Complicated Life | Teen Ink

Complicated Life

December 9, 2014
By Dylan201 BRONZE, Stockton, California
Dylan201 BRONZE, Stockton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I will say I failed 1000 times, I will say that I discovered there are 1000 ways that can cause failure"

             “Beep! Beep”, my alarm rang. It read 5:00 a.m. I was not ready to wake up, but I had to. I got up, took a shower, and brushed my teeth. I picked out my outfit for the day and did my make-up. When I was done I got my black converse and my turquoise backpack. I waited for Taylor which would normally take  her forever. We lived in a small house with one bathroom and 2 bedrooms, five people were living there. I lived in a foster home almost my whole life just like my friend Taylor. It was 6:25 a.m. and we were going to miss the bus like usual. We ran to the bus stop and made it on time. We arrived at school at 7:10 a.m. and we got breakfast and sat with our friends. When the bell rang we went to class and did the normal routine of going to school. When school was over it was around 2:30 p.m. My friends, Taylor, Bethany, Matt, Dylan and I went to our favorite diner about three minutes away from my house. The whole time I was there I was thinking about my parents and how nice it would be to meet them and ask them why they left. It was 4:10 p.m. and I had to leave because  I had to go to work. I got ready and arrived at Starbucks at 4:45 p.m. I did my normal routine which is making coffee and working the cashier. I got home around 10 and went to sleep around 12.
                   I woke the next day really late and tired. I got ready in less than 10 minutes and made it to the bus stop on time.
                  “I don’t want to go to school,” I said to Taylor on the bus ride to school.
                  “Nobody does, but we have to,” said Taylor. “We have a couple more months to go before we graduate.”
                  We arrive at school, go to our lockers, put in our books, and take out things that we need.
                  “I will not miss this place at all,” I said.
                   As soon as the girls were leaving, Allison had to go to the restroom. Taylor had left because she had a different class.
                   “Hey watch where you’re going,” said a mysterious guy.
                   “You watch where you're going, you were the one that ran into me,” I said to him annoyed.
                    “Wait, I know you from somewhere?” he asked.
                    “Ummm….I don’t recognise you,” said Allison.
                    “Isn’t your name Allison?” asked mysterious guy.
                    “Yeah, how do you know my name?” asked Allison with a confused look on her face.
                     “My name is Christian by the way,” he said, “and your parents told me.” He then walked away to class.
                     I wish I knew what he was talking about. I didn’t even know him.
                     The past few weeks I have been hanging out with Christian to find out more information about my parents but he won’t tell me. It’s like my parents don’t want me to know anything about them. The only small piece of information I got about them is that they live in Omaha, Nebraska. I know that he knows more information that what he told me and I am going to find out more information.
                     There are a couple of weeks left till school is over and I am really happy. I hope I get into the university I want to go to.
                     “Allison!” “Allison!”screamed Taylor.
                     “What do you want?”I  screamed back,”I am busy.”
                     “What could you possibly be doing?” Taylor asked.
                     “I am on Youtube watching videos,” I yelled.
                     “You would but you have some papers that just came in the mail,” Taylor said.
                     She comes running to the living room and stands there with a confused and worried look on her face.
                      “Is this a joke?” I screamed really loud.
                      “Would anyone want to joke around with this,” she said.
                      “I’m not sure there are many bad people in this world and I don't really know what to think right now,” I  said.
                     “Just say it, you got into UCLA,” said Taylor.
                     “My dream school!” I said.
                     “You got  accepted and I’m proud of you,” Taylor said with a big smile on her face, “You should tell Christian the big news! He will be proud of you.”
                     “I will,” I said. She had doubts on calling him. She didn’t know what to say to him. She had to man up and call him. So, she did.
                     “Hello,” Christian asked.
                     “Hey!” I said.
                     “What’s up?” he asked.
                     “Nothing, I have good news,” I said.
                      “Allison, did you get accepted?” he said, “If you did then I am going to find an old lady and hug her!”
                      “Will I guess you should start looking,” I said.
                      “ I haven't received anything in the mail yet,” he said. “I just hope I get accepted to be with you.”
                       “Christian, I really do hope you get accepted. You have to get accepted, I want to graduate college with you and everything. Get an apartment together. I wanted to experience college with you,” I said.
                         “Allison, I want the same, but what if I don’t get accepted? I am going to have to go back to my family.” He said. “I want to celebrate that you're going to UCLA. How about we go get breakfast tomorrow morning and after I have a surprise for you, you are going to love it.”
