The Scourge of the Orcs | Teen Ink

The Scourge of the Orcs

December 12, 2019
By bobthemarley357 BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
bobthemarley357 BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
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Long ago there was a land of many beings called Doratha. There lived man witches, warlocks, the elves, orcs and dwarves. There were 1000 years of peace until the orcs began to struggle for power. The orcs lived for hundreds of years compared to man's 80 and they were very strong. Even the elves alone couldn’t contain them for they were cunning warriors however few in number. This was evident when the orcs attacked Kingdom Grom, it was a slaughter. 1000 elves died trying to protect their land which they ultimately lost. This was the start of the war that came to be known as the scourge of the orcs.

[Chapter 1]

There lived a man named David. David was strong but short but for what he lacked in height he made up by his intelligence. David was very smart always knowing what to do and when to do it. David would however say that the smartest decision he ever made was marrying Lyssa. Lyssa was  David’s wife of 5 years. It was a happy marriage they had their ups and downs however they stuck together. Early on in during the scourge of the Orcs there was one kingdom that was untouchable. Deoria in all of its existence had never fallen nor been successfully attacked. This was due to the work of the Immortal King Douglas. King Douglas was a warlock who discovered the secrets to immortality, despite the king only looking to be not a day over 40 he had lived many millenia. Time had made the king wise and very knowledgeable of the magical arts. pEarly on during the scourge King Douglas saw the evil and vile nature of the orcs and created a safe haven in his kingdom allowing anyone to take refuge so long as their loyalty was to him and his kingdom. Once David heard this he knew if he wanted to keep his wife save he must move to Deoria.

The weather was cold and snowy but it wasn’t anything that David wasn’t ready for. He had just finished cutting up firewood when it was finally too cold for him to be outside. Now walking inside their house carrying the firewood he had just cut David had now come in to surprise Lyssa with a warm fire breakfast. David wasted no time getting the ingredients and starting a fire soon he had eggs and bacon made up for his wife.

“Good morning” David said happy but uneasy.

“Good morning to you as well” Lyssa says now getting up” Whats up?

“Nothing, just wanted to make you breakfast” David said unconvincingly. 

Now there was a sense of uneasiness in the room. Everything was quiet and the two sat still in silence. David got up and handed Lyssa some food and the two ate in silence. There was never a time more uneasy between the two in all the time in which they had been together. Eventually they came to a pause and Lyssa was done being curious.

“Alright what's really going on?” Lyssa inquired. “Don’t sugar coat it either be honest with me.” No assertively.

“Ok but you’re not going to like this one bit” David said hesitantly.

“I don’t care just tell me!” Lyssa says now angry.

“Ok” David pauses. “So the scourge has been getting closer to Deoria.” He pauses again now worried. “Now I don’t want to scare you but I no longer think it’s safe to live here anymore.” He now stops and there is a chilling silence in the room.” 

“What do you mean it’s no longer safe here?” Lyssa says worried.

“Like I said the scourge has been getting closer and closer.” Now sinister. “Soon they’ll be here if the king can not push them back well I fear for the outcome. We need to leave.” David now looking straight at Lyssa.

“Ok I guess we have no choice but where will we go there aren’t many safe places left.” She said

There had been one kingdom aside from Deoria virtually untouched this was the elven kingdom of Jatora. The orcs knew better then to mess with the elves of Jatora. These elves were different they were smart cunning and they had numbers. This made Jatora the ideal kingdom to move to to escape the scourge.

“Lets finish up breakfast and start packing we have a long journey ahead.” David said hurried.

“Where are we going.” Asked Lyssa.

“Jatora.” David said now getting up.

The two finished eating and proceeded to pack everything they needed for the trek to Jatora. It was the middle of winter so they needed to pack heavy to withstand the cold. They put all of their supplies on a sled and waited. The orcs would never attack at dark for their senses became a hindrance at night time. They waited for the cover of night to head out and began their journey. They were frightened but they both agreed they’d rather leave than deal with the horrors the orcs were sure to bring upon them. Once night fell they set out with their sled on the path to Jatora.

“Ok lets go” David said hastily.

“Alright” Lyssa said still worried.

David grabbed his longsword and Lyssa grabbed her bow and they were on their way. Along the path there were signs of the Orc attacks and it seemed grim what the future held. They smelled something foul and putrid they began to walk quieter. The path was clear but there were erie reminders of what had been happening they kept moving. Eventually they came across a village that had been burned to the ground skeletons littered the ground.

“Looks like these are pretty old and they’ve been moving inward if we keep moving then we shouldn’t run into the Orcs.” David said cautiously.

“Ok but we need to be careful, there's no telling what they are willing to do to wanderers like us.” Lyssa says worried.

They keep walking down the path for many hours they become exhausted but they kept pushing forward. In their minds if they stopped moving they would be dead so they had to keep moving to survive. Eventually they arrived at the border of Jatora and they crossed into the territory. Now a sense of relief came across the couple they were safe. 

“We can set up camp further down or we can go to the kingdom and find an inn your choice.” David now exhausted asked Lyssa.

“An inn sounds really nice right now” Lyssa says struggling to stay awake.

They keep walking for 10 miles and eventually reach the castle gate. There was no one there and it was oddly silent. This troubled David he knocked on the wall and waited. Five minutes later someone came in and without saying a word ushered them into the kingdom. There were at least a million people but no noise. They tried turning back but to no avail now David and Lyssa were now trapped in Jatora however in their minds the silence was a small price to pay then to deal with the orcs.

The author's comments:

This is a story I wrote in my creative writing class I really enjoyed making.

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