As the Petals Fall | Teen Ink

As the Petals Fall

May 23, 2014
By Aine McNulty BRONZE, Los Gatos, California
Aine McNulty BRONZE, Los Gatos, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Diary,
Another day has passed and yet another wedding of my siblings has come and gone. I am now officially the only unwed member of the royal family. Yeah yeah, I know the classic “don't worry! You’re next!” But the thing is, they say that every time. I am the runt child; and don't get me wrong, I’m not small or a weakling but I’m just, how do you say it? “rather undesirable”. Believe me, I’m not just saying that; however people still try to get me to believe otherwise. Yes. I am in fact “rather undesirable.” “Why” you ask? Well, I am not your typical princess. I don't have skinny legs, long blonde hair, a perfect face, blue eyes and a slim ball ready body. Thinking about all that actually makes me laugh.
I am an atypical princess to say the least. Now I’m not saying that I am horrendously ugly, I’m just saying I’m pretty bland, boring, uninviting, and/or unsightly. Whatever suits your fancy. I have large feet and long, awkward shaped legs. I will stop you right there, long legs, against popular belief, are not always an asset; especially when they aren't the skinny little sticks. But I am getting off track. I have fringed brown hair that’s not straight, wavy or curly for that matter, it’s pretty much just frazzled and stubborn. My eyes are kind of brown and green, but it’s not a combination that looks good. It mostly looks like mush. My eyebrows are differently shaped and my lip line is anything but defined. I won't even get into body image because that’s just a whole different story, and frankly, everyone looks at themselves and sees something wrong. Plus, that’s just too cliché to put here in my own diary and make everything else I have already said sound invalid to whoever reads this one day.
Now that I have thoroughly ranted to my own diary about my looks, I should probably explain that I am not, in fact, angry at the world. Usually, believe it or not, I have a quite cheery demeanor and do in fact love the idea of falling in love and being a happy, cheery princess. Personally, I don’t care all that much about looks to begin with. Looks are over prioritized, and I think that’s what really makes someone a good person is their heart and mind. Unfortunately, others don't see it this way and thus, I am alone.
Early the morning after her sister’s wedding, Alex crawled out of bed and tied her hair up into a high bun. She pulled on some jeans and suede ankle boots, put on a grey knit scarf with her plain blue pajama top, and pulled her leather satchel over her head and across her shoulder. The rest of the castle was still sleeping, so she quietly snuck down the large dark hallway off of her room to a spiral stone staircase that lead to a small wooden door with brass hinges. She quietly pushed the door open and walked out into a large garden. There were dozens of different types of flowers and herbs lining the stonewalls and planter boxes. “Hey! Alex!” a voice called from the other side of the wall, “Open the door!” She pranced over to the large wooden gate at the edge of the garden, pushing the ivy aside and opening the latch. “Shhh, you’re going to wake the whole castle!” Alex giggled innocently, as she pulled the heavy door over small mounds of dirt on the ground to make way for her friend to enter.
Through the gate, came a tall boy named Simon. Simon and Alex had become friends much before either of them could remember, playing together in the castle garden; despite the royal family’s disapproval. Simon’s mother, Helena, had worked for the Queen as her personal seamstress, and often brought Simon along, for she had no other place for him to go since she was a single mother. The two children hit it off right away, rolling in the dirt, running through the secret hallways, and whispering all their secrets to one another. Though Alex hadn't noticed, Simon had grown into a handsome young man with sandy brown hair that fell just above his eyebrows and green eyes surrounded by a hazel trim. There was a small scar just above his right eyebrow from when he and Alex went down to the pond when they were twelve, and he fell face first off the ledge into the rocky waters. Simon called it his “battle wound.” He was well built from working around the village, but had a comforting persona and neighborly tone of voice that could make anyone feel comfortable around him.
