Behind her eyes | Teen Ink

Behind her eyes

June 3, 2022
By sphynx BRONZE, Dundee, Florida
sphynx BRONZE, Dundee, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Marcie's morning jog around her peaceful neighborhood was a retreat from her dreadful recent months. The sun was rising, birds were chirping, and it was a hushed morning. The appealing sunrise was gleaming in the morning fog. Marcie never paid attention to the earth's natural beauties until promptly.

DING DING DING! Marcie's phone rang. Who could that be at this time of the day, Marcie thought to herself. She picked up her phone and glanced at her phone, noticing the caller ID was her old friend Camryn. “Hey Marcie, how are you getting through? Is everything better? What did the doctor say?”. Marcie didn't feel as if she wanted to have a grand conversation, so she simply said,“oh, yes i'm fine”. “Well, would you like to enjoy a walk around town with me to chat?,” asked Camryn with an urge. Marcie thought for a moment if she had anything preferable to do and she had no luck. “I guess it wouldn't hurt for a few hours”. Eagerly Camryn replied, “Great! It's settled, I'll meet you by Hailsgrove!”

Marcie parked her bicycle on the side of the road and waited patiently until she saw Camryn riding down the street. Camryn shouted, "What are you doing here? We're going to Hailsgrove street, not Halsgrove street! This street is very lovely but we need some peace and quiet. Follow me!". What does she mean by "lovely", this place has overgrown grass and smells like a dump truck. Marcie suspiciously said, "okay, are you sure this is lovely?" but Camryn had already left. "Wait up!," Marcie cried.

Marcie finally made it to Hailsgrove street as she was blown by the scenery. There was a radiant waterfall that led to a pale blue river. Rocks were every shape you could think of with individual shades of grays. There were cloud grays and fossil grays with fog grays and any gray color you could think of. Flowers of all sorts,Cockscombs, Snapdragons, Magnolias, Snowdrops, and various more ravishing flowers. There were houses with tree roots and mushroom shaped homes. It appeared as a new dimension or a faraway universe. At least to Marcie that was.

"Woah, take a look at this view!," Marcie said, mesmerized by the sight. Camryn took it as a joke and laughed it off, "If you call an overgrown turf nice, then yeah". Camryn giggled at the thought of calling a mulch dump nice. 

Camryn realized that Marcie was not laughing instead, she had her head down and was soundless. Camryn asked Marcie worried, "Were you being serious?". Marcie looked at Camryn frustrated, "Of Course I'm being serious! Take a look at this irresistible waterfall, don't you just want to jump in and feel the cold rush of water? Or what about the meadow of flowers? Don't you want to pick out some and bring them home to care for? Camryn! Im not playing. After everything that's happened to me in the emergency room can't you just leave me alone?"

"MARCIE..., it looks nothing like what you described...".

Then they were both mute.

They both looked at each other and thought the same thing.

Marcie's surgery didn't help her...



it made her worse.

The author's comments:

This is my first piece so far for this website!

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