Match Made in Heaven | Teen Ink

Match Made in Heaven

December 6, 2016
By Anonymous

Pablo rushed through the halls of Norbury High School because he was late for tennis practice for the third time this week, and it was only Thursday. Half-speed-walking-half-jogging all Pablo could think about was the upcoming tournament, and if he was going to get picked to play singles again. Sure he was good, but he wasn’t the best. Coach would definitely pick Michael and Finn, so there would only be one space left and three other guys vying for the position. Everyone wanted to play, but no one wanted it more than Pablo. It was his last chance on the court. No colleges would scout him, and he would have little to no time to play after high school.
After high school was a big question mark for Pablo. He wanted to college. He just didn’t know if he had the time or the resources. He was never outstanding in any of his classes, and tennis was his one true passion. He was reminded that he could always go into the family business, ad take over the bed and breakfast his great grandparents started when they first immigrated from Honduras. Pablo wasn’t about to give up on going to college. He applied to the state college in the fall, but still hasn’t heard anything back.
At 3:48 P.M., Pablo arrived at the locker room. Only three minutes lates, Pablo breathed a sigh of relief. He could easily sneak into the pre practice huddle without anyone noticing. He quickly got changed and ran out to the tennis courts. Coach Webb and Coach Cervantes were already going over the itinerary for the day. Pablo crept up to the back of the huddle: he was safe..
“ COAAACH!! Pablo is late AGAIN!!” screamed the shrillest voice in existence.
Helga stood in the inner circle, and was a head taller than everyone around her.  She saw Pablo come running in late from a mile away.
Everyone turned their heads at the commotion. Pablo felt his face go red with anger.
“Pablo, you’re late… again.” Coach said. Everyone could hear the disappointment in his voice.  Pablo was always one of his favorites and everyone knew it.
“Sorry Coach…” muttered Pablo. He would have to run suicides once again because of Helga’s big mouth.
At this point it's important to know that the two hated each other. Since elementary school, Helga and Pablo have been complete enemies. In the 3rd grade Science Fair Pablo put hours into his project, and Helga’s parents obviously did hers.  Pablo came in 2nd and Helga came in 1st,
In the 6th grade there was a grade wide book reading competition, and Pablo read for hours on end.  Helga however, had her parents read her all her books. Once again, Helga came in first and Pablo came in second.
Last year the tennis club had a serving competition. Pablo is one of the best servers on the team, if not the best. So everyone assumed he was going to win. On his first serve, Helga let out a yell that startled everyone and caused Pablo to miss. Helga came in 1st place again.
“You know what to do Pablo.” said Coach, obviously tired of making him run.
Pablo let out a huff and ran to the football field and began his suicides. Twelve minutes later Pablo could join his team again and begin practice. 
That’s when he saw her, Julia. On the fence talking to Kayla. She looked so cute today Pablo thought. Her navy blue uniform and bright pink racket made her look radiant, but if you asked her, she would have said maroon was more her color.  Pablo continued running back to the guy’s courts so he could talk to Michael about what the coach had said.  Coach had already started free serves when Pablo arrived and found Michael in the corner of the court, trying to pick up a ball.
“Michael!” yelled Pablo.
“Pablo!” shouted Michael.
“What’s crack-a-lackin?” asked Pablo.
“Nothing much.”said Michael. “Oh! Wait, Coach Cervantes said to see him when you got back from running.”
“Oh, okay….” said Pablo. He looked to see if coach had noticed if he got back yet. There stood coach, arms crossed, staring Pablo down.  Pablo swallowed and said goodbye to his friend.
“Pablo,” said Coach, “I nominated you for club member of the year award for the guys.”
“Gee thanks Coach!”, blushed Pablo.
Coach put his hand up to stop him from going any further.
“Coach Webb has nominated Helga. I know you two haven’t always gotten along. Who wins comes down to whoever does the best at the tournament.”
“So I’m in the tournament?”
“Not so fast. Why have you been late to practice?”
“Oh. I’m pretty sure Mrs. Barnett hates me. She always makes me stay late.”
“Hmmmm. Okay. I’ll talk to her to see if you can leave on time from now on.”
“So. I’m in the tournament?”
“For now.”
Pablo felt elated. He was going to win the Club Member of the  Year award and rub it in Helga’s face. Practice finished quickly after that, and everyone went back to the locker room to shower and change.
After cleaning up, Pablo walked back to his car, when her saw her again, Julia.  She was with Kayla and Helga. Pablo considered going up to her and telling her the good news but decided not to. Instead it was Julia who called out this time.
“Pablooooo!” yelled Julia. “Let’s walk home together today.”
Pablo smiled to himself “Okay” he called back.
