Serpents Hollow | Teen Ink

Serpents Hollow

October 24, 2019
By KcashBolte BRONZE, Apex, North Carolina
KcashBolte BRONZE, Apex, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There was once an old myth passed down generation to generation village to village. The story in the myth always changed when it was passed down but there was one consistency the beginning of the myth starts at the end of the old. And the beginning of the myth stars like this with screams amongst a sea of flame in a village being ravegened under royal decree. Under this the Noble Knights of the kingdom were allowed to do as they please and indulge in there not so noble desire. During which time a youngman rides an empty carriage to the village no less than two nights out. Passing the crossroad marking the arrival to his village in less than a few hours it was a path with many bends, rises, and falls through thick forest of which the trees seem to be ever watchful.

The youngman was looking forward to his return to show his success in selling all the products he took from the village and show to his sister a fair lady with even fair features. For she had always had to look after her brother after their parents were killed by a pack of wolves on there way back to the village 12 years ago on the birthday of their five year old son. Leaving there elven year old daughter to care and provide for their family. The boy was put in a good mood just thinking about it imagining how his sister would praise him. When he came to around an hour out from the village the wind was blowing in his direction he caught a whiff of wood burning in the distance. He was confused because fires weren’t needed until the cold season but he didn't think much of it other than an unsettling feeling it left in his gut as he nears his village. Taking the final turn through the forest of thick trees that leads to his village he looks ahead towards a large scar on the earth a mix black and red decorating the crumbled out lines of houses of an open field in a forest that was once a village. Pulling the reins of the horse they come to a stop the boy dismount hurriedly and sprints to blinded by his thoughts of finding his house and sister to see what lay around him.

Arriving at a house at the end of the village scorched black buy the flames the left side back corner burnt down from were the flames ate out there fill. The boys sprint slowing to a speed only snails would know as he comes up to the front door. He opens the door slowly as he enters the house inspecting the burned interior until his eyes fall onto the body of a girl laying still under a patch of light shining through the holes on the roof. He goes over to the girl on the floor with ash scattered over her looking into her eyes lifeless and blank were only terror and trails of tears could be seen. As he rubs the ash off the body uncovering what was left of clothes ripped to shreds revealing cuts and bruises all over the body of the girl. Before leaving the house he close the eyelids of the girl making his way into the forest as he breaks into desprit sprint. Recalling a story of a dangerous cave of wishes in the forbidden part of the forest. Running through the forest he finds the entrance to a dark cave where he sees a single flame inside the cave. As he slows to a steady walk as he enters the cave still catius from the stories he'd heard as a kid.

When he comes to the flames he sees the coiled body of serpent hold the flame on its tongue. As he walks towards the flames a force holds him back as a voice rings in his head, “what wish does the one who entered desire.” This sent a chill down he regains his heart and responds, “I wish for the revival of my village and the death of those who hard it!”

“Two wishes require the necessary payment in return,” the voice rings out as the flame grows cracking the cave walls as several serpents slither out through the cracks and out of the cave. As the flame grows the voice speaks again,”the price of one you will become foreign to the ones you once knew, The price of two bring your hand to the centre of the flame.” he steps forward to the flame and extends his hand to the centre of the flame touching the tongue. Suddenly the jaws of the snake that he thought to be a candle bare into his hand as the flame cuts off.  As the jaws release the boys skin turn to scale as his feet merge and arms sink into his chest as his consciousness becomes fade and begins to flash. Hes at the crossroad now he’s at the capital cities walls large front gate except the gates had now become small. Another flash back at the front of the cave then another in the cave as he coils up spreading his jaws were a flame ignites on his tongue and his body goes to stone in the dark cave.

The author's comments:

I enjoy making fantasy stories were people have close relations

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