The Last Day | Teen Ink

The Last Day

April 6, 2016
By veronicadelaur BRONZE, Valley Cottage, New York
veronicadelaur BRONZE, Valley Cottage, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Baseball fields and sunny days are all we could’ve asked for. It was the last day, which meant it had to be had to be remembered. “Grab my hand” i said very innocently as Jeffrey smiled into my eyes, “where are we going?” He said grabbing my hand “oh come on now, what fun would it be if i ruined the surprise?”  We both chuckled as he reached his arms around my waste. We’re the perfect love story, we were forbidden love, but it never stopped us. It took us some time to get where we are, there were some “bumps” along the way. There were some other boys in my life and some different girls in his. To be more specific Sebastian Booker was the boy in my life and Jane Dough was the girl in his. There were countless sleepless nights when i would just stay up crying thinking about what i’ve lost and how i could’ve made it better at the time. But, the past can not be repeated, edited or erased. We live with the choices we’ve made and that’s just a part of life. Nor do we get to choose if and how we get hurt in this lifetime. However, we do get to choose whom we get hurt by, and when i tell you that Jeffrey Kidd was worth breaking for, i mean it. “Can i open my eyes yet?” Jeffrey asked with the emotions of being excited and nervous all mixed up. “Ok, open.” There it was, the last day, just laying in front of us. “Well?” I asked nervous from his speechlessness. He couldn't say anything. Not because he didn't like it, but because it finally hit him. This was the last day. The day before everyone else caved in, the last day before he had to get packed up and leave, the last day for just him and i, it was the last day. What laid before us was a baseball field with lights lined up along the fence of the field. Blanket beds and pillows laid beneath us with “dinner” in a picnic basket (by dinner i was talking pizza, drinks, and some desserts) the whole concept of this night made us both a little emotional, but that was OKAY. The night was perfect, as it continued to go on. “Here” he said, “come in closer.” I leaned in with no hesitation, “take a bite” he said so innocently while holding one chocolate covered strawberry witch his adorable little smirk. As i took a bite of the strawbery we both chuckled, i don’t know what for, we just did. “Wait, don’t move. You’ve got chocolate on your lip.” As he leaned in to wipe it off with his napkin, our eyes met. At least 10 straight seconds of staring into eachothers eyes he leans in to kiss me. It was the most magical moment. Obviously it wasn't the first time that we had kissed but the entire moment was just so perfect. Sliding his hand up my waist as my hands were wrapped around his neck the moment was just absolutely perfect. The night went on, but couldn't last forever. The next day came, and that’s when everything got hectic. Tears were falling, bags were zipping, and goodbyes started to kick in. Jeffrey was leaving and I had to face the fact that our perfect night was over.

Although the perfect night was over, it didn't me we were. Every night Jeffrey and i stay up until almost 2:00am, we never get tired of eachother. So that's what we would continue to do. We weren't about to change anything because another “bump” had come along, that’s not what we did. We’re in love, inseparable, our love was a once in a lifetime love. 

The author's comments:

i was just haing some fn mixing fiction things and things that actually happened together hope you enjoy :)

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