After The One | Teen Ink

After The One

October 1, 2014
By TurtleAl BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
TurtleAl BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Nina Franta, a 17 year old junior at Melville High School in Perth, Australia has felt the wraths of heartbreak and new friendship emerge. 

She does not know whether this growing love will make or break her. Can she ever be normal again? 

Is she ever going to find the one who will love her back unconditionally and never hurt her? 

Well, it all starts one day after ninth grade that after she starts realizing her feelings. 

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The Beginning

“Nina!! Wait up! I can not run this fast after you!” My best friend of six years yells at me. But I have to ignore her for I cannot even speak without getting choked up or teary eyed.
“Just go!” I yell back and walk towards home. I turn around to see if she is behind me and she is not. I just could not deal with anything or anyone at the moment. I walk further down and spot my two-story blue house. As I enter through the front door I can tell my parents are not home yet by the lack of lighting and communication. I trot up the stairs and flop onto my bed thinking about what happened today. You think you have found the love of your life but is it ever truly accurate? After what happened today, I can honestly say no. It is not truly accurate because sometimes your first love will not always be your last love. I should properly introduce myself and start from the beginning.
My name is Nina Franta and I go to Melville High School in Perth, Australia. I am currently a junior there and have been crushing real hard on this boy named Jasper at school since freshman year. We talked, hung out, and knew each other’s families, but we are not a thing and will never be. You see; he made it seem like I was the only girl for him, but I honestly was not. I was to blind to see through his charming good looks and charismatic personality that he flirted with most of the girl population at school and had me as more of a best friend than anything else. Oh, how naïve I was to believe that. He just went and played me like a game of Monopoly. Went around the board collecting my feelings then in the end threw it away on nothing. Of course, though, I still fell for it and told Jasper how I felt about him. That I have been in love with him since freshman year and he was my first love! All he did was laugh and say, “You are joking right? We are best friends; that is all we will ever be. I like Maria, the girl in my physics class. I thought you knew.” You could only imagine how many pieces my heart broke in two and still is. I felt so humiliated and ludicrous for even saying anything to him. Now I would be known as the girl who is in love with a boy who does not love her back in that way. I need to get out of this room, I thought, before I go insane with my thoughts.
I put my red Nike shorts and tennis shoes on. If I cannot stop thinking about Jasper, then running sure will help me forget about him. I put on “The Weight” by Shawn Mendes and started running down the sidewalk. I notice a family finally moving into the house next to ours. They have boxes scattered everywhere and attempting to put it all in the nicely furnished house. The next thing I know I bump into something and land on the floor like the clumsy person I am. I open my eyes and come in contact with a set of eyes peering into mine.
“You okay there?” The stranger asks me in an American accent.
“Yeah, I am fine. Who are you?” I ask.
“My name is Andrew, we just moved into that house. What is your name?” he says pointing towards the building I was just looking at. He starts helping me up and off the ground.
“Looks like we are neighbors then and my name is Nina. Are you new to town or something?” I ask, being quite interested now.
“Yeah actually. My dad got a great job opportunity here, so we packed up and came to Perth,” Andrew says.
“Oh, that sounds amazing. Just out of curiosity, where are you from? I can tell from your accent you are from America,” I say.
“We are from California. It is quite a transition, but it is all for the best. Well anyways, I should get back and help my family. I will see you later,” he says with a smile.
“Yeah, sounds good,” I say with a smile in return.
He was very cute, but I still cannot get rid of my feelings for Jasper just like that. He was my first love and all he did was break me. Being best friends since freshman year, sure does allow you to generate tons of emotions towards one person and it is hard to just let go of them the moment they reject your love. Sounds like a regular heartbreak story a 17 year-old girl would say, but until you really feel all the emotions, then you will know what it truly feels like. This still does not mean you cannot tell the love of your life you love them, just be cautious that it might not always turn out the way you want it to turn out and they might not love you back.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece because the idea came to me one day when I was watching a romanitc movie. One of those typical movies where the girl falls in love with the guy and he falls back in love with her. I wanted for once everyone to really see what goes on. You can fall in love with someone, but that does not mean they will fall in love with you. It is not going to be a fairytale and that we as individuals need to set our expectations lower. 


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