and a chance to stretch their legs. The group arrives at the dinner, it was a cute whittle place nothing fancy.  It llooked like a place where farmers would come to have a beer with friends and listen to music. The group walked into the building taking the neon “Open” sign accompanied by a couple of other beer advertisement signs as an invitation. 

As soon as they walked through the doors the smell of smoked brisket and beer flooded their senses.  That didn’t stop them from noticing the jukebox sitting up against a wall, Jonny decides to go play a song on the jukebox he chooses a random song just to see how well the jukebox plays. While Jonny was admiring the jukebox the rest of the group got seated and ordered their drinks. Jonny selects track C4. After he selected it the lights went out, it was pitch black.  While the darkness consumed the diner they heard a terrifying scream.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH’’ they all heard from across the diner. The lights promptly turned back on. Then the group was horrified by the sight of the waitress dead on the counter, with her ears ripped off of her. The whole group becomes frantic they all run for the door, the mall crowding the door you hear…

“ It’s locked!” Jonny screams. They all run back to the corner of the room. Which happened to be the corner with the jukebox Jonny bumps into the jukebox it starts to play a different song, then again like clockwork the lights went out and then right back on after a horrific scream. Then the group of friends sees a fellow friend laying on the ground same like as the waitress with the vocal cords missing. Jonny got the coldest chill when he bumped into the jukebox draining his emotions, his eyes become dead, his face becomes pale, and he is now possessed by death. Jonny now consumed by death and darkness, decides to play another song on the jukebox The others yell,

“ NO!!! Please don’t play anything else” as the others start to whimper in fear of what possessed him and what could happen next. The song starts to play, a soothing jazz song from the 80s begins to ring throughout the diner, it happens again lights out… lights on, one more died. But this time something changed Jonny wasn’t there he had disappeared. A few moments pass Jonny walked in from the back area of the diner, telling the others that he just started to run when the lights went out, yet Jonny was covered in blood. 

“ Jonny, what did you do?” Billy questions in complete fear. 

“Nothing, I just ran and slipped on the blood on the floor, I swear I didn’t do anything” Jonny tries defending himself. 

“We need to find somewhere to hide until someone else comes,” Zoe says crying uncontrollably. Everyone agrees and Jonny stayed quiet. They realize that they are trapped and don't know anything about how to get out. The group reiterated to cover the diner faster to find a way out. Angie and Jonny stayed in the front of the diner trying to figure out the jukebox. While examining the jukebox Angie’s hand slipped and she accidentally hit a button.

“I hit it!”

“Which button did you hit?” Jonny says while he starts to panic.

“The play button,” Angie says completely disappointed in herself

Music starts to play louder than it ever has, then like always it goes dark, bone-chilling screams comee from the kitchen. Lights return, and Angie notices that Jonny is gone. Angie goes to the kitchen to see which one of her friends has died now. She can’t believe her own eyes. Everyone else is gone… died, except for Jonny who disappeared again.  Yet Angie was met with the the image of everyone all with the exact same things happening. Angie could not take this anymore she finds a napkin holder and she launches it into a window and it shatters the window. Angie jumps through the window to freedom. But for Jonny he will be a part of the diner forever more. He became one with the ghost in the jukebox. The end!

The author's comments:

this piece was written in my creative writing class, and I never realized how hard it was to write it. 

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