Spaceship Glimpse | Teen Ink

Spaceship Glimpse

September 12, 2022
By Anonymous

In hopes to explore the unknown, the Future Generation Organization (FGO) sent out a crew to conduct research on a nearby planet Venus. The crew contained a noble leader Mark, a technology specialist Ela, a veteran astronaut Connor, and a scientist Mia.

  The FGO prepared to launch their crew to Venus to obtain living conditions. The employees were ordered to conduct tests on the engine to assure success. The employees had also installed sensors to capture the status of the components. As they saw everything was in great condition, they gave the crew the que to board the spaceship.

Mark, Ela, Connor, and Mia walked through the clustered crowd making their way to the spaceship. They all excitedly began to put on their seatbelt and began to start the engines. As Mia was extremely nervous for the launch, she repeatedly tugged her seatbelt. Mark had done a countdown to prepare everyone for the launch, knowing his crew he launched early marking down that date “December 7, 2050”. Connor in shock gasped for air as he had just launched without warning. Shortly after the FGO contacted the crew to announce they were on course to Venus.

After an hour or so the crew decided to have a snack since they would have much work upon arriving. While they were relaxing the sensors the FGO had installed were showing engine failure. Ela went to go check the situation and noticed their fuel had been depleting quicker than expected due to a hole. Ela notified the FGO and called for supplies at their nearest satellite station. On further examination Ela noticed a glitter like substance covering the engine; thinking nothing of it she left it there since nothing happened when she touched it.

Later they had finally made it to the satellite station collecting the supplies the FGO had left. Ela quickly fixed the engine with their supplies. Mark had ordered everyone to their stations to prepare for launch. Steadily inching the panel forward to the ignition, the spaceship rumbled like lightning on a stormy night. With a flash and a flare, the engine created a fire causing the unknown substance to fuse and create a blue portal.

In the glimpse of an eye the crew has disappeared from the sky. Mark in trepidation deployed parachutes from the sides of the spaceship. The parachutes had only made the situation worse as they were pulled down to an alien planet with no working engines. As they were falling at an astronomical rate, Mark looked into the endless horizon and spotted water. In a desperate cry for survival, he put all his force into darting towards the water. Connor then slammed his body towards the engine bay to override the protocol command and accelerate even faster. Shortly after the spaceship crashed with a thunderous “splash!”. Almost plummeting to the ground Mark deployed rafts to keep the spaceship afloat and be able to pull it shore.

After pulling it to shore Ela and Mia examined the engine to find the cause of the portal as it had closed rapidly. Mark and Connor decided to adventure in the area as communication with the FGO had failed. They collected many plants and took them to Mia for research. Meanwhile, Ela had found a crystalized surface around the engine and recognized the glitter-like look from before. As Ela showed this to Mia, they both had no clue what the substance was.

Five months later Mia had made her fists discoveries of edible sources since their food was expected to last 6 months this encouraged everyone. With Ela conducting experiments with the unknown substance, she found it had a reaction to fire but didn’t have enough to create energy and attempted to use the crystalized version. With Mark in charge, he documented

everything he saw but had yet to see any life form. Connor had been in charge of keeping the environment safe to live in recently discovering the air was safe to breathe in.

One year later the crew had obtained enough food to adventure further. With the engine repaired and no progress on how to use the crystalized substance they all decided to go explore. Mark insisted on taking torches to save energy for the spaceship. After a whole day of walking they found a cave to spend the night; everyone laid down. In the silence of the night nothing was heard, until a loud “snap!’ out of nowhere. Everyone was in shock as a 10-foot ape-like creature looked down on them. Mark stood in front of his crew deeming dominance as the creature charged towards them mark had no choice but to throw his torch at it. With the creature on fire a blue flash of light appeared and opened a portal making the creature disappear. Mark picked up a torch and saw the cave covered in the glitter like substance.

The crew quickly collected the substance trying not to cause sparks to ensure they used it at the right moment. They returned to their ship and coated the engine with the substance. Mark and the crew accelerated into the atmosphere and used a torch to light the engine. Although they had lit it on fire a portal didn’t open so they decided to throw the crystalized pieces into the fire causing the flash to begin.

Once again in the glimpse of an eye they were home seeing earth from above. Mark looked at his watch marking the day “December 7, 2050” the same day they disappeared.

The author's comments:

My interest in space influenced this story.

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