Train Station | Teen Ink

Train Station

November 3, 2015
By ItsMatthewBurgos BRONZE, Binan, Other
ItsMatthewBurgos BRONZE, Binan, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I looked up after I regained the lost breath; sweat trickled around my forehead – dripping down to the side of my features. The clock flashed 12:52; eight minutes left.

I passed the turnstiles and headed to the train platform, as fast as possible. I surged through the crowded place; some shared a curse for my good luck.

Your train number sped away from my eyes as I neared. “No...” The clanks of rusted metals emerged. It was too fast to stop.

“Care for an explanation?”

I turned to follow the voice; I swallowed hard. “The train left.”

“But I stayed.”

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