                        “Okay, but before you go, can I ask you a question,” I asked.
                         “Yeah, sure anything,” he said.
                         “Can you tell me a little bit about my parents, please?” I asked.
                            “As much as I want to, I can’t say anything,” he said.
                             “Please, I would go to Omaha but you know I can’t afford the ticket, I’m saving for college,” I said.
                             “I am really sorry I made a promise,” he said.
                             “Alright, I will see you tomorrow,” I said.
                             “Okay bye,” he said as the line cut off.
I quickly walked over to my dresser and plug my phone into the charger for tomorrow. I wonder what's Christian’s surprise. I am upset that I don’t know much about them, but I will do my best to know everything he knows. I plug in my phone, I opened my dresser and get my pajamas, I quickly change in my pajamas. I finished changing and I grabbed my favorite book ‘The Fault In Our Stars’ . I layed down sort of sitting up. I open the book and begin to read. I think I read this book so many times that I memorized word for word. As I finish reading the book, I turn to see what time it is. It’s now 12:39 a.m., I put the book away and quickly fall asleep.
                        I was awoken by phone ringing.“We don't have the time to be sorry so baby be the life of the party.” My phone blasted loudly creating echoes of Shawn Mendes singing his song. I quickly unplug my phone and answer it.
                          “Hello?” I said.
                          “Hey, I was wondering if it was okay to change to the plans?” he asked.
                          “Ummm….. sure what do you have in mind,” I asked.
                          “How about you meet me in the park that’s a couple minutes away from you,” he said.
                           “Okay, I will meet you there,” I said.
I slowly get out of bed heading into the bathroom. I get into the bathroom, turning on my water. I quickly take a shower. Once I’m out the shower I walk to my closet and pick out my outfit which is a mint colored skater skirt, white lace crop top, and a floral cardigan. I finally decided to have my hair in waves. Once I got  dressed and finish doing my hair I start walking to the park. In less than 5 minutes I arrived there.
                         “Hey Christian,” I say.
                         “Hey you look nice,” he said smiling.
                         “You don’t look bad yourself,” I said.
                        “Thank you, I bought you these flowers,” he said handing me the flowers.
                        “Oh thank you, they’re beautiful, you didn’t really need to though,” I said.
                         “They’re beautiful just like you,” he said causing me to blush.
                        “I have to show you something,” he said grabbing my hand.
                       We walked through the park until we came across a bench with two people sitting on it, a woman and a man. They kept staring at us. I was about to ask Christian if he knew them until one of them spoke up. 
                       “Allison, is that you?” someone asked from behind the bench.
                       “Umm….who are you guys,” I asked really confused.
                        “They’re your parents,” Christian said.
                        “Wait what, you guys are my parents?” I asked.
                         “Yeah, we are, Christian called us because you wanted to meet us and we came to take you with us,” my mom said.
                         “I did want to meet you guys and why are you taking me,” I said.
                         “You are in danger because these dangerous men want to hurt you ,” my dad said.
                          “As you guys can see, I’m perfectly fine,” I said annoyed.
                         “That’s because we asked Christian to keep an eye on you,” my mom said. 
                         “Why am I in danger and I want to know why you left me here?” I asked my parents.
                          “It was a long time ago, when you turned three we were in danger from these dangerous people that wanted to hurt us. They wanted to hurt us because your dad owed money to this man and we didn’t have money to pay him. He payed these men to follow us and try to hurt you. We agreed to drop you off at a foster home in Los Angeles so you can be safe. We then moved to Omaha, Nebraska so we can be far away. Sixteen years later we got an anonymous call saying that they know where you are and they are going to hurt you.While we were thinking about what to do, we thought that our neighbor, Christian, could keep an eye on you since he was going to Los Angeles for college . He agreed to come and keep an eye on you and not to let anyone hurt you. Does this answer your question?” my mom said.
                          “I mean I guess it does. The good thing is that I got to meet you guys but I still don’t trust you guys. I understand that we were in danger but did you have to have to leave me? Did you even think about how my life would be with no parents in the picture?” I said.
                          “It was a hard decision that we had to leave you but it was for your own good,” my dad said.
                           “What did you mean earlier when you said, we came to take you with us,” I asked.
                          “What we meant was that, is that we want you to come with us and live with us,” my dad said.
                           “Why don’t you guys move out here to Los Angeles,” I asked.
                           “We can’t just move out here, we have our whole life over there,” my mom said.
                           “How do you expect me to move out there if I have my whole life here?” I asked them.
