The night on the mountain train | Teen Ink

The night on the mountain train

May 21, 2014
By Anonymous

The Mountain Train
Tears falling from her eyes of the frequent reminders of the scene she just encountered. Situation after situation enclosing her memory, haunting every second of her thoughts. She hides in the corner of nearest room she ran to. Trying to hold back the tears, she closes her eyes trying to bring back the only memory that brought her happiness… the night on the mountain train. She took a deep breath trying to calm herself. Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. But she could not bring back that lovely memory of that blissful train ride. The tears were still streaming down her bright red face resembling a cloud pouring down rain. She heard her parents enter in the house. Her mom called her. “Emma, where are you? Come here, sweetheart, it’s best to talk about it.” She ignored her mother, though she was longing to cry on a loving shoulder. Again her mother called her, but Emma dare not budge. She did not want to reveal her hiding spot in the room she was in. Then, she heard the soft, comforting voice of her father whisper something to her mother. “Honey, give her some time to grieve, she’s gone through a lot these last couple days. Emma took a deep breath of relief grateful for what her father said. She couldn't face anyone right now, not even her beloved parents. She didn’t understand why her parents still came at every sign of trouble since she was 22, but she was still thankful that her mom and dad still cared. Emma felt herself calming down, her heart still ached, but her tears were diminishing. Her thoughts drifted away to her favorite memory to the night on the mountain train.
“Hurry, honey, we don’t want to miss the train” her fiance shouted. They were headed to the place where her fiance first proposed in crisp frozen winter air of the Alaskan mountains to exchange their vows and rings. “ Luke, how can I miss the day I say ‘I Do’ with the love of my life.” Luke smiled and nodded in agreement. As Emma and Luke pulled up to the newly built train station to board the train, they were fantasizing about their marriage and honeymoon in a lodge in the Alaskan mountains. Emma grabbed her white gown from Luke’s rundown car, once she saw the dress in the boutique she knew it had to be hers. The dress was a ball gown design making her feel as if she was one of her favorite princesses, like the movies she watched as a little girl. The ball gown was pure white like the snow on the peaks of the mountains that would soon be her wedding scene. Her dress also had a sweetheart neckline She was overjoyed that she too would have her fairytale wedding. Both Emma and Luke entered their train car and prepared to leave. The train ride would take them two days to reach the lodge in the Alaskan mountains.
During the train ride Emma noticed Luke was nervous and didn't look so good. She went over and sat next to him on the plush blue couch. She asked him “Honey, are you ok? You seem troubled.” “ Yes sweetie i’m fine,” he responded “just a little nervous for tomorrow evening, you know.” Luke still had a perplexed look on his face as if he was hiding something, so Emma asked him what was wrong again. He would not tell her. After waiting several hours Luke slowly walked over to Emma. “Hey, what do you say if we get married tonight on the train, instead of in three days at the lodge? You have your dress and I have my tux it’s the perfect night to say our vows.” “What, why? I thought the only reason why we were going to the mountains was to get married, not to marry on the train! Where are we going to get flowers, a preacher, and the romantic scenery!” She exploded. Luke tried to calm her down. “None of that matters, but i did happen to notice there was a preacher a couple cars down. Maybe he can marry us? I just can’t wait 3 more days until you become Mrs. Luke Charming.” Emma looked at his begging face with big eyes drawing her to be on his side. She finally agreed on getting married in a couple hours.
Emma started to put on her wedding dress, she took a deep breath realizing her mom and dad wouldn’t be here to enjoy this special moment with her. Luckily the pastor’s wife accompanied her husband, and helped Emma put on her gown. The wife of the pastor complimented on how beautiful it was. Beading, sequins, lace, and sparkles covered her dress making her feel like Cinderella. Emma grabbed her vial and placed it perfectly in her hair. The pastor’s wife and Emma walked out, pretending to be walking down the aisle in a church. Emma and Luke said their vows with tears in their eyes and exchanged their rings and said the most dangerously loving words a person could say, I do.
The next morning Emma awoke, feeling different to be Mrs. Emma Charming but a good different. As soon as she looked towards the window she rushed towards it seeing her favorite part of the train ride the mountains. Being daring Emma stuck her head out of the window to take in the full effect of the scene. The vividly green trees that grew in patches on tops of the mountains kissed with snow blew gracefully in the wind. She looked along the mountains and noticed on the peaks the fluffy pure white snow reminding her of clouds in a perfect blue sky. Taking a deep breath of the fresh crisp cool air she smelled pine as if it was Christmas all over again. Emma pulled her head back inside wondering how things could get any better not knowing what the future foretold.
An hour later they arrived at their destination. The lodge was only a couple streets away. They grabbed their suitcases and started walking toward their mountain lodge. Emma noticed that Luke seemed anxious, sweat was dripping from his forehead and he started biting his fingernails, something he only does when he is nervous. As they walked to the doorstep to their lodge, Emma heard gunshots fired she dropped to the ground covering herself encase there was more fire knowing Luke would do the same. She looked over and she saw blood coming from Luke’s abdomen. She cried out and rushed over to him and put his head in her lap. Crying out in pain and gasping for breath Luke tried saying something to her, but she wouldn’t allow him to waste his last moments of life, but he did anyways. He whispered in gasping breaths “I love you, never forget that.” He took his last breath and his body lay still in her lap. Emma began bawling. Her heart fell into pieces, broken and shattered. She got up and ran inside the lodge in the only room she felt comfort in, the room that would have been for her and Luke. She sat in the corner and began weep while she called for emergency services; she explained to them what had happened. Then Emma called her parents and told them not to come, that there would be no wedding.
Emma awoke from her dream that soon began to be her nightmare as her parents called her name and hugged her trying to offer her comfort, but nothing worked. A piece of her was missing now and she didn’t know if she could ever recover. She still, in her parents arms, weep until no more tears came. But she realized the memory would live on of Luke as long as she remembered the night on the mountain train.

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