Simon walked across the garden and picked up two wicker baskets, tossing one at Alex. Simon jokingly filled Alex in on all the gossip as they collected an array of flowers in their baskets. After they sufficiently filled their baskets with a mixture of daisies, peonies, roses, and whatever else could be easily trimmed from the garden, they went back out of the wooden gate onto the dirt path leading into town. The dirt road leads from the back of the castle to the very front entrance of the town, winding around the whole kingdom till it reaches The Hubb, which is the little entrance square with shops, small B&B’s, and taverns. They made this walk rather frequently. It was about three and a half miles long, so it gave them a chance to catch up on all things royal and poor. “Ma tried to set me up with another one of her sewing buddies daughters. again,” Simon would sigh. “I swear everyone in the palace is trying to get me together with that annoying prince from three towns over. They’re here visiting this weekend,” Alex would grumble. It was the usual back and forth about how Simon had no interest in the unintelligent but pretty town girls that were set in front of him, or how frankly none of the princes wanted Alex because of her “somewhat unsightly appearance.” “One day,” Simon declared, “those jerks will see you for the beauty that you really are and they will all be lining up at your doorstep, you just wait.” “I doubt that day is ever going to come,” Alex countered back as usual, but despite how this conversation was always the same, on this most unusual of days, Simon mumbled as they approached The Hubb, “I would.”
Alex didn't think twice about Simon’s additional comment as they walked through the open gates into The Hubb. The Hubb was the central front entrance to the Kingdom. To go anywhere within the gates, The Hubb was the starting point. The kingdom was laid out almost as a tree, the main road running all the way down to the castle with branch streets running off the sides. The Hubb was the stump of the kingdom’s metaphorical tree and was by far, the poorest. Simon and Alex walked down each side of the main road, walking into each tavern, shop, and bed & breakfast, talking with all the owners, customers, and townspeople. Simon carried the baskets and gave out bunches of flowers as they walked and Alex would give a loaf of bread from her satchel to anyone in need. Everyone who saw them greeted them with a cheery smile and a warm hug. “Alexia, without you this kingdom would lack sunshine, we will support you in any endeavor you bring upon this kingdom with happy hearts.” people would acclaim as they sauntered through the town. Alex would smile and wholeheartedly respond with a humble response like “Well now, Clarabeth, the sun just wouldn't rise in the morning if it weren't for sweethearts like you making this town an exceptional place!” Alex was a wonderful princess, and everyone knew it.
In the front room of the castle, five men stood at the grand view window watching the town below, each one, perplexed at the love and devotion shown toward the princess. “They practically bow down before her,” one would say. “They adore her every move!” would come from another. “It is like she can do no wrong!” The men slumped into the velvet chairs around them. The five puzzled men, all leaders of their own kingdoms not too far away, were all completely baffled as to how one young woman could bring a whole kingdom together. The grand doors to the meeting room swung open and all the men snapped to attention. “Well don't look so shocked, this is my castle you are in,” the King joked upon his entrance. “What has got all of you so rattled?” The king questioned as he raised his eyebrow. Many men spoke at once, all trying to ask the main question, “Your daughter, she is amazing with the people, what does she do to make them admire her so highly?” “Ah, my flower, Princess Alexia. Such a kind, charitable soul. She does not do anything. She solely relates with the people and guides them through life, their troubles, their worries. She is the seal that can hold even a shattered foundation together. She is unlike any other. She can guide anyone through the good or the bad. She can give the worst news and sound pleasant. She could rule any kingdom better than many great leaders I have known in my life. Though I must advise you, because I can already tell that you want to marry her off to your sons; she is no toy. She may be kindhearted and sweet, but she is looking for true love; and the heart is nothing to be played with.”
Dear Diary
A strange thing has been happening. I have always been the girl that nobody looks at, and yet, lately there have definitely been people that I have caught their eyes wandering my way. I don't understand, because there has been a strange amount of eligible princes visiting as of late; practically courting me as Simon and I walk down to the castle from The Hubb. The compliment me on my grace and elegance with people. It is a strange feeling. Frankly, I have always been looked over, so all of this attention has me perplexed. Why the sudden influx in suitors? I have even been called beautiful, but as I look in the mirror now I see the same awkward me as there was a few short days ago, and I wouldn't get a second glance from the men who practically bow at my feet now. I am not sure what has changed. I do not see any resolution to this question anytime, so I guess we can only wait and see. Confusion reigns.

Alex awoke to a strong knock on her door mid morning a few days later. A voice yelled through the thick door, “Get up, loser! You’re late!” She rolled over in a daze, blindly searching for the time. “Go awayyyy, I'm sleeping,” she murmured sleepily. Simon pushed through the heavy doors with a shove. “Not a chance sunshine,” he chimed as he dropped a single red rose into a small opaque vase and pulled the large curtains open. Sun streaked into the room, lighting up every corner. He sat down on the sculpted wooden edge of her grandiose bed frame. “It’s a beautiful day, and we are going to take advantage of it,” he chirped effervescently. Alex watched as Simon pulled through the boxes and rows of clothes in her closet. “Geeze how much clothes does one girl need? Look at this stuff, half of it’s ridiculous!” He prodded, jokingly. Alex giggled as he pulled the two simplest things out of her closet, tossing them onto her bed. “You’ve got five minutes,” he warned, “or I'm leaving without you.” With a smirk, he pulled the doors closed.