                          “You can have a fresh start, college, and be safe with us,” my parents said.
                          “I can’t just leave like that I barely know you guys. You guys might leave me like you did sixteen years ago,” I said annoyed.
                         “We understand that you don’t trust us but can you at least think about it?” they said.
                         “I will think about it,” I said.
                         “Allison, you might not believe this but we will not leave you again,” they said.
                          I walked away with Christian right beside me. I wanted to talk to him but it would be awkward. There was awkward silence on the way to my house.We arrived to my house and he walked me to the front door.
                          “Thank you for giving me the opportunity of meeting my parents, I’m sorry you had to go through all of this,”I said.
                          “You’re welcome, and it’s okay you know that I would do anything to make you happy,” he said, “I have to get going but hope you make a decision that will make you happy.” He gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He then walks away toward his house.
               I don’t know if i should stay or go with my parents. All of my life I wanted to meet my parents and be able to be with them but I am not sure that I should go with them. I have so many things that i would be leaving behind and I can’t just leave with people I barely know.  I have graduation, a job, friends, and mostly Christian even though he had to leave at some point to go back to his family. I literally can’t decide what to do.
Before I go to sleep I take a warm shower to clear things out of my mind. I grabbed my warm pajamas and my computer. I made a pros and cons list that hopefully will help me make up my mind. I think I made my decision. I went to sleep so I can tell my parents my decision.
                I woke up the next day without my alarm. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. I took out my outfit which included: some black leggings, a brown oversized sweater, an infinity scarf, and some brown long boots. I curled my hair and did my makeup simple. After I was done I went to the kitchen to make some breakfast but there was a knock on my door.
            “Hello sweetie, are you busy?” said my mom with a big smile on her face.
            “No, I just got done getting ready,”I said, “Not to sound rude or anything but why are you here.”
             “We are here to get your decision about you moving to Omaha,” my mom said.
              “Okay, you want my answer now?” I asked.
              “Yeah, so we know to buy you a ticket,” my dad answered.
              “This was a really difficult decision for me it involved three of the things I love; it involved you my parents, college, and Christian. I want to go with you guys so I can get to know you more but at the same time I want to stay here and live my life here. Just like you said yesterday I have everything here my home, job, and life. So my decision is to stay here, you know that I love you guys but I can't go. I told you yesterday that I can’t go with people that i don’t really know. Sorry, I hope you can forgive me for this,” I said starting to tear up.
                 “It's okay honey, we understand your decision,” my mom said.
                 “I can go visit you and you can visit me, I'm just upset that you're not staying longer,” I said.
                 “You will and we will too, don't worry about it,” my mom said, “We have to leave now our flight leaves in a little, see you soon, honey,” they both said while crying.
                 “Stop crying you guys are going to make me cry, bye I love you guys,” I said.
                 “We love you too, bye,” they said. While walking away to a taxi that was waiting there.
                  I started walking to Christian's house to tell him the news. When I arrived I saw him walking to car, he was talking to himself. All I heard was “she's leaving”, “she can't leave” was he talking about me?
                   I started talking to him and he looked like he was sad.
                   “Hey,” I said.
                    “Hey, are you here to say goodbye to me,” said Christian.
                    “Why say goodbye, if I'm staying?” I said.
                    “Wait you're staying?” he asked.
                    “Yeah, I have to many important things here,” I said.
                     “Will I am really happy that you are staying,” he said.
                     “I'm happy, too,” I said.
                     “We can visit them when I go see my parents,” he said.
  “That would be a good idea,” I said.
                     The past week I have been getting ready for graduation. Graduation is on Saturday and I am really excited. I wish that my parents would come but I know that they can't.
                     Graduation is today and I am so excited. I take a shower and my new burgundy dress that I bought. Then I did my makeup and put my cap and gown. I was ready for today. I arrived at school, and found my friends. We got ready in our lines bad ready for when our names are called. "Allison Campbell" I stood up and walked to get my diploma.  The weather was so nice outside that it was a good idea to have the graduation outside. After a couple more names they announced "Christian Evans" I clapped really loud I was proud of him. After the ceremony we threw our caps in the air.
                Christian then came up to me and said," I got accepted to UCLA."
                 "You did, this makes my day 10 times better," I said. I was so proud if him. He then said another thing.
                  "Would you go out with me," he yelled so I could here.
                   " Yes," I yelled back.
                     Today was the best day ever. I graduated, found out my boyfriend was going to college with me, and I got a boyfriend. Life was complicated since the beginning but everything happens for a reason.

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