The Mystical Chapter Three: Maybe I'm Fatal | Teen Ink

The Mystical Chapter Three: Maybe I'm Fatal

November 5, 2014
By Anonymous

After meeting my dad and the rest of the soccer team for Smoothie Saturday, it was still a few hours before Perry's party. It was time for Project Party. Marine came over and Perry too not long after she had all of her decortions up. Lipsticks seemed to be dancing around the room, eyeshadows like too-full sand pails, eye-catching fabrics were tossed about the area, but the pretty mess would have to wait. Blake arrived seven minutes too early, but we did runway and he gave us feedback.

Cars were lined up, filing over street after street. Perry had left before Blake picked Marine and i up to double check everthing, plus you can't leave your guests waiting. We made our way to the pool deck. Girls in skintight clothing waited barefoot in a line to be pushed into the pool by whatever boy was up next. Some tuxedos and sparkles floated together while waiting for the rest of the pairs to get in to start the game. You are randomly paired up with your opposite gender and a team is randomly picked to be it.

I am paired up with Blake. Everyone knows that he makes sure he lines us up perfectly every year for this one game. Perry was the party host, so she got to pick who was it. While Marine was paired up with another 'hottie', she picked Cortney Smith and Allen Lennord (another pair) to be it. As the rules say, Cortney got on Allen's back and he plunged Cortney and himself under water, counting to ten. The teams swirled about the pool, swimming away from the predators.

Something didn't feel right. I had taken a drink from the punch bowl and given it to Blake. He wasn't carrying me the way he usually does. His arms seemed more to be swaying as the game went on, until he finally drifted off and let go of me. "Blake? Blake!" Pulling him out of the water. The others just paused, white-faced. "Perry, what was in that drink?" "It was just Cherry Punch." I had her get me his cup from the table. It was lined with a powder in the bottom.

The author's comments:

to be continued...

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