As she was told, Alex pulled on her plain cream crew neck; old jeans; and worn flats. She scampered through the hallway, down the stairs and into the garden. “With thirty seconds to spare. I’m impressed,” Simon grinned, “I was about to leave without you.” “You wouldn't dare,” Alex countered playfully. The pair took their normal trek to The Hubb, laughing and smiling until their cheeks hurt. Alex loved the way Simon’s eyes crinkled as he smiled and they way he looked in her eyes so intently. She loved how they shared all of their secrets and plans for the future, as they walked arm in arm around the kingdom. She couldn't imagine what life would be like in the boring castle without him, how dull a life she would have led.
Alex laughed as Simon threw the loaf of bread to a young boy like a football. The child practically fell into the bushes right at the entrance, trying not to run into the people standing by. Alex chuckled until she looked up and her eyes fell onto the prince entering through the front gates. She was instantly dazed, bewildered by this unfamiliar face. She felt as though time had slowed as she stared at the compelling face of the unknown man. ‘Who is this man?’ ‘Why is he here?’ Questions staggered through her mind, and she involuntarily wondered how she could meet him. Simon snapped his fingers in front of her face, and Alex snapped out of her serene state. “What’s going on with you? Are you okay?” He questioned. His eyes followed her gaze and his face fell. Alex stumbled to put a sentence together. “Who is that?” she questioned, eyes tracing unknown man’s face. She looked up to Simon, whose eyes were not crinkled and his normal grin, wiped from his face. “He’s uhh, some prince guy,” Simon grumbled, “But I mean, we should really keep going.” “Yeah, yeah sure let’s uhh, keep going.” Alex was flustered and discombobulated. Right as they turned to walk away the man approached and called toward them, “Princess Alexia,” Alex’s whole body froze as she turned to face the man, who was suddenly very close. She now had a good look at him up close; he was about five foot nine, and had light brown hair that was slightly slicked down and combed back to the right. He wore fancy, navy clothes made of a velvet material with a gold trim that wasn't quite long enough on his limbs. Simon almost chuckled, for frankly, this man was nothing special and looked somewhat like a moron; but Alex was enticed as she looked into his eyes. He stuck out his hand and recited a very monotonous line that sounded like he was reading right off of a script. “You are so beautiful, I can only dream to spend a thousand years with you, and even then, I do not know if I could comprehend all of your beauty and grace.” Simon rolled his eyes, sure that Alex would see right through his foolish game. To his surprise, she delicately placed her hand in his, allowing this unknown man to lead her away. Simon stood there, shocked, as he watched his best friend walk off with the prince toward the castle, and toward their futures.
The next few weeks were very different for Alex and Simon. Alex was in a frenzy to throw a very sudden and extravagant wedding, with her so called dream prince. She was running around making decisions on cakes, dresses, and flowers. She was excited for her fairy tale to finally come true, and was loving every minute of it. Simon was living a very different few weeks. He was working hard labor and long hours, tending to all of the heavy lifting in the kingdom. He was tired, worn out, and very melancholy as each day passed that he didn't get to see his best friend. Sadness struck him as he wondered if he would ever even get to see Alex anymore, after the dreaded day of her wedding.