Julia and Pablo have known each other for their entire lives. Pablo and Julia used to run around each other's front yard naked as children. They used to have sleep overs, and their families celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas together. Pablo has always had a crush on Julia, but he never had the confidence to make a move. Unlike Pablo, Julia is an outstanding student. She makes straight A’s, is president of the debate club, volunteers regularly at the local SPCA, and was already accepted into college. Each day as graduation crept closer, Pablo knew his chances of asking Julia out were diminishing. However, Pablo became resolved to ask Julia to the last big event of high school, Prom.  
Days past. Practice got longer and more difficult. Everyone could feel the pressure of the upcoming tournament. Pablo stayed extra long for practice and Julia would wait for him. On the weekends he would work at the family’s bed and breakfast. Pablo was working nonstop. He didn't have time to rest and his goals wouldn't let him.
On Saturday, April 27 at 5:30 A.M., after weeks of excruciating practice, the tennis team boarded the bus that would take them to the last tournament of the season. To the team, the bus ride lasted for an eternity, but in reality was only two hours to Post High School. The team got off the bus and found their designated team area in the bleachers. The coaches announced the event order and the team dispersed. Some went to go get food, some went to find friends from other schools, and some went to watch the competition. Pablo, on the other hand, was trying to work up the courage to ask Julia to prom. Michael, who noticed how profusely Pablo was sweating, even though it was barely 65 degrees out, offered some words of wisdom.
“Pablo,” Michael began, “stop staring at Julia like you’ve never seen her before. Now is the time to act. You don’t want to live your life with regrets. Nike: Just do it. Don’t let your dreams be dreams. Yesterday you said tomorrow. Just do it!”
Michael, the same boy who has never even looked at a girl twice, spoke wisdom beyond his years, and Pablo realized it. Pablo got up from his seat on the bleachers and walked towards Julia. She was stood laughing with some of her friends a mere seven feet away. Pablo felt a rush of adrenalin. After weeks of practicing in the mirror, Pablo was finally ready to asl Julia out. He was halfway to the spot on the fence where Julia was standing. But before he could complete his mission, Julia was called away by Helga. Pablo saw his opportunity close and walked back to the bleachers dejectedly.
An hour passed and Pablo had to play his first game. He won but made too many mistakes if he wanted to continue.  As he was walking back to his spot on the bleachers, Pablo spotted Julia in line for concessions. Pablo veered off course and casually walked towards Julia, as if he didn’t see her and it was just a coincidence.
“Pablo!” Julia shouted.
Pablo feigned surprise as he called back “hey!”
He quickly jogged over to her and, against the protest of everyone behind them, waited with her.
“So, what are you going to get?” asked Pablo trying to stall before asking her to prom.
“Oh, I’m just going -” Julia was cut off before she could finish.
“Jules!” shouted a voice. A voice that Pablo couldn’t forget even if he tried. Helga bounded up to them.
“Thanks a bunch for holding my spot in line! You’re the bestest!”
“No problem!” said Julia. “I think I need to get ready for my first match. Wish me luck!” And with that, Julia jogged away.
“I’m going to go too” sighed Pablo.
“Good” said Helga, as she mouth breathed on Pablo’s face. “I didn’t want you here.”
Pablo turned and walked back to the bleachers like a man defeated. He had another hour before his next match. Time flew, matches were won and lost, shouts of victory and cries of defeat could be heard from the bleachers, and there was a pungent smell of sweat in the air. Pablo kept winning, Julia kept slipping away, and Helga kept audibly mouth breathing everywhere she went. Pablo was quickly losing hope. Each time he would get close to asking Julia, they  would be interrupted. Have it be bad timing, Helga, a coach, or a match, an interruption was inevitable. Pablo thought the universe was against him.
At precisely 6:47 P.M. Helga came back to the bleachers crying. She had lost her semi-finals singles match. At 6:50 P.M., after silently laughing and then praying for success and forgiveness, Pablo made his way over to Court 5 and began his stretches. He was preparing for his semi-finals match.

Pablo’s head was pounding. Sweat dripped of his forehead. He could feel his heart in his throat. Every once of his being was on fire. He watched his opponent swing and miss. The ball bounced a few more times before it rolled out of bounds. Pablo smiled, air pumped, and let out a yell. For the first time in history, Pablo had done better than Helga. He wore a permanent smile on his walk back to the bleachers. He knew everything was falling into place. The universe wasn’t against him, it was just postponing him until the perfect time.
Pablo spotted Julia in the bleachers. He rushed up to  her, taking two stairs at a time. He was tired from the game, but it didn’t matter.
“Julia,” Pablo huffed out, “do you want to go to prom with me?”
“Sure.” Julia blushed, “Honestly I’ve been waiting for you to ask.”
Pablo smiled as big as he could smile. The stars were aligning. He won his match. He got the girl. He vanquished the beast. Well, maybe not vanquished (nor was it a beast), but he won member of the year against Helga.

The author's comments:

Inspired by a girl I dislike and an ex. 

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