Hunter Green | Teen Ink

Hunter Green

January 11, 2023
By Anonymous

There once was a famous king, he was very handsome and one of the best hunters, but he was mean and wicked. He owned his own bow and arrow and it would send him messages telling him the truth after he shot the target. Every day he would shoot his bow at the target after asking it a question like “Will I always be the best hunter”, the target would then reply “You always will be the greatest hunter”. The king had a son, his name was hunter, he was getting more handsome as the days went on. He loved to hunt and his favorite color was green. He walks through the woods everyday shooting the targets he has set up in order to practice so he can be the best hunter just like his dad. The next morning the king woke up and said to his bow and arrow, “Will I always be the greatest hunter?”, he shot the target and it said back, “You are now but soon your son Hunter will be”. This made the king enraged and made him send out his men to find his son and get rid of him and his bow and arrow. The men however, loved prince Hunter and would have never thought the king would snoop that low. They told him he needed to run away and find his sister.

He ran through the town of Wingheaven and through the deep forests where the biggest game is, that was bears. Prince Hunter found his sister Dove and explained everything to her. Dove told her brother he could stay with her as long as he wants, however; princess Dove could speak to animals. She didn’t hunt, all of the animals were friends and treated like her children. Prince Hunter began to understand the ways of his sister and he helped around the house and took care of all of the animals and kept them safe. Every night prince Hunter would go to bed wondering what his dad was going to do to him, and what he would have done if he didn’t run away. The next morning, the king was practicing his shooting and began to wonder if his son was dead and if he is now still the greatest hunter of all. The king lines up his arrow to the target asks the arrow, “Since prince Hunter is dead, am I still the best hunter?”, he lets go of the bow and dead center of the target it answers, “Prince hunter is the best hunter of all, and now with his sister”. 

The king grew furious to find out that his men did not get rid of his men like he said, he then took matters into his own hands. He was very determined to get rid of his son. He began to talk to the fairy godmother asking her for potions and poisons. The king went on his way to find prince Hunter and get rid of him for good. The king dipped his arrow in the potion, found his son outside feeding the birds, aimed and fired. The prince fell to the ground and the king disappeared. Princess Dove walked outside to what seemed to be her lifeless brother on the ground. All of the animals surrounded him and built him a little home around him to keep him safe. A few days go by and all of the animals still protect him and stand guard. A beautiful girl from the cottage was walking through the forest singing “True love kiss”, very beautifully. She stopped singing once she saw the animals all looking down and mourning in sadness. She walked over to the Prince’s little home and asked what happened. The animals began to softly talk, and the baby fawn said to her, “The king was jealous, and shot him with a poisonous arrow, so now he is stuck in a deep sleep until his true love gets his arrow and hits the target.” The cottage girl picked up his bow and arrow, pulled back and released. She hit the bullseye and slowly woke the prince. As prince Hunter began to wake up the first thing he saw was her. He instantly knew she was the one, that she was his princess. The prince asked if she would be his princess and she agreed and said yes. Prince Hunter's sister Princess Dove was so happy she had her brother back yet sad he had to leave. The animals felt abandoned but still loved. Everyone was so surprised and filled with joy that after everything, prince Hunter got to live happily ever after with his princess, his bow and arrow, and his new love for animals.

The author's comments:

Something about me is that I love hunting. So this piece is about a deer and his family but it is a way you can think of if the world was filled with magic then maybe things would different. I also thought it would be fun fantasy writing to bring deer hunting to life and to make people realize that deer hunting isn't a bad thing but instead it is a good thing. It also brings the real life struggles like there being poachers. If only there was a way we could getrid of all of those people. 

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