rainy ? | Teen Ink

rainy ?

March 12, 2016
By ArikdenAneres BRONZE, Beaverton, Oregon
ArikdenAneres BRONZE, Beaverton, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Look at me! I look like trash, I feel like trash, I am trash.

I sat in my car with a frown, my happy face sitting on the ground in silence. The light was red. I'm not going to see him again for another couple of days.
Pathetic. I think, sighing for a moment. I can't go two days without freaking out about him. How stupid.
The rain's soft pitter-patter on my window accompanied the staticky radio noises as I shuffled in my seat. The streetlights melted into my windshield as raindrops became blurry blobs of warm gold.
Just stop thinking about him, My thoughts whisper, There's no use; you're just an idiot head over heals for someone who doesn't care.
I could hear my phone buzz as the light taunts me with a shade of bright crimson, mixing in with the color of street lights dotted around me. Surprisingly, it was from him.
Look to your right, the bright text read. A restrained half smile crept onto my face as curiosity overwhelmed my thoughts causing any complaining thought before to drown in the noise of silent rain. I did as it said and there he was, a stupid grin on his face. I smiled at him, just for a minute before responding.

You're a dork

He broke his gaze at me and looked down for a brief moment before throwing his head back, mouth open with a smile so genuine I could hear his laugh as I sat in the quiet silence.
I see you~, one read.
Lol, another buzzed after a couple of seconds. I grinned at his responses, looking back at him— the idiot I've fallen so badly for— looking so lovingly at the phone in his hands even though his face was lit by the same red light I was before. Rain fell harder, more colors mixing in with each other as I sat illuminated by the white light of my phone screen. I looked back at him.
Just as I thought, he's already miles away from my eyes. Like always. Despite still being in the car next to me, the distance between us seems to only get larger. And he could probably care less. I mean, why would he, I'm not worth it.
The maroon glow turns neon green, catching me by surprise. He leaves without looking back.
"Goodbye." The word shamelessly slips out as I push on the gas.

And that was the last time I ever talked to him.

The author's comments:

I wrote this a while ago based off of something that actually happened to me with the guy I liked, even though in real life, we're together. I was incredibly hopeless and down at the time, and thus this- whatever this is- was born in the rainy car ride back home.

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