Forever Can Happen (Chapter 1) | Teen Ink

Forever Can Happen (Chapter 1)

December 13, 2018
By Anonymous

Beams of beauty flow through my window as the sun rises on yet another day in Bristol Cove. As I awaken, I roll to my left and *thud* the lushness of my fluffy black carpet meets my face.

“Ugh!” I grunt.

“I think we’re going to have to put the couch over there at night from now on. Eventually, you’re going to get a concussion.” said the deepest morning voice coming from my bed.

I instantly shot my head up in utter confusion. I looked over to my nightstand to see the clock that reflected 8:32 a.m.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I almost shotted completely oblivious to why the

presence of my husband laid before me. “You should’ve been to work an two hours ago.”

“Oh my goodness, are you serious? I thought it was 7 o’clock,” he sarcastically replied. “

“Princess relax. My boss called and said that I didn’t have to come in today. Apparently,

He scheduled too many people today.”

“Ew, was that attitude that I just detected in your voice?” I joked as I rolled my eyes and carried my still half asleep body to the restroom to begin my morning regimen. Then, I suddenly heard a pair of heavy footsteps following me before sweeping me off of my feet and carrying me back to the bed.

“And where do you think that you’re going Mrs. Mariah Franklin-Frederick?” Malcolm said with the most perfect smile on his face.

“I would love to be getting ready for work Mr. Malcolm Frederick. Is that acceptable? And my name isn’t hyphenated.” I said already knowing that he was going to make me late for work for the third time this month.

“I just hyphenated it shush.Not at all is that acceptable miss lady. You’re going to crawl right back under these beautiful silk sheets with muah and you’ll never return. How does that sound to you?” he said with the sexiest smirk on his face.

How on earth could I resist him? He was literally a walking temptation. He could make any woman drool. As I thought about whether or not I should give in or be chased around the house until I get to the bathroom and lock myself in away from the seductress that sleeps next to me, he completely shocked me when he began tickling me. I’ve always hated it; I breathe heavy, I snort and no matter how hard I try to fight him, I can never run away.

“Baby, what are you doing? Cut it out!” I shouted every time I managed to catch a breath. “I can’t breathe. Bae! NOT MY FEET!”

“Your office is closed today my love. It’s on the calendar in the kitchen.” Malcolm laughed as he finally ended my torture.

Gasping for every ounce of air that could get, “Oh my goodness it is the 18th. I can’t believe I forgot about that. We have to get your parents from the airport right? What time are they going to land again?”

“Not until 11 tonight. So don’t worry, we have plenty of time to get the house together. I can’t believe that you forgot about it again. We’ve been talking about it all week. Are you feeling alright?” Malcolm asked with a genuinely concerned look on his face.

“Yeah I think so. I can barely spell my name right nowadays. I’m exhausted though. I’ve been working a lot of doubles for the past two weeks.” I said calmly as to ease his mind.

However, this sudden sense of uncontrollably annoying forgetfulness is slightly concerning to me as well. Truthfully, I have absolutely no clue what’s been going on with me. I’m normally the one who memorizes everything, because Malcolm surely can’t. It’s probably best that I go to the doctor this weekend in secret. Malcolm is too dramatic. I can’t cough without him demanding that I go to the hospital and get checked out immediately. However, I must give him credit, he is constantly right; there always turns out to be something wrong with me. Then, of course, being a caring and compassionate psychic time traveler does make it easy to always be right.

“Welp! Breakfast sounds like an amazing invention for today.” he said as he smiled that sweet smile that always makes me melt.

“And I’m guessing this meal will only occur by my creation?” I responded with a slick tone.

“Why thank you for volunteering my queen. By all means, put all of your love into it.” he joked.

“I promise my king…” I softly said as I mounted his back as he laid on the bed; leaving kisses on his shoulders and neck I said, “I’ll really put my foot in it.”

It’s 9:30 in the evening and we are in the car with my deranged driver of a husband.

“Have you called them since this morning?” I questioned Malcolm.

