The Incredible Hero | Teen Ink

The Incredible Hero

February 17, 2009
By forever-to-write BRONZE, Ruston, Louisiana
forever-to-write BRONZE, Ruston, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One day in the city of Littleton, there was a super Incredible Hero. No one knew the Incredible Hero’s real name or where he was from. He just went from town to town fight crime. The Incredible mostly fought crime in the city of Littleton. Even though Littleton was a little town; it was still full of crime.
Not only did the Incredible Hero fight off bad guys, but he also protected the city of Littleton from all kinds of danger. On one peaceful afternoon the people in the city of Littleton heard a warning alarm. A volcano that was located outside Littleton was erupting. Hot lava was spilling towards the city. As soon as the Incredible Hero hears of the news he jumped right into danger. The fire man tried many ways to block the lava, but all the ways failed. The Incredible Hero also helped the firemen control the lava.
As hard as they tried, no one could think of how to block the lava from flowing to Littleton. All of a sudden the Incredible Hero remembered that he had an iron tummy, and he could eat anything of any temperature. So he ate the lava. He ate and ate. He ate faster and faster and faster and never stopped. Not even for a second.
About ten minutes later all the lava was all gone. The town was safe from harm once again. The crowd of people shouted for joy and wanted to thank the Incredible Hero and his hand. But before anyone could shake his hand or say thank you he disappeared without a sight. Once again the town’s people will never know the identity of the Incredible Hero.

The author's comments:
i took a creative writing class and one of our assignments was to write a children's story. Most of everybody wrote in the class wrote a story about a superhero. So I decided to make my hero an incredible hero to make it stick out. This story was written for an child.

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