Forever or Never | Teen Ink

Forever or Never

December 9, 2016
By Nehemia BRONZE, San Diego, California
Nehemia BRONZE, San Diego, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" You could rattle the stars If only you dared"

Part 1

Running along the Shadows street  Denali, Mirko and I were dashing through the Meagers. About to turn the corner onto Ehms street, I came to a sudden stop which causes Denali and Mirko to slam right into me.
“ Anya! Why did you...” Denali and Mirko shouted but quieted down right as they saw what I stopped for.They never got to finish there thought because there was a richcary stopped right in front my little 2 room home. Denali and Mirko lived across the street me. Why is there a royal carriage in front of my house?
“ There aren’t suppose to be any royal carriages in the poor sectors.” Whispered Denali in awe.
“ Unless…” Mirko, Denali,  all rolled toward me and both Denali and Mirko stared right into to my emerald green eyes. I knew what they were thinking ,  I had won the drawing. No one from the poor streets won the drawing, ever. After one minute of staring at me in awe, we three all got up in such a hurry that I almost fell over. We raced each other to my door. Not even knocking, we burst in with Denali and Mirko one step behind me. Sure enough there were two palace guards sitting on the only couch in the corner looking incredibly uncomfortable. My brother Amis was standing right across from the two guards with a furious expression. Amis looked straight toward me. First examining my slender body to make sure I wasn’t injured , like he always does. Then Amis almost yelling said“ These two guard say you won the drawing. Anya tell them they are mistaken.” I could only stare at Amis’ face, mouth shut. Denali was the one who spoke, “ It was only supposed to be a joke, we never considered that she would get a shot at actually living in the castle.”
The one of the two guards replied “ Well now she has won the drawing and we are here to take her to the castle.” They stood up in unison and was starting to drag Anya out the door when she slid out of their grip and ran to Amis. Hugging his muscular torso, She whispered “ You know I did this for you, To get rid of one less thing that made you stay up at night rolling in your bed. Please Amis realize I did this for you.” The guards returned at Anyas side and with a stronger grip they dragged her out the door. Not even aloud to say goodbye, Anya was dragged into the carriage and whisked away to the castle.


There was nothing to do on the richcary ride except look out the window and contemplate what the castle was like. I was already regretting putting my name in the drawing, Why did I put my name in the drawing? As we were riding through the Meagers, they hit the richcary  3 times to wish whoever was in it good luck. I needed it. Riding through the modlar sector wasn’t any different but instead of hitting the richcary 3 times they just watched it passed. Not really giving us a second glance.


Right as we roll up into the castle gates, guards flank the sides of the richcary and keep our slow, steady pace. Since I came from the meager sector, no one trusts me for some weird reason. I had at least four guards surrounding me. Why were there so many guards? It’s not like i’m going to do something bad. Walking through the enormous oak door made me feel like i’m not going belong here. Any time soon.




Part 2
  It’s been 2 week or 3 weeks, I’ve lost count, since I’ve been in the castle. I’ve meet the prince, Prince Tariq. I can not stop think about his eyes. His eyes were so beautiful. A brilliant emerald green with specks of glimmering gold. Why are they so similar to mine? I terribly miss Amis, Denali and Mirko. I miss Amis’ protection. I miss Denali’s humor. I miss Mirko’s …
“ Why have you stopped cleaning the dishes. “ yelled a guard right into my ear. I immediately started scrubbing again.  I hadn’t realised that living in the castle meant doing the dirty word but at least I get my own room, even if it only has a bathroom and a bed, and at least I get food water. Right after I had started scrubbing, as if on cue, Prince Tariq strode into the kitchen to take me to lunch. Over the past couple of weeks we have made an exceptional bond of friendship. Everyday after morning kitchen duty, He comes into the kitchen and then we go out to lunch out in the gardens. “The gardens are just so beautiful. There my favorite place in the castle.” She had once told Tariq on a day he came to spend some time with her in the kitchen. Everyday after he’s taken her to lunch out in the gardens.
“ Sorry Prince Tariq but I don’t think I will have time to have lunch with you because I have a whole bunch of extra dishes today. I don’t mind doing all these extra chores because I was so used to them back at home. It’s just Amis and I back home.
“ First, Anya I said this before just call me Tariq not prince. I don’t like that name. Second I will just help you clean them so you can get it done faster.”
“ You don’t need to do that, Tariq.”
“ Well I want you to have lunch with me before I have a big meeting that I’m suppose to attend after lunch”
“ Oh… Ok” I know that Tariq doesn’t have many friends, but that doesn’t mean he has to hang out with the meager Anya. But yet Tariq rolls up his sleeves and joins me at the sink and starts cleaning dishes.


Sitting so close to a higher royal, and goofing off just like they were my friends back home, feels like a dream. Eating his soup Tariq suddenly stopped laughing and slowly looked at me. He looked as though there was an emese weight about to lifted but it was too heavy.
“I need to talk to you about something. Something important” Tariq explained.
“ You know you can tell me anything.”

“ Anya I think i’m falling in love with you.” I had no response. What would you say if a prince says he’s falling in love with you. “ I… I don’t know… I love you too Tariq but… I’m a meager I can’t be with you.”
“ Does it look like I care?
He leaned over to kiss me and I was trying to move back but his hand came around my back. He pulled me toward him and in a fraction of a second, I was trying to hold back but I couldn’t help my self. I kissed my back. A clash of lips. The salty taste of soup on his lips.
We broke apart to breath and I put my fingers on his lips, pausing him. “ Tariq… We can’t I’m a ..”
“ It doesn’t matter, If I love, which I do beyond measure, It's love that can’t be broken.” I started to cry. I couldn’t help myself!
“ Come live with me” Tariq explained. “ You can live with me here in the castle!”
“ But what about Amis and Denali and Mirko. I can’t just leave them.”
“ They can come live here too, There are plenty of rooms.”
“But ..” I need time but I don’t have much. I love him but am I really willing to change everything. Maybe I am because sometimes change is good. But if too grand , it can be bad.
“ Please Anya, I can’t resist your chocolatey brown hair with those brilliant green eyes”
“ What About your emerald green eyes with sun golden specks. I just can’t forget your I will never forget them. I can’t. I have made my decision.” Our lips collided and seemed to never part.

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