Love Letters | Teen Ink

Love Letters

April 24, 2014
By Anonymous

Mrs. Liza Wells
---- S --th Street
Centerville, Iowa 52544
Dear Michael,

How have you been, dear? The news keeps showing awful previews of the war. Little clips of dying young men, always screaming and calling for their mothers. I have no idea how anyone could consider this heroic. My dear, I am not insulting your career choice. Just merely trying to understand why you would like to spend your time in such a horrible place.

Little baby Jack is doing fine. The doctor says he is developing fully and properly. In a few more months, I will surely be able to deliver us a healthy baby boy. Oh, how I hope he is just like you. Beautiful, strong, and brave.

My dearest husband, I love you. Please come home soon.
Best wishes,
Love --XOXO,
Your wife,
1 It took everything in Liza to write the first letter to her new husband, Michael. She felt uncomfortable sending a letter to a secret place she couldn’t even know. But when she let her tears fall onto the envelope as she sprayed the inside with her perfume, she knew that she loved her husband and everything he represented. Even if it was a vicious unneeded war, and she was constantly left all alone.

General Michael Wells, 11th Battalion
Unmarked address
Berlin, USSR

My beautiful Liza,

How can you not support this war? It is the bravest thing our country has ever done. Also, it is not all bad. Some days, we don’t even face any sort of conflict. Those are the days where the whole group just sits in the bunker and enjoys some peace. The men were delighted when my letter came, because I was the first of all of us to get any sort of letter. We all cheered when my envelope came, and a few may have even teared up as I read your letter aloud. I hope you don’t mind that I let the other men hear, we all just need a pick me up some time.

I am so excited to return home and meet baby Jack. Despite what you say, love, I hope he is like you. Determined, willful, and giving. Always putting others before himself.

I love you to the moon and back. I miss you.

2 Michael knew that he was lying through his teeth, and he prayed that Liza could not tell. This war was awful, but he knew that the government was monitoring it. His troops had not received any letters because their families had been killed. He was lucky, really. To have such a beautiful wife with guaranteed safety because of his high ranking, but he knew that the pressure of his constantly dying men would eventually kill him.

Mrs. Liza Wells
---- S --th Street
Centerville, Iowa -----
Dear Michael,

I have heard all about your successes in the war. It is such an honor to be married to a hero like yourself. The war has started to wear on my body, though. Almost as much as Jack has.

He is so big now. Almost four months old. It seems like he grows more and more every day. He looks just like you. Jack makes me miss you bunches. You were supposed to be home months ago, but some things are just worth fighting for, I guess.

I miss you, and I cannot wait for your return.

3 Liza kept telling herself that being married to Michael was her greatest life choice. She tried convincing herself that this marriage was the most important part of Jack’s life. But even she knew this was not true. The vows were much more of a curse than a blessing. Knowing that her once compassionate husband was overseas killing innocent people sickened her. She had no idea how to tell Michael that she no longer wanted to be his backburner life, so she just continued to play along like putty in his hands. She would wait for Michael, as he continued to sign up for extended deployment. Part of her thought that Michael didn’t want to be with her anymore, either. Liza had many other things besides her husband’s military life to worry about. There were just not enough funds to keep her family stable any more with baby Jack around. Soon, she would have to get her own job, which she had never held before. It was about time for Liza to stand on her own two feet.

Mrs. Liza Wells
---- S --th Street
Centerville, Iowa -----
Dear Michael,

I hate to tell you this way, but after you once again not returning, I have decided we should get a divorce. This will be the best for Jack, because it crushes him to not know who his father is or when he is coming home. I promise, you can see him when you return, just not with me.

Best Wishes,


Mrs. Liza Wells
5 S Street
Centerville, Iowa 52544
Dear Mrs. Liza Wells,
I just wanted to write you a quick note to let you know that I've been thinking about you and your family since I learned of General Michael Wells’ death.
There are no words I can offer that will make this any easier, but hopefully just knowing that people care will allow you to lay some of the burdens on us. If you would like me to help in funeral or memorial plans, or with contacting family members, please let me know.
I will leave you here, but please know that I am always available to you if you need me, day or night.
General Josh Rupent, 12 Battalion

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