I remember | Teen Ink

I remember

December 20, 2022
By Anonymous

I remember worlds from my dreams, some similar to our own, in history and in the present, but others almost completely alien, with few similarities. I have no names for these worlds, as I could only imagine them visually in dreams. 

I remember a world composed entirely of one unfathomably large body of water, with the shimmer of blue as far as the eye could see. What could have caused this kind of world I could only speculate, it could have been some great, biblical cataclysm, or maybe it has always been this way, and humanity traveled the stars to colonize it. 

Humans are unlike the natural world, we do not adapt to our surroundings, we adapt it to suit our own ends. This planet is no exception to that rule, civilization created two primary constructions on this world to hold their ever growing population. The first were enormous monuments to human creation, several mile wide cylindrical cityscrapers stretching into the clouds and below the foaming ocean. These towers held billions of people with thousands of floors, you could spend your entire life traversing it and still not explore all of its dystopian hallways and secrets. The second of these megastructures were true cityscapes, closer to what we know them as today, enormous megacities lying on a bed of steel above the crashing waves. The cities were formed by millions of individual platforms held up by support beams, plunging into the unknown depths of the ocean, like stakes. These platforms were all held together by bridges, and walkways, forming a puzzle like city thousands of miles wide. 

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