Strong, But weak Love | Teen Ink

Strong, But weak Love

December 1, 2017
By Amayrami.Navarro BRONZE, Hemet, California
Amayrami.Navarro BRONZE, Hemet, California
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It was a cloudy day in Chicago , On the 12th of December, 2004.There in a small town, was a family diner that had been open for 40 years and had also not been renovated for the past 40 years. In front of that diner, were  three rusty telephone booths, along with a beat up parking lot. Beyond the diner, were high class Apartments along the street. Everything you needed to buy in a store, at high quality of course, was right down the long, suburban street. It was the city, that young waitress, Emma Walker had always dreamed of living in, but that she also knew, was many years away. She had been working long tiring  shifts, just to barely be able to afford her college tuition and she didn’t know if she could keep doing it for seven more years.

As Emma leans onto the counter, she wonders about her future. She debates on whether she should just end up like her mother or follow her dreams and become a doctor, just like her father. As Emma tries to find the solution to her dilemma, an old car comes screeching into the parking lot. Emma squints to see the newcomer, through the non-tinted windows, she sees a young beautiful woman who seems awfully depressed.The woman, with beautiful blonde hair parks her junky car and sits there for a while. She then steps out and Emma takes quick note of how she looks, just to make sure she wasn’t the retailer her boss had said he owed money to. For it was just Emma working today and she wasn’t so sure she could handle an angry old lady demanding money from her or worse a shooter. As Emma observed, she saw the lady wore a thin black dress with some black worn out flats. Emma then kept looking and she noticed, that this young lady had had a baby not too long ago.Finally, Emma turns away and begins to clean the counter. The lady enters and sits in a booth at the far end of the diner. Emma then, walks over to her booth and gently asks, “May I get you anything?” she looks down at her table for a while and finally, she quietly says “I’ll  have a soda in a coffee cup, please.” “Of course, miss?...”, says Emma wanting a last name.  “Please, call me Sophia.”, said Sophia.

Emma nodded and went to fetch her a soda. As she poured the soda into the coffee cup, a black lamborghini comes driving  into the parking lot. Shocked Emma, quickly turns to see the rich stranger, who’d ironically choose to eat at the diner. Out steps a man in a silk tux and leather shoes. As the man walks in he angrily looks around and then goes to sit at Sophia’s table, across from her. He beams his angry eyes at her, but lady Sophia just keeps looking down. He then said aloud, “You make me sick, you know that? I mean there was just one simple plan you had to follow, but you just couldn’t do it could you… we’d send the Baby to an Orphanage, I’d finish the two years I have left at Columbia University, You’d be my beautiful housewife living in my mansion and I’d make my father proud.” Sophia began to cry and said “Did you honestly think I could do that our baby Harold?” “I just don’t understand how you could be that stupid Sophia,who gives a damn about that baby. When my father finds out the plan didn’t follow his orders, he’ll stop paying for my Doctoral degree, What will i do then with my life!”, declared Howard sternly. ”Well Harold, I just couldn’t go through with it okay….when I was holding our baby in my arms i just knew….I just knew that I couldn’t do that to our baby girl.” said Sophia, wiping her tears away. Harold then shook his head stared out the window.

           Emma finally took the soda to lady Sophia, now that she felt the tension had eased and headed towards the booth. ”Here’s your drink Miss Sophia”,  said Emma. “May I get you anything, sir?”, asked Emma. “I’ll have the same as she.”, Harold said. Just as Emma was about to inform him she was drinking soda and not coffee, harold said, “I know, It’s soda in a coffee cup.”, as he rolled his eyes at her. Emma then, nodded and began to head towards the kitchen. “Excuse me, How much will it be for the soda, miss?”, asked Sophia. “Oh, $1.25 ma’am”, said Emma walking back. Sophia then pulls out her mini wallet and begins to search for change. Harold then gets impatient with Sophia searching for change, demands Emma to put it all on his card and hands Emma his platinum debit card in frustration. “Right there Sophia, is the life you chose to live. You struggle now, but I don’t have a clue how you’ll do it all alone”, said Harold laughingly. “Well, maybe I can work night shifts and you’ll take care of it when I’m at work. Then, I’ll take care of the baby when you’re working and We’ll create a schedule every week and we’ll-” Harold then cut her off Immediately and yelled,  “ Oh no no no Sophia!...I meant what i said to you on the phone last night and It’s what I’ve come to make clear to you again!” Howard took a deep breath and said, “I’m not helping you take care of that thing okay...I’m sorry, but that’s just the way life’s gotta go.” ”Well, you can come to his birthday parties and visit him on the weekends”, Sophia said desperately. Harold became infuriated with Sophia and yelled at her, “Don’t You get it Sophia!....I won’t help you or even dare to see that creature again or even you...once my my father finds out, He’ll stop paying for my expenses, be forced to probably be a nurse with a masters degree and be shunned from my family, for not only having a baby at age 24, but for having it with someone like you!” Sophia was stunned by Harold’s words, she then stood and walked over to Harold and begged, “Harold please! Don’t leave me like this...I need you, I can’t do this all by myself! I...I thought you wanted to have a baby and get married...” Harold then stood up and said, “Oh I did and I will Sophia, It just won’t be with you.” Sophia gulped deeply, as she held back her tears. “Don’t get me wrong, I have enjoyed these past five years with you Sophia...but I’m sorry.” said Harold and headed towards the door. Sophia turned to him anxiously as she saw the love of her life leaving her, only to never return for her and she shouted, “But, Harold I Love You!” Harold stopped to stare at her and Sophia whispered, “Harold I Love you.” He stared at her a little while longer, feeling grief he then turned away. As Harold was only two steps away from the door, a black van speeded in with someone who pulled out a gun and shot 5 times. PAH! PAH! PAH! PAH! PAH! A loud gasp was then heard, followed by a thud against the floor. The mysterious feminine voice then yelled, “get my money!” and The van  vanished. They all stood up from our hiding places and looked around the diner to see if anyone was hurt. Then, a soft voice was heard say, “Harold?”. Harold turned to see Sophia lying on the floor and rushed to her. Harold began to put pressure on Sophie’s side, as it bled out too much blood and her skin turned pale. Harold yelled at Emma, “Get me a first-aid kit now!!” Emma quickly handed him the first-aid kit and dialled 911. Harold stared at Sophie’s weak body lose consciousness. Sophia’s body was in shock. He bandaged her wound and held her hand tightly. “Harold?” said Sophia. “Yes, Sophia…”, he said.  “Harold can you make me a promise?”, asked Sophia. “ Of course my dear Sophia” He said desperately. “ Take care of our baby Emma, Love and cherish her always, and please...tell her that my love for eternal....and that I’ll guide her forevermore.” pleaded Sophia. “I promise, Sophia”, he said. Sophia smiled softly and Harold looked into her blue eyes and said, “Sophia I love you.”  he said, but Sophia lay pale on the bloody floor with no response. “Sophia...I love You…” He whispered with tears and then closed her eyes, so she may then rest peacefully. 

The author's comments:

I once thought of what would be a good story for a movie and came up with this theme and decided to write about it. 

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