The Sip | Teen Ink

The Sip

March 19, 2021
By THEMAGICMAN BRONZE, Menifee, California
THEMAGICMAN BRONZE, Menifee, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She took one sip and immediately felt a difference, almost supernatural. Ashley had taken the Proto29-z a mixture of metals, and proton energy, but she didn’t know that. Not even the part about the secret terrorist organization taking over her mind making her a weaponized soldier. Anyway she went home thinking she had got a free sample of vodka from the store. As she walked to her door too put in the code. She somehow forgot it, even though the code was simply her birthday. Then she remembered the code and went into her house and she started to stumble and feel tingly. She decided to drink some water and take a little cat nap. As she laid down on the couch and fell asleep she didn’t just take a cat nap she took a hibernation. She was asleep for 3 weeks before her best friend knocked on the door as she came to check on her. Ashley opened the door and said “who are you and what are you doing here. Her friend said “umm…” Then Ashley  said “ I don’t have time for this and slammed the door, in doing so she ripped the door off the frame! She looked at the damage she had done in shock as her friend ran away scared. She heard a voice from hundreds of miles away saying “Phase 1 complete patient is aware of her powers, sending an extraction jet.” She then had a burst of energy pulsate through her body from her heart then, another, then she started to glow with energy and she screamed as energy was beaming from her eyes and mouth, then she passed out. As her body hit the floor she let out a giant pulse of energy that caused a worldwide power outage. The jet came and picked her up and took her to the secret terrorist base where she woke up not knowing anything but her name, how to speak, how to breathe, and how to think. Then a very tall man approached her and said “May I call you pulse?”  She replied “no” and let out a pulse of energy that destroyed the base and set allowed her to escape. After she got out she  said I know who you are. You are my best friend's boyfriend, she told me about you guys and what you do. Your voice brought back all my memories and I will learn these new powers and will be back to destroy you and what you stand for, MARK MY WORDS.” She left learning her powers over the years and came back and did exactly what she said she would do. A few years later she was reunited with her friend, through the years Her friend would be her “sixth sense” in battle. She would hang out with her after battle and they would share laughs and memories through the rest of their lives. 

The author's comments:

I made this in my 8th grade creative writing class. 

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