Moon Days | Teen Ink

Moon Days

October 6, 2021
By Anonymous

Everyone loves the sun, after all, it’s something very important to everyone and everything around us. With it many can grow plants to feed themselves with and simply be able to see the beautiful things surrounding them. For Apollo, the sun was his only source of comfort when going through difficult times. So one lonely day he sat down on his balcony and looked at the sky. He let out a relieved sigh, then he paid close attention at the things the sky had wrapped around its arms. Beautiful green of all shades, colors reflecting from other objects, and many colors that he did not get to see often. Oh to see that beautiful sun once again, he thought.

Twelve years have gone by since society changed a lot. Due to this big change in lifestyle, many have failed to keep up with the new way of “living” that earth’s population has decreased in big amounts. “Hey, don’t you think the government was behind all this?,” Luz questioned once again. “Again, and again, and again. I have told you the government cannot do such a thing. We don’t even have the technology for it!” This could’ve been the 30th time Apollo has heard Luz ask such stupid questions. “I’m just saying! The government has hidden so many things from us. Why can’t we just go ahead and blame the government like we always had in the past?” Whining, whining, and even more whining.

Maybe Luz has a point. Even so, this conflict was so much more complex than any other the government has created. This big event is just trusted in the hands of science. “Luz, there’s no need to blame them for something out of their reach.” Apollo let out a sigh. Luz stood there nodding her head in agreement, there then she rocked forwards and back. Fidgeting and moving around at every chance she could get. Apollo stared at the colorful screen in front of them, waiting for it to change to a much more enjoyable sight. He doesn’t remember how long he stood there for, he cannot recall a thing. What if the sun never comes back? Will we have to eat junk everyday? Will the human race even survive this? What if it wasn’t the government behind this for benefit reasons but someone who’s been doing so well since the sun disappeared? What if the person behind this was….

Ting! Ting! Ting!, an alarm went off. “Hello, Earth to Apollo? Are you there? Did you just die on me?,” he heard a muffled voice speak from beside him. The person with that mysterious voice poke his face, “ Are you ignoring me?!”. Apollo flinched. When did I zone out?, he thought. He looked at his side and there he saw Marisol, his little sister with a confused look of worry. “Ah”. “What do you mean ‘Ah.’, I was just asking you a question. Do you think my questions are boring?”. “That’s not it! I was just a little zoned out, that’s all.” he smiled. Apollo looked at the clock and saw that the time was currently 3 pm. Despite it being three in the afternoon, it looked so dark outside. Every damn day is like this. The weirdest part about this whole event is that if the sun truly left, why does he sometimes wake up to a big bright light shining on his face when he’s laying on his bed fast asleep? It’s like the sun is still there, but something or someone  is blocking it off. He was doubting himself more everyday as the days passed. He needed to make sure his conclusions were proven wrong or he would never be able to sleep in peace ever again, so he made his way to the headquarters. 

“So, is everything under control like I asked for?”. ‘Yes ma’am! I made sure everything was in its place before coming to see you.”, the man nervously played with his fingers. “Good. Please make sure that none of this information leaks out there. Since you’re done, you may be able to leave the headquarters and go back to your family. If you say a word you’re done for, understood?,” she cocked her head to the side, raising an eyebrow. “Ah, yes! Thank you so much Ms. Artemis!”. The man left in a hurry, she couldn't do anything but chuckle at his behavior. Suddenly a strange figure opened the door, “You shouldn’t laugh. That’s not very ladylike.”.  Artemis froze in place , her expression changing in an instant. Why did she have to show up now of all times?. Artemis clenched her fists and turned around, “Mother! How much I missed you! How are you doing lately? What’s the reason for your sudden visit?”. “Don’t act stupid. You know why I’m here.”, her mother slammed the door. Here we go again, why can you never be satisfied. 

Artemis knew that wishing for her Mother’s downfall was wrong, but god, she can’t go a day without putting her needs first before her own for her mother’s sake. If she made the slightest unnoticeable mistake, her mother would hit her as if she had committed a sin. Every single day, hour, minute, and second, her mother would complain about something. She grew up to be a responsible independent woman and never relied on anyone. After all, the reason the sun is gone is because of her. She thought that if the sun were not there, her mother would give her all the attention and affection she has always desired. Her company became successful for every product that could help others to survive this apocalyptic time, even if they were the cause of everyone’s struggles. But did it ever work? I am being selfish by making others suffer to get what I want, but I just want to feel appreciated. At the end of the day, she’s a human being with human emotions and not a robot. 

“Artemis. I think it’s finally time we had a talk.”, she opened her eyes only to see a tall man with dark yet pale skin, covered with moles, and freckles everywhere. He had curly long hair and a very round face. You finally figured it out, huh?, she laughed out loud. “What is it that you want, Apollo?”. He stood there taking in how much she has changed. Her skin was pale unlike the time he last saw her, her hair grew longer, and she looked like an adult. Everything about her had changed so much.  Apollo furrowed his eyebrows, he didn’t understand what was so funny for Artemis to laugh. He opened his mouth, “It’s you isn’t it?”. She stood up from her chair and walked towards him, only to stop 4 feet away from him. “Bingo! Took you long enough. What were you doing this whole time?”. Apollo was right, and always had been. He tried to understand why she had been keeping the sun hidden away from everyone, and then it clicked.“Is it because of mom?”, he asked. She tensed up and bit her lip. “Yes, but what could I have done for her to finally appreciate my hard work? I have always been your shadow, so might as well make it dark everywhere.” Apollo walked towards her, but she backed away every time he tried to get close. “You’re hurting others. Forget mom for a second and pay close attention to those who have lost their loved ones from this whole apocalyptic era. Many rely on agriculture to feed themselves. Animals also rely on the sun. I know deep down you’re a good person.”, he smiled. Artemis stood there with tears forming in her eyes.

I need to put an end to this, she thought. It’s true she has been hurting many and does not want to continue to do so. She’s tired and needs to rest. From everything, from her mom, and from her constant determination to succeed and outwin her brother. “You’re right, I’m tired. I really am. I’m so sorry”, she fell to the ground breaking down in tears. Apologizing over and over again. Apollo ran to her and hugged her. He patted her back and stroked her hair. “There, there. Everything is going to be okay now.”. After a while, both of them stood up and made their way to the main room. That room had buttons for everything. In that room Apollo found many buttons such as one for air conditioning, lockdowns, security, and so much more. “So what’s the next step, Sis?” Apollo grinned. Artemis looked around mumbling under her breath, “And, there! Everything is fixed now. Did you make sure Marisol is in a safe place before coming here?”. Apollo nodded with a smile. She let out a relieved sigh and patted his back. Outside the headquarters, sounds of bombs went off. Buildings are falling everywhere and ashes are falling down like snow. Artemis stared at the screen where they could see the wall getting destroyed. Apollo made his way out of the building as soon as the sound of bombs stopped, and there it was. The sun, back once again. No more walls, no more darkness. The beautiful scenery of shades of green and other colors Apollo did not see often were finally back in business. Oh how much have I missed this, Apollo thought.

The author's comments:

I wrote this with the idea of an RPG game named "TheSunVanished". This game was circulating on twitter a few years ago, the game was so well thought out that even I thought it was real! Even so, this story is about a pair of siblings who are the complete opposite of each other. During this apocalyptic era Apollo approaches his sister for a serious talk.

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