A Whole New World | Teen Ink

A Whole New World

October 14, 2022
By DanielChavez17 BRONZE, San Pedro, California
DanielChavez17 BRONZE, San Pedro, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am sleeping like a baby when I hear it. PSSHHHHH! I'm so glad the land was safe and successful. I Immediately jumped out of bed with excitement and looked out the window. 

“WOW!” I gasped in amazement. “It's so beautiful and vibrant!” I said in a bubbly tone.

When I jumped out of the spaceship, I bounced back up. 

In a joyful tone I stated “OMG! The floors are like trampolines! This place is awesome.”

While I'm enjoying myself there are swoosh sounds and a strong breeze that almost knocks me over. I gain my balance and realize a weird looking creature. Nothing that I've ever seen before. A big circular purple blob that moves similar to a snail. 

“Ummm….. Hello?” I uttered frighteningly. 

“Hello earthling, You arrived just in time! We are in grave danger! We need your help to save our planet.” The alien said urgently. 

“My help? How could I possibly help you?” I said in a  confused voice. 

“There’s no time to explain! Quickly follow me!” The alien exclaimed. 

While I am following him I'm able to observe the land. There's glowing trees, glowing plants, and even glowing water. This planet definitely has some secrets to it that’s probably what makes them want to save it so badly. In my head I think about why they don't just fly to a different planet. This has to be special in some way.

“If this planet is in danger why not fly to another one?” I asked in a curious tone. 

“This planet is sacred land. My people have lived here since the dawn of time. Now no more questions and help us save our land!” The alien begged.

“Okay Okay. What is the problem? I'm sure it's nothing.” I said in reassurance.

“There’s an asteroid heading right for us! We have the technology to destroy it, but our profession is not in condition to work. We need you to man the rockets and hit the asteroid off the trajectory to our planet.”

“Why didn't you say that sooner?! How much time do we have! I gotta do something!.”

“Well the anti-defence is right there! We just need you in a calm, cool collected state to man the rocket! Can you handle that?”

“Yes! yes! We have to do it quickly!”  I said in a rush.

As I’m in position a loud countdown begins 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1.

“Oh there it is! Shoot it! Shoot it now!” said the alien in fear.

As I shoot the asteroid I close my eyes in fear. I'm just praying that I hit the target. I hit the target and it splits into smithereens. 

“You did it! You did it!” The alien said in joy.

“ I did it! Wow! I can't believe it!” I said in shock

“We are eternally grateful! We shall build statues, write books, and tell stories about you.” the alien said in gratitude. 

“No problem! It's what I came here to do!” I said humbly

I hop back in my spaceship getting ready to fly home. Thinking about my next adventure. How can it even get crazier from here? 

So I thought.

Until next time cya!

The author's comments:

My name is Daniel Chavez and I am taking a Creative Writing class at Port of Los Angeles High School. I am a senior and this my first time submitting work to a publisher.

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