Zombie Apocalypse | Teen Ink

Zombie Apocalypse

December 12, 2022
By mia1234 BRONZE, Columbus, Ohio
mia1234 BRONZE, Columbus, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

For the past couple weeks the ways of normality had been completely altered by the zombie apocalypse. Their once quiet boring town has now been replaced by the constant zombies ready to kill and turn you into one of them. Jess would never let her life come to that. Years ago her dad died saving her and their town from the zombies. The passing of her dad had permanently imprinted fear and resentment towards the zombies. Jess knew that she could never succumb to the apocalypse and she had to find ways to survive on her own. No one knows exactly how the zombies started to appear, they just know with one zombie come hundreds more. Jess was at school when the first zombie was spotted. It dragged its way into the school and in a moment of terror the principle put the school on lock down. No one can come in and no one can come out. They were trapped.

Zombies can not survive in this world for too long. The longest zombie life recorded was three weeks. So after three weeks of “living” the zombies will eventually drop dead for the final time. 

It is now week three of Jess hiding and surviving in the school and some of the original zombies can be found dead on the school floor. Jess is the only living human left in the school and all she has to do is wait for the last of the zombies to die after being turned for three weeks. According to Jess’ calculations she only has to survive for 9 more days. The last student to be turned was Billy Shnawder about 12 days ago. Billy and Jess used to be close in elementary school and now Jess is simply waiting for his death. The death that will mark the end of the school apocalypse.

Four days later after Jess woke up she realized she had used the last of her food and water. As she looks around the classroom she locks herself in hoping to see a stash of water or snacks somewhere a wave of defeat comes over her as she realizes she must make a trip to the cafeteria. Luckily she is on the first floor and all she has to do is go down a few hallways to be in the cafe. She begins to formulate a plan. 

As she was getting ready to leave the room, she thought about her father and how proud he would be of her. So with that burst or courage she quietly opened the door. She peers down the hallway to see no sight of wandering zombies, just dead one lying on the ground. She covers her face at the smell of the rotting flesh and makes her way down the hallway.When she has reached the final hallway needed to get to the cafe, she spots a zombie. Quickly she jumps behind the wall glancing out waiting for it to be clear to start walking again. As she was watching the zombie walk away, it slowly began to turn and face her. She was spotted.  The zombie let out a groan and started wobbling towards her. Jess immediately turned and sprinted down various hallways. Which led to her being spotted by so many more zombies. Eventually a group of zombies were behind her and she could only keep running hoping to find a place to hide. Just as she was veering a corner a zombie popped out of nowhere and reached for her. Jess screamed of terror an d ran to the first open door she saw. Quickly locked the door and turned on the lights. As she looks around the room she sees a plethora of supplies. Rope, water, food, lighter, baseball bat. This must have been someone's old hideout. Jess immediately unscrewed the water bottle top and gulped down the whole bottle. That night Jess went to bed with a full stomach and a feeling of safety and security in this new room. What she didn’t know was that there was a zombie hiding in this room waiting for her to get a full stomach and fall asleep. It was the perfect plan and the perfect meal. So as Jess finally drifted off to sleep the zombie attacked and ate her. Despite Jess’ best efforts the rapid zombie infection within the school was too powerful for her to defeat on her own.

The author's comments:

This is one of my favorite pieces.

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