We hadn’t heard from Teressa and Senior since this morning. In the beginning, we passed it off by simply saying that the reception was terrible or they were landing soon so they had to put away electronics. However, while watching television, Malcolm got a call the put the most terrified look upon his face; it honestly, terrified me. Malcolm continues to refuse to tell me who called or what was said on the phone. However, he did speak to me enough to rush me to get my jacket and shoes and run to the car. I am now holding onto anything stable in the car to be sure that I don’t die in this truck. I honestly have zero clue who allowed him to get a license, but they need to go to jail.

“No. They haven’t said anything since the FaceTime this morning,” he replied not taking his eyes off of the road.

Little did he know, he had just given me a small hint to who’d called. At least I know it wasn’t his parents. Had it been them and they’d made him move this quickly, this really would not have been a very enjoyable week with our parents. However, with the look of terror and desperation on his face, whatever we’re rushing for can not be good.

“Babe you look like someone’s dying. What’s going on? Who called you?”

*Silence* “It was William.”

Once those words fell from his lips, my heart instantly went into overdrive. William, the devil himself… of all people on earth, why did it have to be William who called.

“He’s out isn’t he? I asked dreading the inevitable answer. The only answer that would put a look of fear that made me tremble onto Malcolm’s face.

“Yes.” he quietly spoke.

The car instantly went back to complete silence and reckless driving. I simply help onto my husband’s leg in an effort to force his nerves to relax. I took a couple moments to decide if I’d break our promise. Having the ability of being an empath is not as fun when you feel how desperately afraid the one you love is. So I attempted to enter his mind and calm his racing brain.

“Mariah. Don’t. We promised. Just please don’t even try it.” he said in the calmest voice he’s ever used. It almost sounded as if he were afraid for me to see why he was so panicked.

“I just want you to relax and you won’t tell me what’s happening. How else will I know.” I complained.

The car immediately fell to complete silence. I just want to help him. However, it’s probably best that I didn’t go into his head. Last time, things didn’t work out as we’d expected. I am quite new at practicing my abilities; Malcolm has been my coach for the past few years. However, somethings I still cannot control; somethings I have still yet to discover.

“Babe.” he said quietly.


“Promise me something.”

“When I say get out of the car, promise me that you’ll do it.”

“What!? What do you mean? When we get to the airport? Of course.”

“No Mariah! We aren’t going to make it there. Not in time. Please promise me.”

“In time for what Malcolm?”


“Malcolm! I know that you hear me.”

As I gathered my breath to scream at him with all of the force in my body, an enormous flame lit the night sky and the car came to an overdramatic stop. It stuck out brighter than the sun ever could. My heart dropped into my stomach. The lights were almost beautiful. Then, I looked into the eyes of my apparently sobbing husband.

“Malcolm…that was them- wasn’t it?” my voice cracked out.

He simply shook his head. He couldn’t speak. His parents, my in-laws, were literally just blown up in the night sky and he knew it was going to happen. Instantly, my sorrow turned into rage.

“That’s why we were rushing. Why wouldn’t you tell me? We could’ve gotten to them. Why would you keep that from me? How could you know and let this happen? MALCOLM SAY SOMETHING!!!” I screamed frantically.

“You never promised me.”

“Are you serious right now? I swear I am a millisecond away from killing you right now.”

“I love you Mariah. I swear to you, no matter what in this world happens, I will forever love you. I have stood by you since high school and even after I am long gone, in death I will still stand for you and with you babygirl. This is the one thing that I need for you to do for me without asking any questions of me. Now, Mrs. Mariah Franklin-Frederick,” he choked up through his tears, “do you trust me?”

“Always. But I will not leave this car unless you leave with me. That’s not a question; simply an ultimatum. Promise me that.”

“Ok.” he said as he held my hand.

Something was in his hand. I knew that if he passed me something like this, secretly, then someone was overhearing everything we were saying. The car had to have been bugged. I looked in my hand and found Malcolm’s wedding ring.

“Malcolm?” I said confused.

He unlocked the doors to the car and started it up again. We were stuck in a traffic jam, and he started ramming through all of the car in sight. We eventually got to a part of the road that was next to grass.

“Take car of the boys for me,” he kissed me and my stomach.

“Wait what?”


I didn’t even get the chance to see what was happening before Malcolm telekinetically shot me from the car.

The author's comments:

I am a high school senior and hopefully one day a published writer!

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