Leetres from Fortrose | Teen Ink

Leetres from Fortrose

October 17, 2014
By AndreaBeaumont BRONZE, Dubai, Other
AndreaBeaumont BRONZE, Dubai, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew.
- William Shakespeare

Dearest Tabitha,

First love, they say, is an infallible bond. An emotion so bonafide, so pure, it makes its devout hostages bleed for their heart. I know not of any profound thesis on this bleeding love or to compose pedagogic romantic soliloquies. For me, my first love is you.
For me, bliss is nothing beyond seeking the warmth of your arms beneath the infinite glint studded sky. The incandescent sparkle in your lake blue eyes, lights the darkest Scottish alleys where we stand.  The soft, hazel hued curls of your hair gently grazes the rosy fullness of your cheeks. The serene curve of beguiling smile that dwells your scarlet lips, embellishes your face in the soft moonlight.
This ephemeral vision of us that lingers before my tear-laden eyes, before it fleets away to space. I do not know what had compelled or more like possessed me to tear us apart, I did not mean to, of course. Those hurls of bellows and consequential pleas for forgiveness, still torment me in my nightmares. They ring ruthlessly in my ears, with every piercing syllable of my own cruel voice, tormenting you with accusations, that, indeed my love had no base.
The day you finally, walked out of my life, leaving me to stand solitary in the lush green Fortrose vineyard, the truth dawned on me, with the gravity as dark as a thousand eclipses. You were gone. From my life. For me, there was nothing at that moment. Just darkness, zero-ness and the world had shrunk to that miniscule, horrid capture of nothingness. Life ceased to exist. I was merely a bag of breathing blood and bones. Every morning I wake up with sullen eyes and quivering heart, just to exist. But deep inside, I had hope. That you, my dearest Tabitha, will return.
I lay under the ceaseless starry spreadsheet, just like we did, in the happy lanes of my memory. I remember with throbbing fondness, the warmth we shared as our fingers intertwined. The spark a burning red kiss ignited, the flaming fervours of youth. These are the last pieces of happy memories, I cling to, very tightly, in the fear of losing you, entirely. It is ultimately this fear my love, that compels me to write to you. I am extremely ashamed of what I’ve done, highly remorseful of what I’ve put you through and regret every moment, the harsh stream of words that left my wretched mouth. If you could be that angel who forgives my sins and accept my apology, I promise you wholeheartedly, that I will be anything you want me to be. Please give me another chance to be a better human, a better lover. I vow to never break your heart again. My love for you is and will forever be, undiminished .I know not where you are, how you are and hence, cannot personally, come to you, to beg forgiveness, to proclaim  that my love for you is beyond all boundaries of time.
Hence, I shall wait for you. All my life. With an undying hope and inextinguishable anticipation. Till my grave summons me. My heart whispers, fills me with baseless hope that you, my Tabitha will return. My life will return.


The author's comments:

inspired by the concept of true love .hope people like it !

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