Broken Heart | Teen Ink

Broken Heart

June 5, 2014
By Moira BRONZE, O&#39Fallon, Missouri
Moira BRONZE, O&#39Fallon, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Moira laid in her bed staring at a blank wall. The sound of rain hit the window and made a quiet pitter patter sound.She was lost in my own mind. “What could I have done to save the relationship?” She thought to herself. Moira knew she had made a mistake the night before but she couldn’t understand why Adam had to break up with her over the situation.

The night before Adam and Moira had been at a big high school party. She had no idea who most of the people at the party were but she tried to be polite and outgoing so she went up and introduced myself to people with Adam. Everytime he went to introduce her to one of his friends he would put his arms around Moira and have a smile on his face as he called her his girlfriend. She loved the way he would look at me with his big brown eyes and bright cheery smile. She couldn’t help but feel butterflies in her stomach every time he seemed proud to call her his girlfriend.

A few hours into the party Adam went outside with a few friends as Moira sat on the couch talking to an ex boyfriend who was now just a good friend and the only one besides Adam that she knew at the party. Codey and her talked about how much they missed hanging out and being friends when he leaned in to give her a hug. His arms were around her while her head was nuzzled in his chest as Adam walked through the door. He stopped and stared at Moira and Codey. She knew the scene had to look bad to him. Moira walked up to him and tried to explain. “Codey was just giving me a hug! I promise.” she said. “Whatever Moira. I don’t care. Just get away from me.” He said in a low voice. “But Adam please just listen to me. I know it probably looked bad but it wasn’t what it seemed like.” Moira yelled. “I walked out of the room for two minutes and you’re already flirting and on your ex boyfriend. You should leave.” Adam yelled back. Codey and everyone else at the party sat and watched as the scene unfolded. Moira walked out of the room while tears streamed down my face. She felt as if everyone at the party was staring at her with mean glares. She knew Adam and her had only been dating for three months but she was closer to him than anyone. Moira had known him for years and was close to his family. She couldn’t imagine not having him in my life. She felt as if someone was hitting her chest and causing a deep pain in her heart. Moira had never had my heart broken before but she knew this is what it had to feel like.

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