Incomplete Me | Teen Ink

Incomplete Me

March 11, 2015
By awolfamongstravens BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
awolfamongstravens BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Parker is an innocent boy who is filled with constant anxiety and has a fear of being alone. He goes into a coma where he is alone inside of his head. But he makes up his own world, and makes up a boy whom he falls in love with. Parker doesn't even realize that he is in a coma. 

Chapter 1: Meeting Him

*One year ago*
“Will he wake up…?” I heard my mother’s voice ask, through all the darkness around.  What is she talking about?  “We’re not sure, Mrs. Dennen.  There’s no way to tell, he hit his head quite vigorously.  It could be a week, it could be 5 years,” I heard an unfamiliar male voice answer.
I’m all alone, peering through the darkness surrounding me like an ocean.  I see light. Sunlight?  I start running, treading on the hard ground below me.  As I get closer warm sunlight absorbs my body.  I have no idea where I am, I’ve never seen something so amazing, its almost like a vivid dream.  A sky blue ocean before me and the sand is soft and bone white.  The ocean touches the sky in a perfect arrangement.  A huge rainbow of neon colored beach houses just by the coast.  I’m lost in the beauty, I know this is real life. 
Admiring the beauty doesn’t last long, for realization that I’m completely alone kicks in, I feel the anxiety wash over me and enter my veins.  I need to find someone.  “Help!”  I scream out at the very top of my lungs.  What if I hyperventilate and I can’t breathe?  What if it kills me?  “Help!” I cry out one more time, choking on the word.  My world starts spinning, my heart pounding.  My legs shake like the ground during an earthquake.  I fall on my face, colliding with the ground before me.  Submerged into the darkness, weighing heavy on me once more. 
I awake in the warmth of a tight embrace, “Oh good, you’re awake.”
This voice was sweet like sugar water.  I look up into his face, he’s got to be the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my life.  I’ve never had thoughts of this kind before, but he is something different. “What’s your name?”  The God asked me, curiosity filling his voice.  “My name is.. uh..” I stumble, I completely forgot my name.  I blush and he smiles big.  Oh god, his smile is gorgeous.  “Parker, my name is Parker.  Yep, that’s it.” I look into his golden brown eyes and see something I’ve never seen in anyone else before. “What’s your name?” I ask him quickly and nervously.  “I’m Ahren. I’m Ahren Escamilla.”  As the name leaves his lips I process and analyze the name and I quickly fall in love with it, such a creative name.  “Cool name, I like it.” I respond.

*One year later*
That was about a year ago.  The day I met my boyfriend, the day that actually changed my life.  I no longer hear my mother’s voice anymore.  I’m not very concerned about my family.  I love them but i don’t miss them, Ahren has been more than enough. 
“Parker, I want to take you somewhere.”  Ahren smiles, the smile that I fell I fell in love with long ago.  “Where?” I excitedly ask,  I love when he takes me places.  These places he takes me seem so magical, only places he and I know about.  “Just come with me,” he says as he takes my hand and threads our fingers together.  My mind races on about where we might be going.
We walk for two long hours, my calves ablaze and my heart is racing.  I’m still excited and I don’t mind this long walk, as long as I’m with Ahren nothing else matters.  “Ahren, I never want you to leave me.” I confess to my lover, he needs to know these things.  His response made my heart flutter “I’m never leaving, I’m yours forever,” he promises me.  “Just wait until you see the surprise I have for you,” Ahren brags with his silly smile.
We arrive at Whitehaven beach.  Today the beach seems to be very decorative.  Elegant torches line up to make a path from the entrance to the ocean, blood red rose petals thrown on top of the anemic sand. This beach is the most beautiful place, but it’s also the place I passed out from an anxiety attack.  I met Ahren that day.  That thought enters my mind and my blood warms with a rush of happiness.  “This is the place I found you at, Parker,”  he pauses and takes both of my hands in his, “and this will be the place I make you mine forever.”  Ahren gets down on one knee, he takes the much expected box out of the pocket of his cardigan, “Parker, will you..” as Ahren speaks the very words I’ve been dying to hear my world turns to the grayest of gray.  Anxiety fills my lungs “Parker?!” is the last thing I heard in Ahren’s voice before he fades out and midnight black sinks into my vision.
Life seems to be so sinister to me.  Light floods my vision and I open my eyes expecting to see Ahren.  “Oh good, you’re awake,” an anomalous voice proposed.  My eyes wander around a large hospital room and land on a doctor.  “Why am I here?” I question him, I don’t know what happened to me.  “Parker Dennen, you have been here for about a year.  You’ve been in a coma.  We’re so ecstatic to see you’re awake.”  “A coma?” I ask him, I’m overwhelmed.  “Yes, we’ll call your mother and tell her.  She’ll be amazed, she’s missed you dearly, Parker.”
I, Parker Dennen, am officially out of my coma and I’m healthy.  Life never seems to please me much anymore.  I constantly feel incomplete, as if something is missing.  I try to pretend I don’t remember anything that happened, or know why I’m so unhappy.  But I know why I feel an oppressive void, I miss Ahren.  All day every day his name echo’s through my head.  Nobody seems to compare to my literal dream boy.  I do still see him, when I go to sleep at night, that is.  I can’t seem to function with a real relationship even though I do try.  I’ve dated around since I awoke from the slumber of a coma.  But I know nothing will be the same.  I wished I never woke up..

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