greetings | Teen Ink


May 20, 2021
By Anonymous

Johnny jolted awake from his deep sleep after having a startling dream. His mom ran into his room to him sitting there screaming.

¨What, what happened?¨ she said.

¨I had a dream¨ he tried to catch his breath. ¨The, the, the aliens are here they're coming.¨

¨It was just a dream Johnny, there's no aliens here, go back to sleep.¨ she tucked him back in and left his room.

Johnny laid there and tried to fall back asleep frightened.

The next morning Johnny woke up for school and opened the door to a cookie sitting there. He assumed it was his mom from the bad sleep last night trying to make him feel better. He headed out the door for school.

¨By the way, thanks mom for the cookie.¨

¨What cookie?¨ she said confused

¨The one you put by my door this morning¨ he answered.

¨Hmm wasnt me, must of been your dad.¨

After Johnny left for school his mom went upstairs to ask his dad about the cookie. She came to find out it wasn't him either. She thought Johnny must have just dreamt it again and didn't think anything of it. The rest of the day.

Johnny came home from school and opened the door to another cookie. This time there was a trail of green slime.

¨Mom, are you messing with me?¨ he yelled up the stairs to her.

She came down to look at the floor.

¨Something's not right.¨ she said.

She ran upstairs to open his door only to find a green blob sitting on his bed. It was an alien. His dream came to life.

The author's comments:

I wrote this because I have been watching UFO files on netflix and it's pretty interesting.

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