Ruining The Meaning Of Love | Teen Ink

Ruining The Meaning Of Love

January 10, 2016
By aintperfect.xs BRONZE, Cairo, Other
aintperfect.xs BRONZE, Cairo, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When I loved you, I realized I've never loved someone before. I realized I've never truly loved someone as much as you.

Love. A magical feeling that enters the heart in a couple of seconds. It reaches your eyes and make you see that special person so perfectly. It makes you find reasons to forgive them for every single mistake they’ve done, every single scar they’ve opened in you, every single tear they were the reason of. But it all fades away when the mistakes are overloaded. When the scars are deep. When you’ve cried oceans of tears. But a part of you still cares. There’s a whole in your heart. You shut your eyes and find that person that stole your heart once. Part of you still belongs to them. And it hurts so much when this person makes you feel like you’re absolutely nothing. When this person makes you compare yourself to all f***ing people. When that person makes you feel like you’re not enough. Like your love was a waste of time. He makes you fear falling in love again. Cause you think when you fall you wont be able to get up again. And it’s all of either being betrayed, cheated on or lied to…

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