A Dream of 18 Years | Teen Ink

A Dream of 18 Years

September 20, 2018
By iam_annak BRONZE, Auburn, New York
iam_annak BRONZE, Auburn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

For seventeen years, the most curious Rapunzel starred out her window, which was the only portal she had to the outside world. Every year on her birthday, she would look longingly out her window and focus on one thing, the magic glowing lights. Her longing resulting in a journey that sparked a certain uniqueness in her.


She had never seen anything like these glowing orbs, and due to her sheltered upbringing she was clueless as to what these magical lights were. As a result of seventeen years of endless curiosity, she finally worked up enough courage to ask her mother what these were, and she was going to ask to see the magic lights in person. But sadly, not to her surprise, when she asked, her mother had told her no, like she always had.

Mourning her mother’s decision she hung her seventy feet of precious long golden blonde hair out the window of her tower and continued dreaming, dreaming of seeing these magic lights in person.

Until one day when another person climbed her tower, and both their lives were forever changed.

Although Rapunzel had never met another human being (for she had only ever seen her mother) she handled the arrival of a stranger very well. She cunningly interrogated the stranger, and began to realize he was her key to the fantasy she had imagined for almost eighteen years now. Rapunzel decided to handily persuade the stranger to rescue her from the life she couldn’t resent more, and he reluctantly agreed.

The two began winding through the forest like a mouse through a maze, Rapunzel tried a plethora of new things, handling all with more poise than one would expect. She summersalted through the grass (which she had never felt between her toes before), swung from the trees by her long golden blonde hair, and began to befriend the stranger.

The stranger however had different ideas. He led her like a moth to a flame to a restaurant that sounded cute and cuddly to the ears, the Snuggly Duckling.

When they entered the restaurant they were met with an odorous stench that was anything but cute and cuddly. Her first reaction; frantically gather her hair into a bunch and to hold it as tightly as she could and back away slowly, however the stranger thought otherwise. He dragged her into the fine establishment and began introducing her to each of the thugs… until the pub attendees recognized him for who he was, a wanted thief.

The tables at that point turned, they took the stranger and dragged him away, but the sheltered girl thought quickly on her feet. Using her long hair she got the attention of the less than understanding pub thugs. Pleading to the plethora of strangers at her disposal she began ranting about her unique situation, and slowly one of the thugs approached her. Rapunzel started shrinking into herself when this certain thug raised his hook hand to her neck, and finally at the last second he started explaining to her about how he has a dream just like hers. This puzzling individual even managed to get others to tell all about their fantasies. They even managed to get The stranger to sing about his slightly slanted version of a lifelong dream, and just like that, Rapunzel handled the situation uniquely.

Escaping from that situation, and other situations just as challenging, the finally hit the kingdom of Corona, where 70 feet of hair suddenly became a problem. Rapunzel thought about what to do and spotted a group of young girls whom were braiding each each other’s hair. Asking them to braid her hair for her, she handled the situation the only way she new how. The lovely young ladies were overjoyed at the playground that was seventy feet of magical locks and began twisting and pulling and braiding her hair like no one ever had before.

All while this was happening, the strange man couldn’t help but stare and smile at Rapunzel. He began to feel deeply for her, but wasn’t quite sure what those deep feelings were.

After the two had solved Rapunzel's hair issue, they began to make their way towards the boats. The stranger felt it fit that Rapunzel should have a proper view of her dream, this fantasy of hers that was about to come true.

Rapunzel struggled with the reality that all she ever had wanted was coming true. Discussing things through with the charming stranger helped her immensely and she began to feel deep emotions towards him. Emotions that have you completely infatuated with the other person and make you feel as if you never want to leave them. He then offered up advice to the frazzled girl, not knowing that the emotions they were both feeling were completely and utterly mutual.

After all was said and done, her dream had come true. She bathed in lights that had captured her attention for eighteen years. Eyes opened wide to the future and she handled the situation uniquely by almost falling into the arms of the strange man, who had wrapped her around his heart and was beginning to not seem so strange.

That was not the end of the story for them, they faced many more challenges ahead. Rapunzel had handled each puzzling situation like she were putting together and actual puzzle. She gathered piece by piece and was beginning to fit them all together. She was new to the real world and handled each situation as some painters would, focusing on the positive elements, adding color, and creating her own unique picture.

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