Incorrigible | Teen Ink


December 2, 2015
By catsarelife11 BRONZE, Sidney, Ohio
catsarelife11 BRONZE, Sidney, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As we sat on the bank of the river and watched the water splash back and forth, we both knew that nothing would ever go back to the way it was before now. He said “Things weren’t working out and that it was over”  As I looked at his face and seen the bright glow of the moon shining on his tear stained face, I just hoped for a rain cloud or something to cover it so I wouldn’t have to see the face I once loved so much. It was incorrigible, there was no way I could go up and turn the brightness down on the moon or pull a cloud out and throw it in front of its bright white face. But boy did I so badly want to. He then pulled me in for one last hug and as I felt his warm touch and the smell of his cologne the tears started falling. As I tasted the saltiness from the tears in my mouth I turned away so he wouldn’t have to see my face,  thanks to the hopeless shine of the moon that wasn’t possible.

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