The Twist in Fate | Teen Ink

The Twist in Fate

February 11, 2015
By Anonymous

“Beep! Beep!” Paris alarm goes off and she finally realizes what day it is, it is the first day of school. She jumps out of bed and throws on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. She puts her hair up into a messy bun and runs to catch up to the school bus. As soon as she enters she feels as though someone is staring at her. She looks beside her to see one of the most popular guys in the whole school, Hunter King.
“ May I sit here?” he asks.
“ Um.. Yeah you can.” she says nervously. He puts up his backpack and plops down next to Paris. They sit in awkward silence ,for what feels like a decade for Paris, until Hunter decides to speak.
“ I’m Hunter King, you probably already know me, but i just wanted to make sure so this wouldn’t be awkward.”
“ Well, if we are saying our names here I’m…” Hunter interrupts her.
“ Paris North, I know you. You are the shy girl who is always reading in the back of the class. That probably sounded like I am a stalker, I’m sorry.”  Paris was shocked. Hunter, the most popular boy in school knows who she is! 
After her and Hunter get done talking ,Paris’s best friend, Dan, enters the bus.
“ Hey Paris!!” Dan says excitedly.
“ Hey Dan…” Paris says, she realizes he isn’t listening to her. When she looks over to Dan she notices he is shooting daggers and Hunter.
“ Umm…..Hun…” Before she can finish Hunter is up on his feet and has his backpack in his hands.
“ I should probably sit somewhere else. I can see that your friend wants to sit by you.” Before Paris can say anything, Hunter is already in the back of the bus and Dan slides beside her.
“ Ugh, I really don’t like that guy.” Dan says angrily.
“ Why not? He seems pretty nice to me.” Paris asks.
“ No reason, it is just that he thinks he Is better than everyone else.” After he says that she hears giggles behind her.
“ That poor girl, Hunter was sitting by her and now he left. Must hurt.”
Paris was about to say something when the bus pulls up to the school. As she attempts to leave her glasses fall and get shattered.
“ What am I going to do? Wait! Did I bring my contacts, Yes! Ok this will be okay for now.” Hunter comes up to her with her broken glasses.
“ Must be a rough day, huh?”
“ Thanks” Paris whispers. She runs off to the bathroom to put in her contacts. When she opens the bathroom door, she hears someone groan.
“ Omg! I’m so sorry.” She says as soon as she realizes who she hit.
“ Wow, you are pretty strong for a girl” Hunter says as he rubs his forehead.
“ You are very attractive without your glasses Paris. You should wear your contacts more often.” Paris stands in shock. Did she really just get a complement from him? She realizes something she never wanted to happen. She is crushing on Hunter.
The week goes on, Hunter being in almost all Paris’s classes, before the week ended, Hunter came up to Paris’s locker.
“ Hey, I was just wondering, are you free Saturday night?” Hunter speaks nervously. 
“Um… Yeah I am, what do you have planned?” Paris answers.
“ I was just wondering if you would like to go to the movies with me. I heard that If I Stay is playing and I have seen you reading it and….” Before he can finish Paris interrupts him.
“I would love to go Hunter, see you at 7?”
“ Really? Ok great, see you then.” Hunter speaks in excitement, then he walks off to his car.
“ Did he really ask me out?” Paris says under her breath.
“ Well… might as well get ready.”, she says to herself.
She races back to her house to wait for Hunter to show up. When he does, Paris gets butterflies. She walks up to his blue Ford Thunderbird and gets in. They head off to the movies and have a blast. After the movies Hunter drives Paris home.
“ This was fun.” Hunter whispers even though no one is around.
“ It really was.” Paris agrees happily. Paris feels calm but soon gets butterflies once he pulls up into her driveway. When she looks over at Hunter he is staring right back at her.
“ Is he going to kiss me?” Paris thinks inside her head. Secretly, she wants him too. Hunter starts leaning closer to Paris. Soon after, they kiss. This is Paris’s first kiss and it was perfect. After they kiss, Hunter hands Paris a box. Paris opens the box to find a bracelet with a heart charm on it.
“ I will give you a charm every time we go on a date. It is to remind you who loves you the most” Paris looks at Hunter with tears in her eyes. This is the time when Paris realizes something… Love never happens on purpose.

The author's comments:

I wrote this peice because I was inspired to write it. I was reading The Fault in our Stars and i felt that I needed to write a romance story.

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