Mystified State of Mind | Teen Ink

Mystified State of Mind

December 27, 2014
By Nancy Ward BRONZE, Winston Salem, North Carolina
Nancy Ward BRONZE, Winston Salem, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It electifies your body like no other. It makes your insides tingle with intensity. You lose sight of your senses all to willingly and you allow yourself to become numb. And you like the feeling of being numb. You like the feeling because when you're numb you don't have to worry about anything but the moment you're in. You're light-weight and free and you don't have to crawl on your knees. There are explosions of light down every road you turn. There's no definition to the way you feel and you know there doesn't have to be one. So you hold onto the mystery of not knowing what state you're in. And when you close your eyes of wonder to rest you dream of glowing lanterns that attract you, so you stalk after them. They lead you to a magical place where it can be winter, spring, summer, and fall all at once. Where it's a desert and a forest and a cold arctic tundra and a tropical island all in one place. Where you can dance and sing and yell and cry and talk all you want. And when you are one with the world again you can still taste that wonderful place in your mind. Because even though you don't know what state you're in and that there is no definition to it, you know all to well that it's love. 

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