The Pixie War | Teen Ink

The Pixie War

May 9, 2019
By Terreni BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
Terreni BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I can’t believe what just happened. I’m running through the castle as fast as my feet will take me. My family’s kingdom, the castle, my so-called friends, all taken from me because of this collusion. I’m moving so fast just by instinct. Seeing painting of ancestors, tapestries, and pottery as I speed by. We’ve been betrayed by the dark pixies; their treachery won’t go unpunished but for now I just need to get out.

I can hear the dark pixies behind me. I look back and there’s 3, flying in my direction laughing. I hit something. There’s no time for me to regroup before whatever I hit grabs me. I look at its face, a twisted parody of myself. It smiled, disgustingly. I screamed and struggled to get away, but by now the dark pixies had caught up. Making a farce of my struggle and panic. I elbowed the monster and got away, once again running while they were stunned.

I heard one of the pixies cast a spell behind me. There was a loud whoosh then a sharp pain on my back. I flew forward hard and fast. When I landed all, I could do was writhe on the ground. The blast tore a sinew and the viscera was injured in the blast. I tried to stand but it was too painful. Luckily the force gave me enough distance to crawl the short distance to the window. I called for my pet griffon, and jumped out the window, still in pain.

I turned the griffon around, I may not have my wings, but I can cast spells. Those who betrayed my family will get retribution. I blasted a fire ball spell in their direction before they realized the spell was already cast. They started to fly in the other direction, but it was too late. They were screaming “we will pay in restitution just stop the fireball.” But I wasn’t having it, I let the fire hit and watched in satisfaction.

I watched as some of them burned others fleeing. I’m about to go after them when a group of gnomes riding on a Pegasus come towards me. When he got to me he said he had come to help the gnomes were a powerful ally of my kingdom. Their help will be very useful in this battle, when it over I will be sure to give them a compensation. We all chase the dark pixies, I will take back my kingdom.

We finally make it back to the throne room where my parents have been turned to stone and Lina sits on the throne while her pixie followers have a pixie circle. We watch in disgust as they all dance in joy and Lit sits smug. I stand on the balcony and scream her name. Her head snaps up and she glares at me. She’s weak, she used her power to statuify my parents. I speak a spell and use the wand my mom gave me to blast her with light. She screamed in pain and tries to fly back but her wings have burned off. I don’t feel contrite for her, not after what she’s done. I want her to feel penitent for betraying me, my family and my kingdom. I force her to change my family back and banish her from the kingdom to the dark dimension. She won’t attack us again.

My parents, now turned back to normal, look at me in disbelief. I have exiled Lina after destroying her wings. My family, confused about what happened, looked at me concerned, “ How could you harm her like that and not feel anything?” my mother asked. What does she mean? Lina betrayed us and turned them into stone. Why should I show remorse? They stared at me in terror. I felt alienated. From my own family. “Why am I being treated like the bad guy? I saved the kingdom.” All they did was stare. It felt like they didn’t appreciate what I’ve done for them, so I left. I was a hero and if they didn’t see it Ill find someone who will.

I flew off heartbroken, betrayed, searching for somewhere to go. I decided to go up to the mountains. Secluded, I make a castle with my magic. It’s quiet here, the sounds of nature rising a eldritch feeling. I sit in my castle, alone, thinking of the betrayal. I hear people or spirits around me but no one is there. An uncanny being appears before me. Her hair flowing, long and beautiful she speaks with a soothingly soft voice and says to me “You are destined to be the Queen of Dark Pixies” Theres no way. The dark pixies are the enemy, or at least they were, it seems now that my own family is my enemy. I raise my wand and instinctually summon the Dark pixies. This is my kingdom now, we will be the most powerful and better than all else.

I look before my kingdom, sitting upon my throne. They cheer as I rise and lift my hand to command silence. I know how I will get my family back. “We, as a righteous kingdom, will take out all of our enemies. We will go from the ogres to the trolls and so on. They will either join my kingdom willingly or be forced to.” The pixies cheer in excitement. This will show my benevolence to my family, with all their enemies gone they can live in peace. I smile somewhat manically “lets fly,” I say and we go off into the night to begin the conquest. One by one the other kingdoms fall to our might. After we have conquered all I go back to my family, to see how grateful they are. When I look at them they look terrified. “daughter, what have you done?” my mom says heartbroken. “I gave you the peace you wanted, you should be happy.” But they aren’t, I leave again to my own kingdom, I give up. They can have their kingdom and I will have mine separate no longer a family.    

The author's comments:

Hello, my name is Terreni Lewis and my piece is called The Pixie War. It was inspired by my love for ­­­­the movie Bratz Fashion Pixies. It’s the story of ­­a young pixie princess and her family who was betrayed by her best friend, a dark pixie. I want to thank you very much for taking the time to considering to publish my story.


Terreni Lewis is currently a senior at Town View Health Magnet Center in Dallas, TX. She is a member of the Townview Choir where she has participated in UIL competitions and won 1st place with the choir each year. She is also a member of the Townview Ambassadors, she participates in volunteer activities and school functions. This school year she participated in study sessions with Academic Decathlon. She is the Vice President of the Xinos. Terreni’s goal is to become an Epidemiologist after finishing her Doctorate Degree.  She will be attending Texas Women’s University, Denton, TX. in the fall 2019.  

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