Heartbroken | Teen Ink


February 27, 2016
By Sassy_Sarah_1018 BRONZE, Elgin, Illinois
Sassy_Sarah_1018 BRONZE, Elgin, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Accept what you cannot change, change what you can't accept -unknown

Have you ever been so heartbroken, your heart feels actual grief?

    “Lindsey, hurry up!” James teased me, smiling, the same sparkle his eyes always had.

I smiled back, wondering why he wanted to follow me. I’d assume he’d rather hang with his buddies, such as Austin or Kendall than me, but I guess not. James’ smile was something you would never ignore, it was almost impossible. His teeth were pearly white and his lips curled up in the most perfect way.

    “I’m coming,” I laughed, “You’re just too fast, I’m not the slow one here.”

    James mumbled something under his breath, which made me suspicious of something and turned the corner, behind some old, off-track, abandoned train cars. He stopped, turned, and stared me directly in the eyes.

    “What?” I asked, genuinely confused at his actions.

    “You’re just… perfect,” James answered, blushing. I was shocked. No one has ever called me perfect before, let alone one of the hottest guys at school. ‘This must be a dream,’ I thought. Before I could say anything, he took one of my blond curls and twisted it in his fingers. “I need you to help me.”

    “So this is a bribery?” I question, “Be all romantic towards me and then use to do your dirty work?”

    “No!” He exclaimed, “I need you to run away with me. Lindsey, I love you.” My jaw dropped.

    “Bu-but-”I start, yet he interrupts me by taking  my hand and holding it to his heart. I could feel his pulse right away, like he was trying to mesmerize me.

    Now, I sit at that same place, behind the abandoned train cars. I reflect on that memory, the time I first knew I loved James. The time when I truly noticed his brunette hair had streaks of blonde, when I first noticed that I had had feelings for him, and he had feelings for me. But those feelings didn’t last long, if ever.

    “You’re impossible,” James cried, tears staining his cheeks. “It’s your fault, you deal with it! Don’t you dare bring me into it.”

    “My fault? My fault?! It’s both our faults, our problems! You promised we’d deal with them together. You promised if there were obstacles, we’d face them together…” Tears formed in my eyes, knowing the future ahead of us.

    “I wasn’t expecting a child! Do you know how much this will ruin my reputation?”

    “Your reputation?! You self-centered freak!” I scream.

    We stood silent, across the room from each other. He picked up a book and threw it. I happened to duck, the book missing me completely. I faced the door, chucked it open, and ran.
    Memories flood me, bringing about more tears. I get up, turn the corner and walk, far away from the train cars, heartbroken.

The author's comments:

This was written when I was actually heartbroken, so this may be a bit exaggerated haha!

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