Will and the dark wizard | Teen Ink

Will and the dark wizard

January 19, 2022
By Anonymous

Will wakes up to his father telling him it's time to go. He remembers that they are going hunting for a werewolf that has been killing animals and lately people have started to go missing. For a moment he misses his mother who had been killed a few years ago. He gets dressed and grabs his bow and quiver along with his silver sword and arrows. He grabs a normal knife in case they come across bandits. He might just be 14 but he was one of the best hunters because of his dad.

His dad used to be a knight that's why he was the best hunter, he was a tall and strong man but since Will's mom died he had been withdrawn. Only talking to the other villagers when necessary.The village where they lived was surrounded by a forest and next to a mountain,it is a perfect place for monster lairs so the village was under constant fear from a monster attack.While Will's dad goes ahead will goes around and talks to the villagers he talks to the butcher first and he asks for some meat will goes ahead and meet by best friend he asks if Will want to go play with him but will says he can't because he's going hunting, he wishes will good luck.Will heads back to his father they start to go hunting. Suddenly they come across wolf marks so they follow them and they fade to human marks. We find a little shack in the woods and we enter the man is sleeping so we take this opportunity to kill him there is no other cure for being a werewolf.

When heading back to the village they smell smoke as they get closer to the village they start to see smoke. Will's father tells him to hide in a tree.Will's father runs quickly to the village thinking it must be a monster attack. When he gets there he sees the villagers lying on the ground unmoving and the buildings on fire. He looks as a figure in black armor kills the butcher and summons the villagers corpses from the dead and orders them to attack Will's father. He tries to kill them but there are too many and they kill him.Will stares in shock as the figure raises his dad and orders the undead to search for survivors.He tries to get a good look at the figure in black but he can't, the general is a tall black figure in full black armor with a strange symbol on his hand. Will sits in the tree in shock when they leave the town and climbs down the tree and collapses due to the horror of seeing his village destroyed.

As Will lays on the ground a witcher sees him collapsed. He goes and picks up will and starts to head back to where his base is. When Will wakes up his heart starts to hurt because of his father. He starts to cry and then he stops as the anger builds. He starts to want revenge to kill the man who destroyed his village and just then the witcher enters the room.Will jumps out of bed and sees the witcher he asks, “where am I and who are you?” The witcher says “I was going hunting for a creature that was attacking shipments when I saw you. I am a witcher; we are monster hunters that hunt and kill hostile creatures”. Will asks the witcher if he would train him, the witcher says ok and they start training. 

The witcher notices that Will is a natural at swordplay and at magic. So for 2 years he trained with the witcher he taught swordplay and magic he taught healing magic offensive and protective magic as well as taming mounts. As he trained more he started to feel intense rage.He would make the general regret he was born. Will had the potential to be the best swordsman that the witcher had seen.At the end of training the witcher gifts a special talisman that will protect will from dark magic as well as some armor and a sword.

2 years later the anger was still there but this time he had the skill to get his revenge.Will says thanks for everything and sets off to find the castle. On the way there while traveling through a forest he finds a soldier camp that's working for the general. Will sneaks in and takes care of the guard.Will makes a deal with the bandits that he would free them if they would help him raid a castle and if they did they would get a large portion of the loot. The bandits agree and he frees them. They quickly run out and overrun the soldiers and start planning to attack the castle.

When they reach the castle they see it is not guarded by people, it is guarded by the undead. They see creatures flying around the castle and it is surrounded by mountains while the castle itself is dark and gloomy. As will gets ready to commence the attack he feels a bit scared but he pushes his doubts away and he starts the attack.They commence the plan and will sends a group of bandits to distract them on the main gate meanwhile a group of bandits plant some tnt on the side of the walls but that's just a distraction while they group there forces at the tnt area where almost all the bandits are will and a small group climb the walls at the back and infiltrate the castle.

As Will runs into the courtyard he spots the General waiting, he draws his sword and he summons the undead but not just any undead, his father and the village folk! The bandits he took with him go and fight the undead while Will fights the General.Will makes the first move and charges at his enemy, he blocks his attack and swings his own greatsword. Will barely dodges, he swings his greatsword again and rolls out of the way and slashes out. He stumbles back…the General casts a spell powered by souls that would incinerate him.Will casts a protective spell against the purple beam that would stop the attack, but Will's shield breaks sending him flying backwards! Will gets up as the General swings his greatsword at him Will blocks it with his sword and it shatters in 2 sending him flying backward. The General walks forward and prepares to swing his sword but as he does he swings his sword blindly and cuts the General's hand off.Will realises that was the source of the power. The General staggers back holding his hand and then suddenly all the undead evaporate.Will takes this distraction to charge at the General and plunge his sword into him.The General roars in rage and falls to the ground dead.

Will feels exhausted as he looks at the body of the man who destroyed his life. The bandits ask, “Do you want to join us?”.Over the years Will eventually becomes the leader and they target rich and corrupt targets.

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