Dear Carly | Teen Ink

Dear Carly

February 26, 2015
By Jade T BRONZE, Cupertino, California
Jade T BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Carly Hayes has to move away for her dad's internship, but has to leave her boyfriend behind. Without her other half Carly goes through emotional ride filled with regret, loss, love, and discovers who she is and what she wants.

Chapter 1: Dear Carly,

March 20th, 2014
It was one of those things that just felt right… we were in love. Little did I know love could be taken away from me so easily.

June 6th, 2014
“Mom we can’t move!! There is too much I would lose. Please don't do this to me.”
“Honey, I know this must be hard but we have no choice. Your dad’s job depends on this move.” She comforted me by combing back the stray hairs from falling into my face.
I cried for at least two days straight. I had to leave the love of my life behind and start a new life without him… Now the hardest part was telling him.

June 11, 2014
How would I break it to him? How could I break it to him? I looked at into his big brown eyes; copper flecks with a deep brown rim around the iris. “I’m moving.” I looked down at my shoes scared of seeing at his reaction. He laughed.
“You’re joking.” silence filled the air. And in that moment he knew I wasn’t. “You…you can’t move. I don't know what I’d do without you. Maybe we can try a long distance thing, or you could crash with one of your friends??” He looked frightened by the hasty news. I wasn't one who believed in long distance relationships. It was too much trouble. It would be hard not seeing him everyday. Or knowing that I wouldn’t be able to tell him I loved him; in person. That day, my heart fell into a million pieces. I felt empty, I didn't eat and I barely talked.

July 14, 2014
The day I moved was a quiet day. I couldn't cry, as if I had run out of tears to let out. He stayed with me in my last moments in the town until my family and I had to drive out to the airport. “I love you.” We hugged for as long as we could and I pulled away. I wasn't good at good byes. Why were they called good byes anyways? There isn't anything good about a good bye itself. I got into the car and we drove away. I looked at him through the rear view mirror and watched as he got smaller and smaller until I couldn't see him anymore.

July 21, 2014
We rarely talked. And if we did, it was about stupid little things about how we were doing, what we were doing, or how our family was. It was never anything personal like we used to talk about. We used to talk on the phone for hours on end, about “deep” topics. But it was different now.

Septemper 4, 2014
The day I started my new school was hard for me. I was constantly drifting into my own imaginary world in my head. I was always distracted. I didn't have anyone to talk to, and I sat with girls I barely knew. I had no one to talk to, plus, no guy was the same. I desperately missed him, but we never talked anymore.

September 18, 2014
“Ms. Hayes. Ms. Hayes are you paying attention? Carly Hayes!” The teachers voice was stern. She looked at me through her thick framed glasses.
“What?” I mumbled.
“Are you paying attention? If you are going to be in my class you must listen, or else you can leave.” She pointed at the door. Shocked by her scolding, I was lost for words. “Um ok.”
November 4, 2014
The days passed quickly, I went to school did homework and went to bed. It was the same routine everyday. Nothing ever happened in the small city of Berkshire. It was kind of boring.

December 12, 2014
I walked into the house after school to see my parents at the table, as if they have been waiting for me to walk through the door. “We have some news to tell you.”
“What are we moving again?” I sarcastically replied.
My dad was, in fact relocated again due to business. Instead of moving to another wacky, dull city we would be moving back to where I have previously lived.

December 22, 2014
I thought the worst day of my life was when I moved away, but it was actually when I came back. My best friend Stacy, annoyingly didn’t update me on anything that was happening, which caused me to embarrass myself. I gushed on and on to her about my plans for how I was going to surprise Ryan, what I was going to say to him. “Carly. I should've told you this before but Ryan has a thing with that girl named Sheila Fifer…I think that’s her name” she looked guilty, like a little kid that just got in trouble for stealing candy from a shop.
“Oh. Thats…well great. If he's happy I guess.” I played it cool but inside this feeling of rose of from the pit of my stomach. I was jealous. I felt sick. Had he really moved on?

January 3, 2015
The day when I went back to school was memorable. Not only was I the schools most heated topic, but I threw a fit. ‘Girl moves out of town and moves back to find her ex-boyfriend has moved on to another lover.’ Great.
Sheila Fifer was a popular girl, she had long black hair that went down to her waist. She was pretty, but always tended to give me pitiful looks. Like she was sorry for me. I hated it, I didn't need a pity party.

I saw Ryan hanging out with a couple of his friends after school. I was fine until I saw Sheila walk up to him. I felt outraged. I stormed up to him and grabbed his shirt by the sleeve. “Listen up here, we need to talk.” Ryan looked at me, he looked confused. “NOW!” I demanded. I pulled him into a hallway. “What happened Ryan?”
“What?” still confused, he pulled away from my strong grip. “What are you even doing here?” he looked down at me and I felt a warm sensation around my eyes. I was crying. Wonderful. “Do you still love me?” I asked, I felt pathetic after I realized what I had said.
“What? Carly I… when you moved I thought you weren't coming back. I had to move on, I couldn't sit around mope all day. It really hurts to let go, but sometimes it hurts more to hold on.” His big brown eyes looked sad. “Don’t cry. Please.” I turned and walked away, it was time for me to let go.

January 8, 2015
Nothing was the same. I had shut everyone out. I couldn't even go on social media because I would see pictures of Sheila and Ryan everywhere. Where did I go wrong? I was lost. I would no longer feel the warmth of Ryan’s presence. I would no longer get to hold his hand or call him mine. Whenever I saw him, I would do anything in my power to avoid him; even if it meant taking the long way, but it was worth it at the time.

January 16, 2015
Ryan didn't show up at school that much, he would often took long periods of time off of school, doing whatever. I wondered what he would do with so much free time. It bothered me a little because without him school was a blur.

January 23, 2015
I checked the mailbox for mail. Ads…Ads…more ads…and a letter?

To:Carly Hayes
From:Ryan Tessler

Dear Carly,

I got my phone and called Ryan.
“Hellooo?” he said.
“What does it mean?” I asked. “What does this letter mean Ryan, is this one of your jokes?”
“Not a joke…it means yes.” he said.
“Yes what?” I questioned, I started to get frustrated. I heard him sigh through the phone. I could imagine him rolling his eyes.
“The day you confronted me…I never answered you. Yes, Carly Hayes I still love you. I don't think I can move on. You drive me nuts.”

This was one of those things that just felt right.

The author's comments:

I related this to emotional feelings I have felt on a relationship in my life and wanted it to come to life. I want people to know that if you believe that there is someone/something you think is worth fighting for, do it.

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