The Creature | Teen Ink

The Creature

May 28, 2019
By 21Justin BRONZE, Stella, North Carolina
21Justin BRONZE, Stella, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It's the year 2152, there are approximately only 500 thousand people left on earth, the rest escaped, or tried to escape. Blaze is 19 years old and his grandparents escaped earth in 2145, his parents didn't make it. Blaze lives on a spaceship with his grandparents, Craig and Susan. They never saw any other humans after they left the earth. They only have each other. The food and water supplies probably are running out in a few months. Blaze wants to land on the earth or a other planet because he wants to find supplies, but his grandparents think that the best thing to do is using the radio signal to find other ships. Blaze says often to his grandparents that they tried that for seven years and it never worked. But his grandparents, especially his grandfather Craig, still believe that they will find a ship.

One night Craig tried to contact other ships but again he didn't find anything. Susan tried to comfort Craig but he just went angrily to sleep. Blaze then walked to his grandmother and tried to convince her to land on Earth or another planet. But Susan insisted to stay on the ship. After that conversation Susan went to sleep. Blaze never tried to contact other ships with the radio, but this night he thought that he should try it, they would starve if he wouldn't do anything. After a few moments he heard a noise from the radio. ¨Help! Help!¨ Blaze answered: Where are you, who are you? We will help you!¨ Craig didn't want to help, he just wanted their supplies. The voice from the radio answered ¨Andromeda Galaxy! Please come here and help us, we need your help!¨ Before Blaze could answer he just heard a scream from the radio and that was is. The voice from the radio didn't answer anymore. Blaze ran to his grandparents bed and woke them up and told them everything that happened. They believed him and used their ships lightspeed to get to the Andromeda Galaxy. After 18 minutes they arrived. They saw a huge ship and dead bodies flying around in space. Blaze said to Craig: We need to help them, I bet there are more people in this ship.¨ Craig answered: No, we don't know what's in there, it's too dangerous. Blaze ignored him and put on his space suit and flew with a pod to the other ship without telling his grandparents. Susan saw him from the window and said: Craig, you have to follow him and bring him back!”It's too dangerous for him. Craig put on his space suit as fast as he could and flew with another pod to this huge ship. Blaze arrived after a few seconds. He had his laser gun out, just in case he needs it. After a few steps he heard a loud female scream from the room on his left. He opened the door carefully and saw a dead body, full of blood and with a hole through the chest. Blaze almost threw up. After he turned around he saw a little girl in the corner of the room. Blaze asked: ¨what happened to him?¨ The little girl answered: ¨This black thing came and stabbed him with its tail.¨ Before Blaze could answer his grandfather Craig entered the room and had a shocked look on his face after he saw the dead body. Craig said to Blaze and the little girl: ¨Come with me, were going back to our ship.¨ The little girl said: ¨My mom is still on this ship, we can't go to your ship.¨ and Blaze said: ¨And we need their supplies.¨ ¨No!¨ said Craig and walked toward the door. After Craig opened the door something grabbed him and ran away. Blaze said to the little girl: ¨Hide in the closet, i´ll be back.¨ Blaze followed the screams of his grandfather. When Blaze reached the cafeteria he saw two black 8ft tall creatures with long tail, one horn on their head, teeth as sharp as a knife, and three black eyes. Blaze shot one of them with his laser gun but the creature dodged the shot. Blaze shot seven more times, but the creatures dodged every single shot. Blaze saw his grandfather in the corner of the cafeteria with a hole in his chest, with blood oozing out. After he saw his dead grandfather, Blaze dropped his laser gun and ran to the corpse of Craig. A few seconds after that the two creatures were around Blaze. Just when one of the creatures wanted to kill Blaze, Susan came with her laser gun and shot one of the creatures. The black creature exploded and all of it's green blood is all over the cafeteria. The other creature turned around and stabbed Susan multiple times. Blaze shot the creature four times. This creature also exploded. Blaze ran to his grandmother and held her in his arms. Blaze said while crying: ¨Please don´t  die, I can't survive without you.¨ Susan said quietly: ¨You can, me and your grandfather will always be with you.¨ Susan closed her eyes and passed away. Blaze went to the room of the little girl and took her on his ship. Blaze showed the little girl her new room. Later that day while Blaze was sleeping, the little girl transformed into one of these creatures. It sneaked into Blaze´s bedroom. Blaze woke up and screamed and tried to reach his laser gun, but he was too slow. The creature stabbed him through his stomach. The creature turned around and walked out of Blaze´s room. Blaze wasn't dead yet, so Blaze tried to reach his laser gun. Before the creature could closed the door, Blaze shot it. Blaze was lying there in his bed, with a hole in his stomach, and he had problems with his breathing. He looked out of his window and saw the beautiful sunset. After a few moments the mattress was full of blood and Blaze passed away.

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