The Magician | Teen Ink

The Magician

June 16, 2015
By mrworldwide BRONZE, Vancouver, Other
mrworldwide BRONZE, Vancouver, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It's an hour before class starts. My insides seem to be filled with butterflies this morning. I walk around back and fourth, impatiently waiting for the time to come. I slowly flourish a deck of cards within my sweaty hands nervously as I glance around. That's when I see her. She's strutting down the hallway, her hair enlightening the hallway. She stands out in the crowd causing all heads to turn towards her. There is no doubt that she's the target of every guy in this highschool. There were the jocks who tried to win her over with their bulging muscles penetrating out their bodies. There were also the nerds who tried to impress her with their superior intelligence. In fact, just about everyone I knew was willing to suck up to her, even when it was clear that they were being used. But not even the smartest and strongest guy was good enough for Katherine.
I am not smart, nor am I strong or muscular. At the same time, I am not a wimp nor a complete moron. In fact, I came up with a devious plan to win her over. I am a magician, and what magicians are supposed to do is to amaze and impress. I'm not going to do a silly card trick or pull a rabbit out of a hat; none of that nonsense. Instead, I am going to confront her and do something a lot more impressive and romantic. As I approach her in the hallways, she stops, stares and shoots me a dirty look. Without wasting any time, I show both my hands empty. Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, I produce a rose out of thin air and hand it to Katherine. She takes the rose but she does not seem impressed.
Out of nervousness, I back up on my back up plan. I pull out a deck of playing cards out of my pocket and start to fan them out. In the heat of the moment, my sweaty palm slips and I spill the cards all over the floor. Great, instead of a magic trick I'll ask her to play 52 pick up. Just as she is about to leave, I pull out the last item out my pocket: a single dollar bill. She looks at me with curiousity as I fold the dollar bill. Although this was not something I practiced, it was all that I had left. Despite my previous failures to impress, the dollar bill seems to have capturned Katherines attention.
As I firmly grip the bill with my right hand, I wave my left hand over it. The dollar bill then suddenly changes oddly into a five dollar bill. Although the trick did not seem to spark an intense reaction on the crowd, it did put a smile on Katherines face. With another wave of the hand, I visually transform the bill into a ten. Now I got her attention! As I continue to fold the bill in half, I slowly blow on the bill, turning it into a twenty. I guess everyone figured out how I did it at this point because people starting laughing. Katherine on the other hand looked at me with a smile. I looked at her and her eyes met mine. As I prepared myself for humiliation and rejection, Katherine takes the bill from my hands.
"Wanna take me out some time?" She asks enthusiastically.

The author's comments:

I like magic

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