Little Men | Teen Ink

Little Men

October 14, 2021
By NOAHX13 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
NOAHX13 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  With the world's population rising very fast, a solution was needed. Shrinking people became a popular choice, this consisted of making people a 10th of the normal size for humans. Charles Walton, a struggling real estate agent, becomes interested in downsizing. Walton likes the idea because when you shrink it multiplies your money by ten.

Lydia, Charles' wife, thinks they shouldn’t do it for the money because the change is irreversible. Charles argues until his wife gives in, they will be the 1520th family to shrink and live in the small world named “Tinyville”. Their really close friend Joseph Barnes was thinking of shrinking as well, Charles gave him the convincing that he needed and decided to shrink with them. The next day the family heads into Tinyville to start the process. After a long three hours the family was finally all shrunk, Chad was also forced by his father to come along. He did not like this, he wanted to go back.

The house they bought was extremely big; The house was big like the moon. Charles spent seventy five percent of their balance on just this house. Charles is embarrassed to tell his wife that he wasted money without checking the price, so he goes out and buys the whole family an expensive car to make it look like he still had money. Lydia finds out and she screams at Charles and the house goes quiet, she is mad that all of their money is missing because Charles is irresponsible with it.

Charles then admits to gambling half of their money away the first day they got there, Lydia grabbed her things and left with their son Chad. Charles asks his Friend Joseph for work and this isn’t just anywork, Joseph was a big drug lord before he shrunk. He had so much money it looked like it was the whole population of Tinyville. Charles first job was to frighten a man into giving him Joseph's money he loaned him, Charles was ambushed like a mouse in a mouse trap.

Ten years later Chad was struggling, He asked Joseph for work and Joseph Happily gave him a job that night. He was scared, But he had to do it. Chad went to the job and he was also set up, turns out it was Joseph this whole time he set CHad and his father Charles up for personal greed. Joseph finishes Chad off and goes to see Lydia, he was always jealous of Charles because he wanted Lydia. Lydia then kills Joseph in his sleep in an act of revenge for her son and Ex lover.

The author's comments:

I thought it would be a cool Idea to think of a wolrd where the population was rapidly growing and peole had to shrink so that the population wouldn't ruin the planet

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