A minuscule portion of my story. | Teen Ink

A minuscule portion of my story.

January 4, 2015
By matta_c99 SILVER, Plainville, Connecticut
matta_c99 SILVER, Plainville, Connecticut
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We are the strongest creatures, yet we are damaged beyond repair."

Does a lovers kiss feel a birds feathers?
Does it make you warm and comfortable inside?
Can it change how you react to certain things?
Can it make you fall in love?

Promise to love me in my days of need. Promise not to hurt me when i need you most. Promise me that you won’t let me fall without catching me. Promise to pick me up if i do fall. Will you heal me if i break? Can my love be enough to keep you here with me? I cannot allow you to leave, you are my other half. If you leave, I’m incomplete. You’re taking everything I spent my entire life protecting away.

A Simple Story of Love
She was an eccentric girl, but not more than ordinary. She played sports; she loved to help people; she was protective, sweet, kind, innocent in a way. She hung around boys and disliked being around other females. She thought she couldn’t trust them. He was a street boy. Always on the streets, selling drugs doing things a 14 year old shouldn’t be doing. Many said it was a desperate act for attention from his mother. It was true. He was alone in the world, his father never gave him the love and affection and discipline he needed. Neither did his mother, she had given up on him.
It was a warm, sunny summer day. Every child around the block was outside playing, hanging out with their friends. She decided to hang with the girls because the boys were out doing their little business she wanted no part of. The girls had came up to her house and excitedly explained how a new, cute boy was outside that just moved into the neighborhood. She was curious to what was exciting her friends. They walked down the hill towards the park and there he was, riding his bike around the entire block. He caught her attention quickly. She felt something she hasn’t felt in a long time. Love.
He stared at her each time he came down the hill. “She’s beautiful”, he kept thinking everytime he passed by her. He thought he had no chance with her because of his bad reputation. She would never want someone who’s done the stuff he’s done and he’s still doing. He wanted to talk to her but his fears of rejection burned in his mind. He’d soon get over it though. She was too attracting to let go of.
She feared the moment he’d talk to her. She knew he would because she was constantly staring at him. They made eye contact every time they saw each other. He finally disappeared. She waited to see him all day but she didn’t. She felt incomplete. She swore the next day, she would some how get close to him, or at least make conversation. She knew she would fall in love with him.They had that connection the first moment they looked at each other.

The author's comments:

This is just a small peak into the full story. Please let me know if you would like to see more. 

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