The wedding day quickly approached and Alex was in her room getting ready. She stood in front of a large full length mirror admiring her reflection. She tilted her head, gazing at the low drop in the back of her dress. Her eyes floated over the white beading over the bodice of the tight corset like structure that continued into a large train behind her. Maids and sisters were tending to her every need, pushing small white pins into her hair to hold a veil on her crown, over loose curls pinned up all around her head. The room cleared out and Alex looked in the mirror and sighed. Something didn't feel quite right, but she just couldn't put her finger on it. There was a knock on the door and someone called through. “Alexia! There is a package out here for you.” Alex took the long slender package from outside her door and placed it down on her bureau. ‘It can wait’ she thought, but right as she was about to walk out of the room, silver writing on the note tied to the box caught her eye. “Alex,” it read. Simon was the only one who didn't call her by her full name, so she pulled the box off her bureau and sat down on her bed. She opened the note, and inside was a letter from Simon. It read “To my lovely Alex, It is with my whole heart that I wish you the best in this important step in your life. I am so happy for you and know you will lead a great life with your Prince Charming you have always been dreaming of. I am so sorry that I cannot be there with you today, but I am sure everything will go on just fine without me. I am sure that you look gorgeous in your beaded dress, just as you always planned. I miss you. Forever and always, Simon.” Alex felt a sinking feeling deep in her stomach. She stared at the crafted white embellishments on her bureau in a daze, almost angry at Simon for his absence at such an important time for her. Without even giving a reason! She tossed the note on the floor and pulled the lid off of the box. Inside was a single, beautiful red rose with a long, green stem. Red roses had always been their thing, but for the first time, seeing a red rose, here, in her room without Simon made her progressively sadder the longer she looked at it. She missed Simon. She put the top back on the box and just sat at the end of her bed, deep in thought, until she heard a crisp, three beat knock on her door. Alex snapped to attention, she knew what that knock meant. That knock meant it was time.
Dear Diary,
It has been a long time since I last wrote, so I will recap on the events of my life. To start, I got married almost a year ago now. To be quite honest, it feels as though a millenium has passed since that day. I moved to my husband’s kingdom not long after the wedding, and have mostly stayed there ever since. I was back home for such a short period of time, but I didn't even get to see Simon except for a minute in passing. I miss him dearly. But I mean I can't really complain about life, I am well provided for and taken care of here, but it doesn't quite feel like… home. There is a very small garden with only boring herbs plus one lone red rose that I planted. There are very bland colors throughout the castle. My husband just isn’t quite what I was expecting. I am not even sure what I was expecting, but it definitely wasn’t this. Honestly, he just gets on my nerves, and he is a great man and husband but I am just not sure if he is the man or husband fit for me. So the days are long and the nights are longer, but frankly, I’m just not happy. I know I should be, especially because I received the fairytale that I so long dreamt of, but something is just missing. I don't know what it is, and I’m not sure I will ever know quite what it could possibly be that is holding me back. I guess I will just have to live out my life hoping that one day, I can learn to be happy.
Two months after her first wedding anniversary, Alex was sitting in the study reading a book when a messenger came in holding a package. He handed Alex the parcel and said “I am sorry ma’am, this would have been delivered a few days ago, but I got caught in that terrible storm,” Alex smiled her warm, reassuring smile and reassured the young boy that it was really no trouble. The boy smiled and walked out of the room, leaving Alex alone in the study. Confused, she removed the twine and unveiled a small box. Inside was a small, slightly wilted, red rose. She smiled, knowing it was from Simon, and pulled the stationary from the envelope. As she began to read, the smile quickly fell from her face. Her eyes clung to each word, and she read faster and faster until the words began to run together and her hands began to shake. Her heart pulsed quicker and quicker in her chest. She clenched her fist around the letter, grabbed her jacket from the chair and burst into the hallway. She ran out the back doors towards the barn and through the garden, slowing down for only a moment to grab shears and cut the only red rose from the garden. She slid the rose into her inside jacket pocket for safe keepings and climbed on top of the fastest horse she could find. She immediately sped off down the path toward her home town. Simon’s words were flashing in her mind. Sickness. Her hair whipped her face as it blew around in the blustering winds. It’s really bad Alex. Tears streaked across her face, the wind pushing them back with force. A few more days at most. She let out a scream of agony. If only I could see you it would all be okay. “How could I be so blind?!” she shrieked into the wind. Alex felt the rose pushing against her chest, crushing the petals. Every now and then a petal or two would fall from the bottom of her jacket as she raced against time. My love forever and always, she tried to push Simon’s words to the black hole in the back of her mind before the whole world collapsed on her. She dodged and weaved through the trees, approaching the entrance to The Hubb. “I can make it. I will make it.” she reassured herself over and over again. Her horse raced through the front of the Kingdom down the main stretch, curving off to the right half way down. She reached a small wooden house at the end of the branched off road, and jumped off her horse. She ran toward the door, wiping tears from her face and pulling the rose from her jacket. It was tattered with only one petal left. She reached the door and forced it open. She fell to her knees in the small living room and used what little breath that she had left to muster “Simon, I love you.” The last petal on the rose fell to the ground.

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