Humanity | Teen Ink


November 14, 2014
By Kerstein Robbins BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
Kerstein Robbins BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  A tragedy they said but then again do they truly know what a tragedy is? They just feel bad because it’s the “right” thing to do. But now I don’t want to do the right thing anymore, I no longer care what happened to my family that day, I can’t care. All I wanted is for it to stop. So it did, I don’t feel bad about it now, I’m not crying, it’s just something that had happened, it’s all just in the past.

  It all started when my family was picking me up from school, it was supposed to be fun, but I forgot there is no such thing in good. We were going to my Grandparents house for the weekend. But then it happened, I saw them in the car laughing having fun as usual but then I guess the car lost control or wasn’t really paying attention and lost control of the wheel. That moment I saw everything I love go down in flames. The car tried to stop but didn’t work so it went into ours. The black 67 impala must have gone above the speed limit because ours was off the ground for a while, then when it finally stood up I heard screams and cries. I quickly ran as fast as I can to the car banging and grabbing the door but they were all locked there was nothing I could do. Fire started to come up from the car I heard all them screaming but then people were grabbing me to get out but I never wanted to leave them at least not like that.
  Cries were heard, screams were let out, and lives were lost. The car exploded, all the sudden I was on the ground screaming out something I never really understood. There were people surrounded around the scene of course but all of them were crying almost like they knew who I was. Some people came out of the crowd, I knew them all. One was my best friend we understood each other more than anyone, another was my teacher he knew me for a while only because my dad was best friends with him. The last person was Chase, we have been dating for about a year right now we’re supposable the “it” couple.
“Katharine are you okay, is anything broken?” said Rachel
I didn’t say anything, I just ran. I didn’t know where exactly I was running to I just ran. I went into the woods that was near the school and just started punching the tree. I heard someone coming but I never stopped. It was Chase, I knew because of his hand. He grabbed my body and pulled towards his.
“What are you doing Kathrine?” he asked
“Its my fault isn’t it, that there dead. They were coming to pick me up if they didn’t come if I was never here they could still be alive. I’m the one who caused all of it” I said.
“Katherine, come on you know it wasn’t your fault so stop beating yourself about it” he said.
“You don’t get it I have nobody. I used to complain about them because they wouldn’t get off my back, but want them I need them in my life or else I might. I might do something just as crazy. So do you know what I should because I have no clue” I said
  “Turn it off. Just turn it all off, that’s what I think. You said you have no one left now so go ahead. You won’t cry feel bad about anything so just do it” he shouted.
  So here I am in a cold dark cemetery  not having a care in the world what I do, he was right but I’m out of control I have no control over my emotions I don’t even care if I hurt people. If I don’t feel bad then I’m all good.
  The story between me and Chase, we are over ended about a month ago so we are no longer the it couple but he has been trying to get me back to the way I was. The girl who cared about everything cared about people other from herself, but know I don’t care about anything not even me and apparently that’s a problem. Everyone just needs to mind their own business because I’m fine I don’t want to feel the way I did because that sucked and it hurt, I can’t continue being the girl who lost her family in a stupid car crash just because a stupid girl wanted to text about a car. I actually like being this way it makes me feel like I’m on top of the world.
But even I know that’s not the truth, who honestly wants that. I want to find my back to the person I once was but it’s impossible because that girl is long gone. I want the guy who made my day just by smiling I need that. But I also want my family back but I can’t have that. I’m here with them though but not in the way I wanted it to be.
“Katherine, I’m glad to see you here” said Chase. “I need you to come back to me to us please turn it back on all of your emotions, you can do it. If you turned them off you can turn them back on, please just do for me. If there is even a bit in there left of you that still loves me then you’ll do it”.
“I have tried that a million times but it has not work-“
He kissed me, it all came back to me the memoirs I had became all familiar to me. He had brought me back to life.


The author's comments:

Relationships inspired me to right this story.

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