Little price to pay | Teen Ink

Little price to pay

January 17, 2018

"I was foolish, I made a mistake." He said moving in, closer to me, with his bloodshot eyes. He gripped my hand tighter and said,"tell me, do you not love me at all? Do you not miss me anymore?" And all I wanted to tell him at that very moment was how horribly I wanted to wrap my arms around his neck and feel his heart against mine again. I wanted to tell him that not a day went by when I didn't feel?Like swallowing my pride and calling him. But then I remembered how he gave me up for her, effortlessly. At this point, I could tell him, that I forgive him and would take him back. But I stopped myself and realised ; a boy is too little a price to pay to protect the greater things in your life- your dignity and self respect.?

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