Dog Days | Teen Ink

Dog Days

March 28, 2019
By marycmaul BRONZE, Cary, North Carolina
marycmaul BRONZE, Cary, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine being a dog for a whole day. You wake in the warm bed of your choice. You can sleep in the bed that your owners provided you with or you can just sleep with them. If you take up the whole bed your owner simply will not care. They instead will work around you because they just think you are so cute and would hate to disturb you. Once you wake up your owners will walk you outside. You get to sniff all you want while your owner cleans up after you. Now your breakfast is being prepared and you sit back, relax, and wait to be fed. Not to mention if you don't like your breakfast option that morning you can just stare at your owner while they are eating. They will give you some of their food if you are lucky. But even if they don't do not worry they will still give you many treats throughout the day.

Once your day has started its time to go back to bed. You have the whole quite house to yourself. Now all you have to worry about is when your owners will come back. But in the meantime why not get into the trash can or bark at the mailman all day long. Besides when your owner comes home it's not like they are going to be that mad at you. Maybe just a little bit but how could they be upset when you act all excited to see them when they come home. You greet them like you have never seen before even if you just saw them 20 minutes ago. Pretty soon you will take over the whole house. Pictures of you are all over the house, lockscreens and passwords soon become your name.

Even days at the spa (the groomers) cost more than your owner would ever pay for themselves. Here you get pampered for things that you really do not need but you get anyway. I would love to my dog for a day.

The author's comments:

This piece is about the ease of being a dog for a day.

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