Dark Skies | Teen Ink

Dark Skies

October 15, 2021
By MartinL05 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
MartinL05 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

                                      Dark Skies

Around the year 2031 the World and U.S.S.R. went to war causing a nuclear bloodshed. The Russian government had trade disagreements with Europe causing the E.N. to place an embargo on Russia preventing them from trading with any country in the E.N. This led Russia to get mad and China joined in to help Russia aiding them to whatever they needed making a strong ally. Years to come the Russians were producing an alarming number of military supplies as if preparing for war, upon growing concern of increasing supplies the U.N. joined in to prevent this from happening. Making the Russian government mad they started invading the neighboring countries in reaction to the U.N. The Russian gained most of the countries in a callous and merciless way, killing anyone in their way. The British Military and French Military acted first by bombing Russian bases stationed in their new territories. This made the Russians to bomb them back making it an official World War III. The U.S. was forced into war by the European Union and eventually nuking Russia due to the fact that they were trying to take over the world ruthlessly. Upon denial of peaceful agreements and denial to stop taking over Europe, the U.S. Nuked major cities like Moscow and important military bases. Russia got word before all of  this happened and they also set off their nukes, first nuking major cities in Europe like Berlin, Paris, London, and many more military bases. The second wake of nukes went straight to the U.S. nuking Washington D.C. , Houston, L.A., New York, Miami, and important military bases in Nevada. In total setting off 23 nuclear bombs across the world. The war lasted 3 years after Russia surrendered due to the fact they had lost many important leaders including the president, major generals and 800,000 dead soldiers. Russia agreed to be ruled by europe and be divided and ruled by many sections. After the “Great War” was settled the greater problem was the Sun. Upon many deaths and destruction, the earth started off with an ugly hot weather for many years, but as the earth stopped rotating and it started to have some quick shifts in the climate and temperature, caused by a nuclear reaction with earth's atmosphere causing the earth to slow down 15 m/ph every year. The richest people in the world noticed the pattern and had predicted where the sun was going to lay at rest. Coincidentally the Sun was to stop on the great oceans where less land was being illuminated. The rich started to move to the designated land, and prepare the land for themselves by buying off all the land and making it into a new country. At first the days became longer by minutes then hours and then days turned into weeks until it had finally stopped after 65 years. The rich have already set their new kingdom in the light and gated it off to the rest of the world leaving everyone to suffer in the dark. Even though the Earth stopped spinning the sun still existed and there was still light on from the moon. The moon was like the new sun, yet dim, it was enough it was enough half of the caliginous world. Since the war was such a catastrophic event half of the world had no government and mostly everyone wondered the dark world like wild animals trying to survive, but after several hundred years in the cold pitchy darkness, a special boy was born in the darkness and due to the radiation of the nukes, he was born with natural super abilities. The Light government found out they sent in specially soldiers to kill him as a baby, but his parents sacrificed their lives to save him in order for him to save the people in the future . He was praised by the “ Dark Citizens” , all the people living in the dark saw him as the hero that would free them and let them see the sunlight after so many years. Giving him the name of Hope. Most people have never seen the sun and only heard tales and myths,”The sun illuminated everything it touched, gave color to everything it touched, gave life to everything it touched”. Amused by the stories he knew that his purpose in life was to free everyone from the dark and as years passed he had learned to control his super powers, laser eye vision that could cut through anything it touched, with his immense super strength he could cary skyscrapers with his own hands, he was also impenetrable making him bullet proof, and the ability to fly at lightning fast speeds. The New Light Elite Government had sent special trained soldiers to go kill him in the dark, but upon many failures to do so he was considered a global threat and decided to put a bounty on his head. The reward was to live in the light forever with their family. This led to the dark people to turn against him, leading him to start killing off the people from the dark too, because of this he formed a 4 men squad, “The Akatsuki” all trained warriors to give up their lives to free the people from the dark. Pain was the strongest among them and was the most talented among the squad, he was vicious and had no mercy due to the fact that he had no one in his life, both of his parents died due to the radiation and had no one else. At a very young age he was an outcast to society due to the fact he looked different than the others, and his hate of being born in the dark grew more and more. Obito was the youngest, not much was known of him other than the fact that he also had no one in his life. He was the most serious and rarely talked, had a zombie mask on to not reveal his identity and never took it off. No one knew what he looked like under the mask. He was also one of the most highly trained soldiers from the Dark. Kurama was the oldest and the smartest of them all and he was the only with the exception of Hope with supernatural powers. He had the gift of 360 night vision and could see clearly 30 kilometers ahead of him, he could see everywhere without even turning around giving him the nickname of Vision. He was so smart he could lay out a plan of attack to its perfection in no time, making him the co-leader in the squad. His grandparents had fought in the great war, exposing them to the nukes and sealing some of the radiation in his parents genes, giving him his natural powers. All of these soldiers wanted by the light Government knew the risk they were getting into by forming this squad with Hope, but they were willing to do anything to be free and feel what life truly is for the first time in their life. Training and perfecting their skills for months, the Akatsuki was led by Hope to the border that sealed all of the light and was set with many traps that sought to be impossible to make it over, yet even with all of the traps set, Hope and the akatsuki flew right over like nothing. Undetected as they flew over the border, they saw the light for the very first time, their eyes shining like diamond pearls amazed by such beauty. The horizon was rich in light so rich they saw colors for the first time, colors they had never seen before. They stopped in the air to take it all in, seeing the beautiful paradise they dreamed of seeing one day. They had never seen such nature, big green trees all over the place, gorgeous blooming flowers and a big beautiful rocky mountain behind them with an ice top.  They were blinded by all of the captivating colors, they felt paralized. As they stayed in the air amazed by the dazzling nature the Light government had sent soldiers to stop them as they had set off the motion sensors. They sent a 2,000 man army and they fought them all off in minutes, scaring the light government, they had no option but to bombard them. Hope tried to protect the Akatsuki but he failed and they all died to the bombs. Hope survived and as he was headed to the city capitol he saw a bomb flying through the air, not headed to his direction but to the dark. He realized that it was a nuclear bomb and he knew he had to sacrifice himself to stop the bomb. He flew straight to the nuke and sent it off into space, but as he did that the nuke exploded killing him and killing the hopes of the people from the dark to see the light. All hopes died that moment, as the whole sky was illuminated by the nuke, giving light to the dark world for the first time in hundreds of years. 

The author's comments:

My teacher inspired me to wiite this.

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